"孫臏之印"~流傳數千年,孫臏顯神跡"Sun Bin's seal" - spread for thousands of years, signs and Sun Bin
據司馬遷的《史記》記載,孫臏在魏國被師兄龐涓陷 ,遭受酷刑,被剜去了膝蓋骨(髕骨)。受刑后的孫臏終日裝瘋,以求蒙混逃脫,相傳這套武術就是他在裝瘋時創練的,因為當時髕骨已失、步伐蹣跚,孫臏拳的腿法就被冠以“蹣跚步”的名稱。“蹣跚步”步法獨特,為其他門派所無。雖然螳螂拳的“入環步”與其有幾分相似,但本質終是不同。故《拳譜》中有“孫臏步法世間稀,拔跟掀腳不為奇,雙掌旋轉似乾坤,兩腿蹣跚跛行蹲”的記載,這短短四句,道出了蹣跚步的所有奧秘。“蹣跚步”固然神奇,但也離不開精妙的手上功夫。孫臏拳的拳法便講究“以迂為直”, 強調出拳走曲不走直,有時一拳打出,看似偏離卻總能繞回擊中對手。這種曲線出拳,有時又表現在不招不架、轉攻為守上面,倉促間使對手無法應變。孫臏拳有“小架”、“大架”、“散手”3套拳法,總計365手。拳法多為凌厲、猛烈的招式,講究連環速攻,以“一掌不到二掌跟,三掌四掌齊跟進”的緊迫逼人氣勢打擊敵人。除了拳法凌厲以外,孫臏拳更是將兵法的虛虛實實運用在招式變化上,因此它的拳法總是詭異難測。當武者對決時,孫臏拳高手往往會採取“圓、角、線、點”等戰術,以左晃右移的蹣跚步在對手身邊不停地畫弧走圓,用側身迎敵,搶佔角度和先機。瞅準時機,蓄千鈞于一發,以一發而制敵。
Warring States period strategist Sun Bin legendary life, "Tian Ji's horse", "Weiweijiuzhao" along with brothers Pang Juan wits deeds, are still widely read later.
Surprisingly, the slashing of Sun Bin kneecap actually bit pregnant or martial arts stunt master. His name in boxing in Shandong Sun Bin spread millennium, ancient and mysterious.
Sun Bin teach boxing very strict body granted mainly by word of mouth, almost no written records, always dressed in mystery. Today, with an increasingly open society, people were able to see the true capacity of boxing Sun Bin, many specific techniques gradually known.
Akira right left tottering steps, imitating the lame man standing Sun Bin fist in the martial arts also known as "long-sleeved fist." Wide and long sleeves because of the ancients, the boxing took advantage of this feature, practitioners hidden hand sleeve, the actual situation unpredictable, strange changes.
In addition to the hidden fist sleeves, Sun Bin biggest feature is its fist leg - faltering steps. Faltering step "also known as" Sun Bin step ", practitioners deliberately legs with folders, hidden in the crotch in. With a knee against the inside of the other knee, feet into the weird" T "shape, when the right action Akira left , like the lame man barely standing around. Thus, both martial arts narrowed the area to meet the enemy, and the formation of a stable footwall triangle. This step looks very strange, but its origin was closely linked with the experience of Sun Bin.
According to Sima Qian's "Historical Records" record, Sun Bin Pang Juan brothers were trapped in the Wei, tortured, was cut out to the kneecap (patella). Sun Bin tortured day after faking his illness, in order to escape the muddle, this martial arts legend is his practice when creating faking his illness, because at that time the patella lost, staggering pace, Sun Bin fist leg was dubbed "faltering step" of name. "Faltering step" footwork unique as no other martial art. Although the Mantis's "Step into the ring," with its somewhat similar, but the nature of the end is different. Therefore, "boxing spectrum" in the "Sun Bin footwork dilute the world, pulling the foot is not surprising that with the lift, rotate the palms like the universe, squat legs limp limp," the record, this short period of four, tells the faltering steps of all mystery. "Faltering step" of course wonderful, but also inseparable from the exquisite hand effort.Sun Bin boxing boxing will pay attention to the "roundabout straight," stressed the song does not go straight punches go, sometimes punch shot, but always seem to deviate around the comeback opponent. This curve punches, sometimes manifested in not move do not stand, above the defensive to offensive, hurriedly so opponents can not strain. Sun Bin fist "small frame", "large frame", "Sanshou" three sets of boxing, a total of 365 hands. Boxing mostly sharp, violent moves, pay attention to the speed chain attack, to "beat the palm with less than two, three four palm palm Qi follow-up," the urgency of pressing the momentum against the enemy. In addition to boxing sharp, Sun Bin boxing is the art of war falsehoods used in the formulas change, so it's always strange and unpredictable boxing. When the Warrior showdown, Sun Bin boxing experts tend to adopt a "round the corner, lines, dots" and other tactics to sway left faltering step in the right opponent to go around constantly draw a circle arc, with sideways to meet the enemy, seize angle and opportunities. Chouzhunshiji build and supremely in the situation as to the situation as the enemy.