2014 年6月15日,一年一度的美國加州國際武術錦標賽在聖河西市獨立高中體育館圓滿落幕。來自國際和全美各地的36個參賽隊伍,395名運動員參加了這一大賽。這一賽事是國際健身氣功聯合會和美國國際武術總會的授權的官方賽事,比賽期間多位國際武術界的重量級任務參加,亞洲武聯技術委員會主席,中國武術協會副主席陳國榮,亞洲武伊朗武術協會主席穆罕默德,36個國際和國家級武術比賽金牌,中國武術界獲獎最多的運動員有太極王子之稱的陳思坦和太極皇后之稱的高佳敏老師也帥隊參賽並參加"
猶他州金剛般若武術學院總教練榮偉佛帶領二名運動員Emilie Kobler. Johnny Pak參賽,成績斐然獲得了四金. 一銀. 兩銅~優異成績 。
擔任本屆大賽的總裁判長的是北京體育大學武術教研室主任李艷君教授,副總裁判長是中國廣東省武術管理中心主任前世界冠軍梁艷華和伊朗國家武術總會主席默罕默德。各項目的裁判長有方國旋(柏克萊武術教練),劉玉(LA),曹劍秋(LA),Justin Eggert(國際級裁判)。同時國際級裁判Lawrence Chinn和其他國家級裁判員在內的四十名裁判擔任了這次比賽的裁判工作。 2014 California International Wushu Championships come to an end June 15, 2013, the annual California International Wushu Championships in San José City Independent High School gymnasium come to an end. 36 teams from across the United States and internationally, 395 athletes participated in the contest. This event is the International Health Qigong Association and the American International Wushu Federation of authorized official events, many heavyweight tasks during the competition to participate in an international martial arts, Asian martial Union Technical Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Wushu Association Guorong, Asian martial Technical Committee Vice-Chairman of the Iranian Wushu Association Muhammad, 36 international and national martial arts tournament gold medal, winning the largest Chinese martial arts athletes known as Prince of Chen Tai Chi and Tai Chi Queen said Sitan high Jiamin handsome teacher teams participating and participate the teacher performances.
President of the International Health Qigong Association, vice chairman of Chinese Olympic Committee, Ms. Xiaomin and U.S. Senator Leland Yee, California General Assembly sent a thank-like. Chinese Consulate General in old gold Jun Wang Xiaoxia Yong cultural attache and consul Mr Zhu induced San Hexi City and attended the welcome banquet speech, a number of local officials and community leaders also attended the event.
Utah Vajra Prajna Martial Arts Academy head coach Rongwei Buddha led two athletes Emilie Kobler. Johnny Pak, impressive won four gold. One silver. Two copper-honors
Served as the chief judge of this competition is Professor Li Yanjun, director of Beijing University of Physical Education Department of martial arts, deputy chief judge is the director of Guangdong Province, China Wushu Management Center and former world champion 梁艳华 National Iranian Wushu Federation chairman Mohammed. The purpose of the referee well-spin state (Berkeley martial arts instructor), Lau (LA), Caojian Qiu (LA), Justin Eggert (international referee). Meanwhile international referee Lawrence Chinn and forty other national referees, including referees as the referee in this competition.