

p112563928581.jpg張文廣宗師及張式查拳傳人Zhang Guang Zhang style guru and boxing successor

01300000435438130788304366275_s.jpg1994年張文廣宗師指導黃連順查拳1994 Grandmaster Zhang Guang Huang Lianshun boxing guidance

盛行於山東、河北、河南、北京,山西後遍及海內外,尤以在回族中流傳更為廣泛。歷經數百年的實踐和演變,查拳形成了現今的冠縣的張式查拳,冠縣的楊式查拳,任城的“李式”查拳三大流派。三派的套路內容不同,練法也各有其妙,但其拳理相同,其要求也大體一致。查拳的風格特點是:姿勢舒展挺拔,發力迅猛,動靜有致,剛柔兼備,節奏鮮明,步活靈活多變,結構嚴謹,功架整齊。無論往返進退,上下起伏,力求協調配合,整個套路表現出一種瀟灑剽悍矯捷的形態,是長拳類型中較為系統的拳種。查拳是以站樁開始、彈腿入門、套路求法、散打求真,循序漸進;以求藝度形的技藝特色引導習武者逐漸進入刻意求真的練功境地;以提倡“習藝尚德,學拳明理,藝德並舉”,開拓思維,啟發悟性的查拳思想和獨特的風格,瀟灑的姿態,深受習武者的青睞。至於查拳起源,因至今仍是說法不一,經過歷代拳師的辛勤傳播與發展、演變,在清代乾隆年間,已在山東的冠縣、任城(今濟寧市)逐漸形成了三個不同的技術流派,分別是以張其維為代表的,動作快速敏捷,拳法嚴謹的冠縣“張氏”查拳;以楊鴻修為代表的,動作舒展大方,勢正招圓的冠縣“楊氏”查拳;以李恩聚為代表的,動作剛勁有力,招勢連貫的任縣“李氏”查拳。我所習練的查拳,據恩師所憶,雖未能考證源於何派,但貌似“張氏”查拳,而又因地域、年代和傳習者的變遷,已有所不同。但不管其源為何,其宗必歸一。查拳重視彈腿,拳套共分10路,每路有30~60個動作。第1、2路又各有副拳一套,正、副套路又有一剛一柔的技術要求。 10路查拳的名稱是1路母子、2路行手、3路飛腳、4路昇平、5路關東、6路埋伏、7路梅花、8路連環、9路龍擺尾、10路串拳。查拳的基礎功有炮拳、滑拳、洪拳、腿拳。查拳還分長短單(雙)練器械以及對練(徒手對練、器械對練、徒手與器械對練等)。構成查拳體系基本動作和技擊方法的有步型、步法、手型、手法、腿法、平衡、跳躍旋轉、擊、刺、劈、砍等。 

4.協調完整。人體內外要協調完整,對於動作中的手法、身法、步法必須上下照顧,前後連貫。有些比較複雜的動作,如轉身、拍腳、跳躍、起伏、轉折等技術動作,必須有良好的平衡能力,同時眼神、意識、呼吸必須與動作密切配合,做到眼到手到,神形合一。這種內外配合的練法有助於增強大腦的調節作用,使呼吸和內臟器官得到鍛煉。中華共和國成立後,查拳被列為中國武術表演和比賽項目。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Check Boxing Road ~ Kanto boxing:
 1. Stretching posture, compact action. Limb joint range of motion, the flexibility of the muscles and ligaments and joints of the higher flexibility to help develop the muscles, ligaments and joints flexibility.alized. Check boxing attached to the legs, fist is divided into 10 road, each road has 30 to 60 movements. 1, 2 Road and each have a deputy boxing, is, deputy routine has a just a soft technical requirements. 10 Lu Chayan is the name of a road mother and son, 2-way line of hand, 3-way feet, 4 Road Shengping, 5 Road Kanto, 6 Road ambush, 7 Road, plum, 8 Road chain, fist. Check the basis of boxing fist art, fist, Hong Quan, leg boxing. Check boxing is also a long single (double) training equipment and training (hand to the training, equipment training, hand and equipment training, etc.). Constitute the basic action and martial arts attack boxing method of a step type, footwork, hand type, technique, leg, balance, jump rotation, strike, thorn, hack, cut and so on. Check the characteristics of boxing summed up in the following four points: Popular in Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Beijing, Shanxi, after all over at home and abroad, especially in the Hui spread more widely. After hundreds of years of practice and evolution, check boxing formed today's Guanxian Zhang check boxing, Guan County Yang-style boxing, the city's "Lee-style" check boxing three schools. Three factions of the routine content is different, Lianfa also have their wonderful, but its boxing the same, the requirements are generally the same. The style of the fist is characterized by: posture stretching tall and straight, force rapid, static and dynamic have, both rigid and soft, clear rhythm, step live flexible, rigorous structure, Gong Jia neat. Regardless of back and forth, ups and downs, and strive to coordinate with the entire routine to show a smart and agile form of agility, Changquan type is more systematic boxing. In order to seek the artistic form of art skills to guide the martial arts who gradually into the deliberate practice of the real situation; to promote the "learning Suntech, learning boxing boxing boxing, Sensible, both German and German, "open up thinking, enlightenment and understanding of the boxing thinking and unique style, chic posture, by the martial arts of all ages. As for the origins of Chaju, because of the different opinions of the boxers of the past, through the diligent development and evolution of the boxers in the Qing Dynasty, in Guanxian of Shandong Province, Rencheng (now Jining) gradually formed three different Zhang's "boxing method; to Yang Hongxiu as the representative of the action to stretch the generous, the potential is making a round of Guan County," Young's "check boxing ; To Li En together as the representative of the action vigorous and powerful, coercive any county "Lee" check boxing. According to the memory of the teacher, although I failed to verify the origin of any school, but looks like "Zhang" check boxing, but because of the region, age and the changes of learners have been different. But whatever its source, its case must be norm Is one of the excellent boxing in Chinese traditional martial arts.
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