目前分類:師承傳授 (32)
- Oct 25 Sun 2015 18:48
查拳 - 技法特点 Boxing - Technical Characteristics
- Oct 15 Thu 2015 09:11
查拳~四路查拳-拳譜Quad boxing - boxing spectrum
- Sep 21 Mon 2015 00:11
陳雲慶先生~「武」「憶」~(回憶錄 )Mr. Chen Yunqing ~ "martial" "memory" - memoirs
「武」 「憶」 (回憶録)
- Aug 17 Mon 2015 16:12
八卦飛龍雙劍"Nosy dragon swords"
- Apr 21 Tue 2015 12:10
"孫臏之印"~流傳數千年,孫臏顯神跡"Sun Bin's seal" - spread for thousands of years, signs and Sun Bin
- Apr 09 Thu 2015 16:16
- Apr 06 Mon 2015 12:04
2015年美國猶他州武術會-享譽全美各州Utah Martial Arts will - renowned US states
在剛結束的2015年3月14日,第23屆加州大學柏克萊分校的中國武術比賽中(The 23th Annual Chinese Martial Art Tournament),吸引全美各州武術館校,共500多名武術選手參加。加州大學柏克萊分校舉辦中國武術比賽具有特殊的意義。每屆比賽都有多名美國國家武術隊和來自中國的現役武術隊員參加競技。猶他州金剛般若武術學院總教練:榮偉佛帶領運動員參賽,成績斐然獲得了8金. 3銀. 7銅~優異成績~如下。
Brent Hall
-Traditional Short Weapon, Gold
- Jan 19 Mon 2015 12:21
形意拳 Xingyiquan
形意拳第三代宗師 李存義( 1847 至 1921 ) Xingyiquan third-generation master Li Cun-yi( 1847 至 1921 )
形意拳,發源於山西。由姬隆豐傳於山西太谷戴龍邦,及河南馬學禮;戴龍邦又傳河北涂州李洛能;於是形意拳在國內分別為山西,河南、河北三大主脈。李洛能傳郭雲深劉奇蘭;劉奇蘭,傳李存義先生等。其中最足道者:在滿清咸豐年間郭雲深先生,與八卦傳授人董海川先生,在京都比武三日,互相訂交,所以郭雲深先生擅形意之名,譽滿兩京。惟郭雲深先生尚僅習得形意拳五行,連環,及十二形之半,後由李存義先生,重訪山西太谷,始得全藝而歸,於是形意拳在河北一脈中,補足了形意十二形、安身砲、雜式錘、八式等。形意拳屬河北一脈之能發揚光大著,李存義先生之功不小。 李存義,原名存毅,字肅堂,後改名存義,字忠元。生於清道光二十七年 (1847). 河北省深縣南小營村人。少時家貧,以幫人趕車為生。及長習長短拳技並周遊各地。中年師形意拳名家劉奇蘭學藝,後至京與程庭華等為友,並兼從董海川習八卦掌。其八卦掌技藝多為程庭華所授。曾任兩江總督督標把總,後至保定開設萬通鏢局,兼收徒授藝。 1900 年,以 53 歲之齡,毅然投身義和團,手持單刀上陣,奮起抗擊外敵,一時間 " 單刀李 " 之名,不脛而走。晚年棄鏢行,專志授徒。宣統三年 (1911) ,與葉雲表在津創辦中華武士會。後任教上海精武體育會、南洋公學院 ( 交通大學前身 ) 等地。生前于北方武術界威望甚高。 1921 年去世,終年 74 歲。著名弟子有黃柏年、郝恩光、尚雲祥、馬玉堂、李星階、傅劍秋、陳泮嶺等多人。一代武術宗師陳泮嶺先生(一八九二至一九六七)Generation of martial arts master Mr. Chen Panling (1,892 to 1,967)形意拳為內家三拳之一,打法多直行直進,與八卦之橫走,太極之中定有顯著之差別.陳泮嶺宗師為李存義先生之關門弟子,北大學生時期即利用課餘時間前往李老隱居之山上從學,鑽研形意門之拳械功夫.形意拳本名心意六合拳或意拳,由明末武將山西姬隆豐所創,姬隆豐擅大槍,由槍法變拳法,且融入少林拳精華,創五行十形之心意六合拳.而後河北李洛能將心意拳改稱形意拳,風格也與原心意拳不同.原心意拳者多弓步側身,形意拳則為特有之三七步,而增,鼉兩形為十二形拳.形意拳者,象形取意,老祖宗的哲學觀中,五行金,水,木,火,土為天地之組成元素,由易之無極生太極兩儀四象後,再形成五行,談中國玄學山醫命卜相則不能不論五行,老祖宗以五行來分類天地萬物,堪輿學中以陽宅外觀分類為五形宅,論其生剋制化,而拳法家將拳勢歸類為五行,如鶴拳的五形手.而形意拳祖宗將攻守之法分為五行即劈,躦,崩,砲,橫.另外形意拳即為由槍所創之拳,則與槍法又脫不了關係,五行拳勢中,具備槍法攔拿札之意,以滾動之渾圓力為主,有壓,挑,劈,崩,進,抖等等槍法之術。而形意拳於五行之基礎外,又加十二形之飛禽走獸,所謂天地五行,萬物十二形之組合,五行則東方甲乙木,南方丙丁火,中央戍己土,西方庚金辛,北方壬癸水為十天干之數,十二形則十二地支之數.中國人有十二生肖象十二時辰,形意以十二拳龍形,虎形,猴形,馬形,猴形,鼉形,雞形,鷂形,燕形,蛇形,形,鷹形,熊形,然萬物莫不由天地陰陽五行之氣所化,因此十二形之基礎在於五行拳,而五行又由四象,三才,兩儀,太極所生,因此五行拳之基在於三體式,形意之五行十二形諸拳式莫不由三體式所化.如三體式化作劈拳,劈拳有正劈拳與反劈拳,龍形,鷹形即反劈掌所化.形意拳中五行為正,而十二形為奇,奇正相生,循環無端.而形意拳託附達摩,岳武穆所創是否如此,習者不必追究,交給歷史學家去考證,所謂達摩西來一字無,全憑心意用功夫,任何學問莫不由心意而成就.故古人推功於達摩,岳飛等的精神罷了.形意拳之短打直進用於戰陣中最為適合,無花俏之招法,長勁亦是最快.兩軍交戰,千軍萬馬中,要能有閃轉騰挪之地不易,只有直行直進,走亦打,打亦走.如黃河之決堤.因此陳泮嶺宗師早年曾將形意拳送軍中審核為莒拳之戰鬥拳技.形意拳之傳授僅習五行與七星連環拳,李存義先生雖補足形意門之拳藝,然其教授僅注重五行與連環.五行與連環可謂形意拳必修之科目,而十二形拳古之形意名家有僅習一形或數形者,因十二形是進階之科目,無五行之基礎,十二形無法練好,五行練得好,對於十二形則能易於體會.古云教拳不教步,教步打師父,七星連環有形意步法與身法奧妙,有迷蹤拳之稱。陳泮嶺先生在台中市模範農場傳授國術長達十八年。從學者,成立「九九健身會」於台中市農場Mr. Chen Panling teach martial arts as long as eighteen years in Taichung model farm. From academics, set up a "ninety-nine Fitness Club" in Taichung City FarmXingyiquan, originated in Shanxi. By Ji Long Feng pass on Taigu Dailong Bang, and Henan Ma Xueli; Dai Longbang they pass Hebei Tu Li Luoneng state; in the country were so xingyiquan Shanxi, Henan, Hebei and the three main veins. Li Luoneng pass GAVIN deep 刘奇兰; Liu Qilan, Mr. Chuan Li Cun-yi and so on. One of the most adequate way: In a Manchu emperor Xianfeng Mr. Guo Yunshen, and gossip teach people Mr. Dong Haichuan, Kyoto contest in three days, intersect each other, so Mr. Guo Yunshen trespassing Xingyi name, famous both Beijing. But Mr. Guo Yunshen yet learned Xingyiquan only five elements, comic, and 12 form the half, after by Mr. Li Cunyi revisit Taigu, may only full arts and go, so xingyiquan a vein in Hebei, make up the Xingyi 12 shapes, shelter guns, miscellaneous hammer, eight style and so on. Xingyiquan is Hebei flourish with a pulse of energy, the work of Mr. Li Cunyi not small.Li Cun Yi, formerly kept Yi, the word Su Tong, later renamed Cun-yi, word Zhong Yuan. Born in Qing dynasty 27 years (1847). Deep South County, Hebei Province, a small village people. Came from a poor family, in order to help people living coachman. And long practice and traveled throughout the length of boxing skills. Xing Yi Quan Liu Qilan famous middle-aged teacher apprenticeship, then to Beijing and Chengting Hua as the Friends, and chief learning from DongHaiChuan Bagua. Bagua their skills for more 程庭华 granted. Former Governor Governor Jiang two standard to the total, after opening to Baoding MassMutual Escort, and more experienced Shouyi. In 1900, at the age of 53, decided to join the Boxers, handheld single-handedly battle, rose up against foreign enemies, for a time, "single-handedly Lee" in the name, spread like wildfire. Biaohang abandoned old age, special Chi apprentices. Xuantong three years (1911), and Ye Jin was founded in Hua Wushi table meeting. After teaching Shanghai Jingwu Sports Association, Nanyang Academy (formerly Jiaotong University) and other places. Martial arts during his lifetime in the northern high prestige. Died in 1921, aged 74 years. Cork's famous disciples, the Haoen Guang, Shang Yunxiang, Ma Yutang, Li Xing bands, Fujian Qiu, Chen Pan Ling, and many others.Xing Yi Quan is one of three punches within the family, play more straight straight, and go cross gossip, will have a significant difference between being Taiji. Chen Pan Ling close adviser to Mr. Li Cunyi the disciples, Peking University students during the after school hours that go Li Lao mountain hideaway from the school, studying martial arts fist weapon Xingyi door. Liuhe Quan Xing Yi Quan, whose real name or Yiquan mind, by the late Ming generals created by Shanxi Ji Long Feng, Ji Long Feng good at the big guns, marksmanship change from boxing, and into the essence of Shaolin boxing, a form of the five elements ten Antique boxing. Luo Li Xinyi can then renamed Hebei Xingyiquan, style is also different from the original Xinyi. Xinyi were more original lunge sideways, xingyiquan was unique of three seven-step, while increasing, lizard-shaped two twelve-shaped punches. Xingyiquan who intended to take pictograms, philosophy of our ancestors, the five elements of metal, water, wood, fire and earth as an integral element of heaven and earth, after the Promise of Health Tai Chi Liang Yi Yi four images, and then the formation of the five elements, to talk about China Hill Medical metaphysics can not regardless of the phase of life Bu yang, the five elements of our ancestors to the classification of all things, the appearance of geomancy to be classified as five-shaped mansion house, 's Health and restraint,The boxing family will Quanshi classified as five elements, such as crane fist five shaped hands. And xingyiquan fathers will be divided into five elements of the law that is offensive and split, education was, collapse, guns, horizontal. Also created by Xing Yi Quan is the Fist by gun, then they can not avoid and marksmanship, Five Quan Shi, and have stopped to take marksmanship Sapporo meaning, with rounded scroll the main force, there is pressure, pick, split, collapse , forward, shaking. . . Etc. marksmanship of surgery. And on the basis of the five elements of Xingyiquan, but also added 12 shapes of animals, a combination of the so-called five elements of earth, of all things 12 shapes, the five elements of the Orient B wood fire Bingding south central garrison has been soil, Western Jin Xin Geng, Jen-kuei water for ten days dry north of the number, 12 shapes the number of the twelve Earthly Branches. Chinese people like the 12 hour zodiac, twelve Xingyi boxing dragon, tiger-shaped, monkey-shaped, horse-shaped, monkey-shaped, lizard-shaped chicken shaped, Kite, Yan-shaped, serpentine, shape, eagle-shaped bear-shaped, and then everyone all of the gas from the world of yin and yang,Therefore, it is to form the basis of twelve five elements boxing, but also by the four images of the five elements, the three powers, Liang Yi, Tai Chi born, so that the three groups of five elements boxing style, Xingyi Five of 12 shapes of various boxing style everyone from the three-body technology. Such as the three-body turned Piquan, there are rips rips and anti Piquan, dragon, eagle shaped by technology that is anti Pizhang. Five xingyiquan positive behavior, while 12 shapes as odd, strange being with students, gratuitous circulation. The attached Dharma xingyiquan care, whether created by Yuewu Mu so, learning does not have to be investigated, to the historians to research, called Da Moxi to the word no, depends on the mind with the effort, but the mind of any learning achievement by everyone . Therefore, in the spirit of the ancients push power Bodhidharma, Yue Fei Bale. Xingyiquan the bunt straight for the war to the most suitable, no bells and whistles of the tactics, long-Jin is also the fastest. Two armies at war, a mighty force, we should be able to have a flash turn maneuvers land is not easy, and only straight straight, go also to play, go play also. Such as the Yellow River burst its banks.So Chen touts his early years in the audit will xingyiquan send troops to fight Ju boxing boxing skills. The only study to teach Xingyiquan Five and Seven series fists, although Mr. Li Cunyi Xingyi boxing arts complement the door, and then only pay attention to the five elements and their professor chain. Five of the chain can be described as xingyiquan compulsory subjects, while twelve fist Xingyi famous ancient practice has only one shape or form by number, because the advanced form of twelve subjects, no basis of the five elements, the second form can not be Enhancing the five elements turn out good, then for 12 shapes can be easily experience. Guyun teach boxing do not teach step, playing teacher to teach step, seven serial tangible meaning footwork and agility secret, there Behind boxing said。陳泮嶺先生在台中市模範農場傳授國術長達十八年。從學者,成立「九九健身會」於台中市農場Mr. Chen Panling teach martial arts as long as eighteen years in Taichung model farm. From academics, set up a "ninety-nine Fitness Club" in Taichung City Farm
- Jan 07 Wed 2015 12:14
三 才 劍 譜Sancaijianpu
1970年 高芳先宗師~台中公園國術練習場,傳授 [ 三才劍 ] 1970 high-aryl first martial arts master - Taichung Park Driving Range, teach [with God Sword]~傳承自北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先將軍 一、源流
- Sep 27 Sat 2014 20:07
抗日英雄 高芳先將軍《嶗山之獅》 Anti- day hero Gao Fang check first 《lion of Lao mountain 》
抗日英雄 高芳先將軍珍貴相片!※相片來源~ Anna Kao 保留收藏 ※
- Sep 15 Mon 2014 20:29
2014年猶他州金剛般若武術學院 ~中秋節活動In 2014 Utah gold just sort if college of martial arts~Mid-Autumn Festival activity
2014年猶他州金剛般若武術學院 ~武館舉辦中秋節活動很有中華文化氣分~很精彩,活動內容:有中國傳統書法及中國傳統茶文化的講座、品嘗中國茶,今年比往常多了 猜謎語 中國甜點等。武館的每一個美國學生都很興奮,認識中國傳統茶文化,都能夠學習到中華文化。武館舉辦這次中秋節活動,美國學生都很高興。「中秋節」是中國的三大傳統節日(春節、端午節、中秋節)之一。相對於其他兩個節日,「中秋節」的節慶活動就顯得較「安靜」。這可能和古老的月神傳說故事以及「月圓人團圓」的祥和氣氛有關。所以,「中秋節」在中國人的眼裡,是個溫馨和諧、極富詩情畫意的節日,有太多熱鬧的活動來慶祝。In 2014 Utah gold just sort if college of martial arts~Mid-Autumn Festival activity:In 2014 Utah gold just sort if college of martial arts~Wu Guan held the activity in Mid-Autumn Festival to have much of China culture spirit for cent~very fascinating, movable content:had Chinese traditional calligraphy and traditional tea cultural lecture in China and tasted Chinese tea, this year compare usually many guess riddle Chinese dessert etc..Wu Guan's each American student can learn China culture to is all very excited, realize Chinese traditional tea culture.Wu Guan holds this Mid-Autumn Festival activity, American student is all very happy."The Mid-Autumn Festival" is one of three big traditional festivals(Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival) of Chinas.BE more opposite than two other festivals, the festival activity in"the Mid-Autumn Festival" seems to be more "calmness".This probably and the ancient month God spread to tell a story and the peaceful atmosphere of"month circle the person is reunited" is relevant.So, "the Mid-Autumn Festival" is in the Chinese eye and is sweet harmony and really enrich the festival of poetry painting idea, there are too many activities of jollifications to celebrate.
- Jun 19 Thu 2014 08:43
2014年美國加州國際武術錦標賽圓滿落幕2014 California International Wushu Cham
2014 年6月15日,一年一度的美國加州國際武術錦標賽在聖河西市獨立高中體育館圓滿落幕。來自國際和全美各地的36個參賽隊伍,395名運動員參加了這一大賽。這一賽事是國際健身氣功聯合會和美國國際武術總會的授權的官方賽事,比賽期間多位國際武術界的重量級任務參加,亞洲武聯技術委員會主席,中國武術協會副主席陳國榮,亞洲武伊朗武術協會主席穆罕默德,36個國際和國家級武術比賽金牌,中國武術界獲獎最多的運動員有太極王子之稱的陳思坦和太極皇后之稱的高佳敏老師也帥隊參賽並參加"
- Feb 28 Fri 2014 23:39
靜坐~ 禪修開示(全)-Meditation - meditation teachings
2014年美國猶他州 http://monkwise.com/ 金剛般若武術學院~兒童武術~頒發武術金牌 ,2014 Utah Vajra Prajna Martial Arts Academy - Martial Arts Kids Martial Arts - awarded medals
- Feb 25 Tue 2014 12:13
黃連順入室弟子~榮偉佛入選2014選美國國家武術隊The golden thread fluently becomes real expert
- Jan 10 Fri 2014 09:50
民國103年,歲未年初 台灣精武~新展望 In Year 103 of the Republic of China, year old don't Taiwanese Jing is martial at the beginning of the year~new prospect
台灣精武體育會 成立創建於1996年1月27日 ,成立致力保存中華國術(武術),回憶往日的風采,願心為台灣國術文化~傳承更使傳統國術藝術深耕於台灣及海外。弟子們亦能體會師長薪傳的苦心,為海外以及國內年輕一代具有發揚並傳承傳統國術文化能力的一群,能為傳統國術留下了火種,研發國術新生命,使傳統國術文化可以延續下去。真功夫傳承是需要一招一式細心揣摩的,勤學苦練,在實戰中不斷增加經驗,不經過時間的磨礪不可能練出真功夫。拳的用法是拳術之根本,習武之人興趣之所在,最為寶貴、最不應丟棄、更不能忽視的東西,如沒有拳的用法,拳就沒有了靈魂。生命的旅程中能有今日的成就,要感激的人太多,懷著回饋感恩的心,進一己棉薄之力,為國術薪火相傳而努力,傳承的大事是畢生志願,對後輩的教導,是責無旁貸的任務,也是心靈豐滿喜悅的來源.付出越多,收穫越大,生命是一個大圓滿大太極,愛別人就是愛自己,付出什麼,收到就是什麼。Taiwan's Chin Woo Athletic Association was founded was founded in January 27, 1996, the establishment dedicated to the preservation of Chinese martial arts (wushu), memories of past style, vow to Taiwan martial arts culture - heritage, more traditional martial arts, artistic roots in Taiwan and overseas. Disciples can also appreciate the teachers Heritage pains, for overseas and domestic younger generation has to carry forward and pass a group of traditional martial arts, cultural competence, and can leave the fire for the traditional martial arts, developed the martial arts new life, the traditional martial arts culture can continue. Real effort is needed to carefully one by one and try to figure out, hard work and practice, increasing in actual combat experience, honed time without really impossible to practice the martial arts. Fist of usage is fundamental boxing, martial arts person of interest lies, the most valuable and most should not be discarded, but can not ignore something, if there is no usage of boxing, boxing, there is no soul.Life's journey can be accomplished today, too many people to thank, With a grateful heart back into handedly thin cotton for martial arts Passing the torch efforts, heritage events are lifelong volunteer, to teach the younger generation , is the responsibility of the task, but also a source of spiritual fullness of joy. paying more, harvest the larger circle of life is a big big tai chi, love others is to love yourself, to pay what, what is received.
- Jan 09 Thu 2014 13:09
美國入室弟子:Adam Woolsey 亞當 .入室弟子:榮偉佛 海外宏揚國粹 American disciple: Adam Woolsey Adam disciple: Rongwei promote the quintessence of the Buddha overseas
美國入室弟子:Adam Woolsey 亞當~海外宏揚國粹American disciples: Adam Woolsey Adam ~ Overseas hongyang quintessence
本門海外武術入室弟子榮偉佛宏揚國粹 This overseas martial arts disciple Rong Weifu propagates the national essence
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 21:59
北投社大2014年太極拳氣功班聚餐~ 謝師12月25日Beitou WCC 2014 Taiji Qigon
北投社大2014年太極拳氣功班聚餐~ 謝師12月25日Beitou WCC 2014 Taiji Qigong class teacher appreciation dinner - December 25 【采豐餐廳】隱身捷運局北投會館內‧讓人驚艷的好滋味~口味非常好的川菜館!北投會館座落在綠意盎然的關渡平原, 原為臺北市政府捷運工程局規劃員工訓練及運動的場所,現對外開放, 但是大家都知道關渡平原可是一望無際的空曠,換句話說北投會館的位置真的有點偏僻,就是在大家常說的北投機場旁邊。
北投社大2014年太極拳氣功班聚餐~ 謝師12月25日Beitou WCC 2014 Taiji Qigong class teacher appreciation dinner - December 25Beitou WCC 2014 Taiji Qigong class teacher appreciation dinner - good taste December 25 [mining] Fung Restaurant stealth Transit Authority will Beitou ‧ amazing museum ~ taste very good Sichuan restaurant! Beitou inn is situated in the green Guandu Plain, former Taipei City Government Mass Rapid Transit Bureau planning staff training and sports venues, is now open, but we all know that, but the vast expanse of the Guandu Plain open, in other words Beitou Hall location was a bit remote, that is, we often say Beitou airport nearby.
- Jan 14 Mon 2013 21:43
臺北市信義社區 精武少年武術班 The Taipei Xinyi community Jingwu J
武術薪傳~臺北市信義社區/精武少年武術班:武術對身體各系統機能起良好影響。武術從習武中獲得身心的娛樂性。傳統武術..基本動作訓練:武術的套路運動,它的組成一般地都是取材於各種技擊特點和技擊規律。由於這些技擊特點和技擊規律與人體動態變化的融合,在運動中便展示出許多靜止的和活動的平衡、跳躍、跌撲、滾翻、折迭、旋轉、奔走等技巧。這些技巧在武術運動中起著基本的起伏轉折、竄蹦跳躍的靈巧作用和活潑作用,同時也是武術靜美與動美的基本要素。在基本功的訓練過程中,獲得了身體的伸展、柔韌、靈活、力量等基本素質之後,必然要跨進這個基本動作訓練的階段,在這個階段去學會掌握武術的各種運動技巧,為熟悉武術的徒手和器械等各種套路運動創造條件。基本動作訓練包括平衡、跳躍、跌撲滾翻、折迭旋轉、步法等五個部分。通過這些訓練能夠發展動作的協調性、靈敏性和速度以及肌肉的彈性,能夠培養在運動中保持身體平衡的能力以及在運動中阻止和運用慣性力量的能力。課程簡介:一.少年武術班 1.武術基本功2.北派少林拳套路3.傳統武術(應用與變化) 4.兵器5.傳統武術的實戰訓練 ~真功夫是需要一招一式細心揣摩的,勤學苦練,在實戰中不斷增加經驗,不經過時間的磨礪不可能練出真功夫。拳的用法是拳術之根本,習武之人興趣之所在,最為寶貴、最不應丟棄、更不能忽視的東西,如沒有拳的用法,拳就沒有了靈魂。Martial Arts Legacy to Taipei Community / Jingwu Juvenile Martial Arts Classes: Martial Arts on the function of the various systems of the body play a good impact. Martial arts from the body and mind in the martial arts entertainment. Basic skills of traditional martial arts ..: martial arts routines movement, its composition is based on a variety of martial art features and martial law. Martial characteristics and martial law and the integration of the dynamic changes in the human body in motion will demonstrate many of the balance of still and moving, jumping, or flutter, roll, folding, rotating, running skills. These skills in martial arts movement plays a fundamental turning point in the ups and downs, channeling jump jumping dexterity role and active role, but also the Martial Arts quiet beauty and beauty of basic elements. Training in basic skills, get the body stretching, flexibility, flexibility, power and other basic quality is bound to step into the stage of basic skills, to learn to master the martial arts motor skills at this stage, is familiar with the martial arts unarmed and instruments to create conditions for a variety of routine movement. Basic skills including balance, jumping, or flutter roll, fold rotation, footwork five parts. Through these training development of motor coordination, sensitivity and speed, as well as the elasticity of the muscles, to cultivate the ability to maintain body balance in motion, as well as to prevent movement and the ability to use inertial forces. Course Description: Junior Wushu classes martial arts basic skills. Northern School of Shaolin Boxing Gloves Road 3. Traditional martial arts (application and change) 4. Weapons 5. Traditional martial arts combat training to real effort is needed a move by one and carefully try to figure out the, ground school and worked hard, and growing experience in actual combat, elapsed time sharpen impossible to train a real effort. Fundamental of the usage of boxing is boxing, where people interested in martial arts, the most valuable, and most should not be discarded, something more can not be ignored, such as usage without boxing, boxing there is no soul.
- Oct 24 Wed 2012 09:27
榮偉佛~美國猶他州金剛般若武術學院 monk wise martial art academy~介紹
榮偉佛~猶他州金剛般若武術學院 ~2012年武館舉辦中秋節活動很有中華文化氣分~很精彩,活動內容:有中國傳統書法及中國傳統茶文化的講座、品嘗中國茶等。榮偉佛武館的每一個美國學生都很興奮的在練字,學習到中國傳統書法,及認識中國傳統茶文化,都能夠學習到中華文化。武館舉辦今年這次中秋節活動,美國學生都很高興。
「中秋節」是中國的三大傳統節日(春節、端午節、中秋節)之一。相對於其他兩個節日,「中秋節」的節慶活動就顯得較「安靜」。這可能和古老的月神傳說故事以及「月圓人團圓」的祥和氣氛有關。所以,「中秋節」在中國人的眼裡,是個溫馨和諧、極富詩情畫意的節日,有太多熱鬧的活動來慶祝。 Vajra Prajna Martial Arts Institute Rongwei Buddha to Utah in 2012, martial arts organized by the Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese culture gas separation is very exciting, activities: traditional Chinese calligraphy as well as Chinese traditional tea culture lectures, tasting Chinese tea. Rongwei Buddhist martial arts, American students are very excited about writing characters to learn traditional Chinese calligraphy, and understanding of traditional Chinese tea culture, American students are able to learn the martial arts of Chinese culture are very happy.
- Oct 15 Mon 2012 10:32
2012 暑期回臺習武美籍弟子:周仁宇、周仁安