陳肯老夫人慟於中華民國一O二年農曆正月初二下午二時二十分壽終內寢,距生於民國八年正月十六日享嵩壽九十有五歲,不孝孫連順率孝眷人等隨侍在側,當即移靈台北市第一殯儀館,親視含殮遵禮成服設靈於龍巖台北會館擇於民國一O二年三月五日農曆正月二十四日星期二上午十時假臺北市第一殯儀館大覺廳設奠家祭公祭,大殮後随即發引火化靈骨安奉於新北市三芝區龍巖白沙灣安樂園。 [祭祖母文]
- Mar 11 Mon 2013 10:36
沉痛悼念敬愛的阿嬤 陳肯老夫人 Painful memory of beloved grandmother to Ms. Chen Kenlao
- Mar 11 Mon 2013 09:31
全台最資深代書國寶級人瑞 孫江淮112歲辭世 Taiwan's most senior scrivener
- Jan 14 Mon 2013 21:43
臺北市信義社區 精武少年武術班 The Taipei Xinyi community Jingwu J
武術薪傳~臺北市信義社區/精武少年武術班:武術對身體各系統機能起良好影響。武術從習武中獲得身心的娛樂性。傳統武術..基本動作訓練:武術的套路運動,它的組成一般地都是取材於各種技擊特點和技擊規律。由於這些技擊特點和技擊規律與人體動態變化的融合,在運動中便展示出許多靜止的和活動的平衡、跳躍、跌撲、滾翻、折迭、旋轉、奔走等技巧。這些技巧在武術運動中起著基本的起伏轉折、竄蹦跳躍的靈巧作用和活潑作用,同時也是武術靜美與動美的基本要素。在基本功的訓練過程中,獲得了身體的伸展、柔韌、靈活、力量等基本素質之後,必然要跨進這個基本動作訓練的階段,在這個階段去學會掌握武術的各種運動技巧,為熟悉武術的徒手和器械等各種套路運動創造條件。基本動作訓練包括平衡、跳躍、跌撲滾翻、折迭旋轉、步法等五個部分。通過這些訓練能夠發展動作的協調性、靈敏性和速度以及肌肉的彈性,能夠培養在運動中保持身體平衡的能力以及在運動中阻止和運用慣性力量的能力。課程簡介:一.少年武術班 1.武術基本功2.北派少林拳套路3.傳統武術(應用與變化) 4.兵器5.傳統武術的實戰訓練 ~真功夫是需要一招一式細心揣摩的,勤學苦練,在實戰中不斷增加經驗,不經過時間的磨礪不可能練出真功夫。拳的用法是拳術之根本,習武之人興趣之所在,最為寶貴、最不應丟棄、更不能忽視的東西,如沒有拳的用法,拳就沒有了靈魂。Martial Arts Legacy to Taipei Community / Jingwu Juvenile Martial Arts Classes: Martial Arts on the function of the various systems of the body play a good impact. Martial arts from the body and mind in the martial arts entertainment. Basic skills of traditional martial arts ..: martial arts routines movement, its composition is based on a variety of martial art features and martial law. Martial characteristics and martial law and the integration of the dynamic changes in the human body in motion will demonstrate many of the balance of still and moving, jumping, or flutter, roll, folding, rotating, running skills. These skills in martial arts movement plays a fundamental turning point in the ups and downs, channeling jump jumping dexterity role and active role, but also the Martial Arts quiet beauty and beauty of basic elements. Training in basic skills, get the body stretching, flexibility, flexibility, power and other basic quality is bound to step into the stage of basic skills, to learn to master the martial arts motor skills at this stage, is familiar with the martial arts unarmed and instruments to create conditions for a variety of routine movement. Basic skills including balance, jumping, or flutter roll, fold rotation, footwork five parts. Through these training development of motor coordination, sensitivity and speed, as well as the elasticity of the muscles, to cultivate the ability to maintain body balance in motion, as well as to prevent movement and the ability to use inertial forces. Course Description: Junior Wushu classes martial arts basic skills. Northern School of Shaolin Boxing Gloves Road 3. Traditional martial arts (application and change) 4. Weapons 5. Traditional martial arts combat training to real effort is needed a move by one and carefully try to figure out the, ground school and worked hard, and growing experience in actual combat, elapsed time sharpen impossible to train a real effort. Fundamental of the usage of boxing is boxing, where people interested in martial arts, the most valuable, and most should not be discarded, something more can not be ignored, such as usage without boxing, boxing there is no soul.
- Jan 10 Thu 2013 12:32
現在我們把一天分為24個小時,而在古代人們則把一天分為12個時辰,也就是兩個小時相當於一個時辰,所以日養生也叫12時辰養生。 12時辰和我們的五臟六腑以及經絡密切相關,在這]2時辰當中,每一個時辰都有一個經、一個臟腑值班,所以,我們要針對每一個不同的時辰來保養其相對的髒腑。
- Oct 24 Wed 2012 09:27
榮偉佛~美國猶他州金剛般若武術學院 monk wise martial art academy~介紹
榮偉佛~猶他州金剛般若武術學院 ~2012年武館舉辦中秋節活動很有中華文化氣分~很精彩,活動內容:有中國傳統書法及中國傳統茶文化的講座、品嘗中國茶等。榮偉佛武館的每一個美國學生都很興奮的在練字,學習到中國傳統書法,及認識中國傳統茶文化,都能夠學習到中華文化。武館舉辦今年這次中秋節活動,美國學生都很高興。
「中秋節」是中國的三大傳統節日(春節、端午節、中秋節)之一。相對於其他兩個節日,「中秋節」的節慶活動就顯得較「安靜」。這可能和古老的月神傳說故事以及「月圓人團圓」的祥和氣氛有關。所以,「中秋節」在中國人的眼裡,是個溫馨和諧、極富詩情畫意的節日,有太多熱鬧的活動來慶祝。 Vajra Prajna Martial Arts Institute Rongwei Buddha to Utah in 2012, martial arts organized by the Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese culture gas separation is very exciting, activities: traditional Chinese calligraphy as well as Chinese traditional tea culture lectures, tasting Chinese tea. Rongwei Buddhist martial arts, American students are very excited about writing characters to learn traditional Chinese calligraphy, and understanding of traditional Chinese tea culture, American students are able to learn the martial arts of Chinese culture are very happy.
- Oct 15 Mon 2012 10:32
2012 暑期回臺習武美籍弟子:周仁宇、周仁安
- Oct 15 Mon 2012 10:15
- Oct 08 Mon 2012 18:01
太極拳與呼吸Taijiquan and breathing
- Oct 02 Tue 2012 21:22
新秀閣溫泉位於,近北投博物館,北投文物館,北投公園,地熱谷,梅庭,渡假優質選,泡湯行家一定來,獨特青磺溫泉~50年歷史的日式風格溫泉飯店。日式風格100%純天然白磺泉,獨特和風庭園造景,讓您放鬆身心,泡原汁原湯的青磺泉或體驗老北投的懷舊風味,這兒可是最佳選擇。2012年10月2日~嘯玄.Rookie Pavilion Spa is located near Beitou Museum, the Folk Arts Museum, Beitou Park, geothermal valley, Mei Ting, resort quality election bathing connoisseur must to unique green sulfur hot springs to 50-year-old Japanese-style hot spring hotel. Japanese-style 100% natural white sulfur springs, unique Japanese garden landscaping, so you can relax., Green sulfur springs bubble juice soup or experience the nostalgia of old Beitou flavor here, but the best choice. October 2, 2012 ~ tsunami mysterious 58-year-old
- Oct 02 Tue 2012 10:46