張文廣宗師及張式查拳傳人Zhang Guang Zhang style guru and boxing successor
張文廣宗師及張式查拳傳人Zhang Guang Zhang style guru and boxing successor
陳肯老夫人慟於中華民國一O二年農曆正月初二下午二時二十分壽終內寢,距生於民國八年正月十六日享嵩壽九十有五歲,不孝孫連順率孝眷人等隨侍在側,當即移靈台北市第一殯儀館,親視含殮遵禮成服設靈於龍巖台北會館擇於民國一O二年三月五日農曆正月二十四日星期二上午十時假臺北市第一殯儀館大覺廳設奠家祭公祭,大殮後随即發引火化靈骨安奉於新北市三芝區龍巖白沙灣安樂園。 [祭祖母文]
回想當我初中高中的時候,到底許多的大學課程當中,早已被拉出成為一門獨立的課程,我無緣在學校修習這門科目後來,轉讀神學之後,如同以往能夠固定閱讀有興趣領域的傳統體育學專業及修練武術。 回想我四年的神學院讀哪些科目? 第一學年:社會學,外國語文(英文),哲學概論,宗教學概論,中國宗教發展史,基督教概論,基督宗教史,基督宗教經典概論,道教概論,佛教概論,中國哲學史,心理學,第二學年:宗教專業英文,西洋哲學史,宗教人類學,宗教比較學,道教學與宗教學,佛教學與宗教學,聖經新約概論,第三學年:人生哲學,宗教社會學,比較宗教學專題,宗教學史,人際關係,論文寫作,第四學年:宗教交談,專業倫理,宗教研究與論文寫作。最後神學系修業期滿,經考試成績學分及格,畢業論文經學院學位審查委員會口試通過准予畢業,授予神學士學位。回想我四年的神學修練也寫了很多很棒的屬靈文章,即使到現在,偶爾回想起這件事,心裡還是會有一股悸動。 When recollection my junior middle school high school's time, ..... in the middle of many college courses, already is pulled out into an independent curriculum, I did not have the good fortune in the school to study this subject afterward, after the extension read the theology, was similar to formerly could 夠 fixed reading have the interest domain traditional sports study specialty and repair practices the martial arts. Recalled that which subjects I four year theological school does read? The first school year: Sociology, foreign language (English), philosophy introduction, religious study introduction, Chinese religion history, Christianity introduction, Christ ecclesiastical history, Christ religion classical introduction, Taoism introduction, Buddhism introduction, Chinese philosophy history, psychology, the second schoolyear: Religious specialized English, the Western philosophy history, the religious anthropology, the religious comparison study, says the teaching and the religious study, the Buddha teaching and the religious study, the Holy Bible New Testament introduction, the third school year: Philosophy of life, compared with religious study, religious sociology, compared with religious study topic, religious study history, interpersonal relationship, paper writing, the fourth school year: The religion talks, specialized ethics, religious research and paper writing. Recalled that I four year theology repaired practices also has written many very good is the spirit article, even if to the present, occasionally recalled this matter, will have one to palpitate at heart.
清明節,清明節,英文標準譯名:Tomb-sweeping Day或者Pure Brightness。是中國的二十四節氣之一,每年的陽曆四月五日。由於二十四節氣比較客觀地反映了一年四季氣溫、降雨、物候等方面的變化,所以古代勞動 杜牧的《清明》人民用它安排進行農事活動。《淮南子?天文訓》雲:“春分後十五日,鬥指乙,則清明風至。”按《歲時百問》的說法:“萬物生長此時,皆清潔而明淨。故謂之清明。”清明一到,氣溫升高,雨量增多,正是春耕春種的大好時節。故有“清明前後,種瓜點豆”、“植樹造林,莫過清明”的農諺。可見這個節氣與農業生產有著密切的關係。但是,清明作為節日,與純粹的節氣又有所不同。節氣是我國物候變化、時令順序的標誌,而節日則包含著一定的風俗活動和某種紀念意義。