2014年第一屆台北國際武術錦標賽,於5月31日在臺北市北投區榮華公園內福祐宮前廣場隆重舉行。據國際武術聯盟總會台北會長黃連順介紹,第一屆台北國際武術錦標賽將2014年於5月31日至臺北市舉行,國際武術聯盟遍布於世界各地的80多個分會。今年兵器和拳術等武術比賽項目外,大賽還將頒發個人比賽成績,團體總成績獎及武術之最傑出獎等獎項。個人比賽成績冠軍:榮偉佛,蔡明錡,李建緯,黃俊嘉,Emilie Kobler,Jana Stout,等,團體總成績獎總冠軍:美國猶他州金剛般若武術學院。
014 The first session of the Taipei International Wushu Championships in May 31 was held in the square before the palace, Beitou District, Taipei City Ronghua Park 内福佑. According to the Taipei International Wushu Federation president Huang Lianshun Union introduced the first annual Taipei International Wushu Championships 2014 on May 31 to be held in Taipei, International Martial Arts Union in more than 80 chapters around the around the world. This year boxing and other martial arts weapons and competitions, the contest will be awarded individual race results, group total score of the most distinguished award and martial arts awards. Individual Results Champion: Rongwei Buddha, Cai Qi, Li Wei, Huang Junjia, Emilie Kobler, Jana Stout, etc., group total score championship prize: Utah Vajra Prajna Martial Arts Academy.In rev
iewing the course will be set up for 30 years, from 1981 to create up to now, the Chinese martial arts from an agency in Los Angeles, has developed into a branch of the world's five continents in 82 countries and regions, international martial arts groups. In particular, held annually since 1987, the "World Cup" International Wushu Championships, for the global promotion of Chinese martial arts and Chinese martial spirit, played a considerable role.
2014第一屆台北國際武術錦標賽~精彩回顧 http://youtu.be/dq8vIrf4vhA 2014 The first session of the Taipei International Wushu Championship ~ wonderful review http://youtu.be/dq8vIrf4vhA
傳授 一.武術班 1.武術基本功 2.北派少林拳套路 3.傳統武術(應用與變化) 4.兵器(刀、槍、劍、棍) 5.傳統武術的實戰訓練 。 二.太極氣功養生班 1.太極拳基本功 2.太極拳套路、太極劍套路3.太極推手(應用與變化) 4.傳統太極拳的實戰訓練 5.氣功養生法(經絡.氣脈.修身) 上課時間:武術班 - 週六、週日:早上 10:00~12:00、太極拳氣功養生班- 週日早上8:00~10:00 。
- Aug 03 Sun 2014 16:31
2014第一屆台北國際武術錦標賽~精彩回顧2014 The first session of the Taipei International Wushu Championship ~ wonderful review