2014年猶他州金剛般若武術學院 ~武館舉辦中秋節活動很有中華文化氣分~很精彩,活動內容:有中國傳統書法及中國傳統茶文化的講座、品嘗中國茶,今年比往常多了 猜謎語 中國甜點等。武館的每一個美國學生都很興奮,認識中國傳統茶文化,都能夠學習到中華文化。武館舉辦這次中秋節活動,美國學生都很高興。「中秋節」是中國的三大傳統節日(春節、端午節、中秋節)之一。相對於其他兩個節日,「中秋節」的節慶活動就顯得較「安靜」。這可能和古老的月神傳說故事以及「月圓人團圓」的祥和氣氛有關。所以,「中秋節」在中國人的眼裡,是個溫馨和諧、極富詩情畫意的節日,有太多熱鬧的活
In 2014 Utah gold just sort if college of martial arts~Mid-Autumn Festival activity:In 2014 Utah gold just sort if college of martial arts~Wu Guan held the activity in Mid-Autumn Festival to have much of China culture spirit for cent~very fascinating, movable content:had Chinese traditional calligraphy and traditional tea cultural lecture in China and tasted Chinese tea, this year compare usually many guess riddle Chinese dessert etc..Wu Guan's each American student can learn China culture to is all very excited, realize Chinese traditional tea culture.Wu Guan holds this Mid-Autumn Festival activity, American student is all very happy."The Mid-Autumn Festival" is one of three big traditional festivals(Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival) of Chinas.BE more opposite than two other festivals, the festival activity in"the Mid-Autumn Festival" seems to be more "calmness".This probably and the ancient month God spread to tell a story and the peaceful atmosphere of"month circle the person is reunited" is relevant.So, "the Mid-Autumn Festival" is in the Chinese eye and is sweet harmony and really enrich the festival of poetry painting idea, there are too many activities of jollifications to celebrate.
- Sep 15 Mon 2014 20:29
2014年猶他州金剛般若武術學院 ~中秋節活動In 2014 Utah gold just sort if college of martial arts~Mid-Autumn Festival activity
- Sep 15 Mon 2014 18:34
台灣柔壇泰斗~陳戊寅Taiwan soft altar dean ~ Chen Tiger
※相片來源~鄭吉祥教練保留收藏 ※ 陳戊寅(1922~1994)字和平,於嘉義縣六腳鄉魚寮村出生。讀小學時,敦聘係出少林的武術名師來教授拳術,他因痛恨日人的暴虐統治而放棄教職,師範學校畢業後加入海南島上的抗日義勇游擊隊,迭經危難,因不顧生死,屢建奇功,榮獲干城獎章。論其武術成就,屢膺柔道國手、國家教練暨國際裁判,位居九段范士高階,為柔壇泰斗,並屢獲國術比賽徒手及兵器冠軍,實為不可多得的奇才。陳戊寅(1922~1994),字和平,出生於嘉義縣六腳鄉魚寮村。因幼年生長在臨北港溪出海口處,有廣闊的沙洲與清澈的溪流可供奔跑潛游,這對幼童的發育頗有俾益,在十五、六歲時,其體格與體力已和成年壯丁一般,在同儕之中,可謂鶴立雞群。
- Sep 07 Sun 2014 22:42
練武掌- 黃連順 示例
連五掌-北派少林拳傳承自北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先,黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄時60歲,2014.08.29,拍照的據點:,奧地利薩爾斯堡 ,, 連五掌,亦稱練五掌或練武掌,傳拳者為古代武狀元,以一掌打天下亦有稱狀元拳,連五掌 為連環五掌之組合,即練五種掌式,其演武起來具羅漢之氣勢,其架式為北拳基本功架,掌 勁剛猛.身法夭矯,故亦有練武掌之名,可能歷史久遠傳述時音義之差. 中國文化有易之思想哲學,因此其拳術之基礎有很多以五行來區分,如形意拳的五行拳,鶴 拳的五行手,為此一拳法之組成基本要素.本拳套路中亦應是如此,五掌為各式掌法,將之 組合連環即成套路:
連五掌拳譜1.壓肘插掌 2.上跳下劈 3.靠肘蹬撲 4.捋手鉤踢 5.轉身擊掌 6.下摟劈掌 7.右括面腳 8.劈掌舖腿 9.插步纏掌 10.轉身擊掌 11.進步摟打 12.鉤踢躥跳 13.左右括面腿 14.劈掌舖腿 15.插步纏掌 16.轉身擊掌 17.截肘反砸 18.左旋飛腳 19.左蹬撲式 20.掃腿跪膝 21.躐跳分掌 22.上步掃腿 23.左蹬撲式 24.鉤踢蹬撲 25.上步鉤踢 26.轉身擊打Even five palm Northern School of Shaolin boxing even five palminherited from the Northern School of Shaolin boxing first generation of martial arts master Gao Fang, Huang Lianshun shooting drills this record 60 years old, 2014.08.29, photographs stronghold: Austria Salzburg, even five palm, also known as the martial arts practiced five palm or palm, pass by the ancient martial boxing champion to beat conquer the world boxing champion also said that, even five palm to palm of comic five combinations, namely practicing five kinds of palm-style, together with its YANWU Rohan the momentum, its basic frame rack for North fist, Zhang Jin Tough. Shenfa Yaojiao, it is also the name of the martial arts palm, possibly a long history of sound and meaning of the difference above pass. Chinese culture has ideological philosophy Yi, so there are a lot of the basis for its martial arts to distinguish between the five elements, such as the five elements of Xingyiquan boxing, boxing crane Five hand, for one of the components of the basic elements of boxing. The glove path should be the case, five kinds of palm for palm method, the combination of comic Serve routines:
- Sep 05 Fri 2014 03:20
連 (練)步拳 Even [training] fist step- 黃連順示例
一代武術宗師高芳先在台中市傳授~北派少林拳-連 (練)步拳,黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄時60歲,2014.08.29,拍照的據點:,奧地利薩爾斯堡 ,連 (練)步拳之來源說法多種,為廣泛流傳此趟拳原為中央國術館編訂的基礎拳術,為初學者必修的教材,練習者可從演練中練習招式的轉換,以及手、眼、身、法、步的配合,對於習者本身之手腳協調及步伐轉換有相當功效。Gao Fang first generation martial arts master to teach in Taichung City - Northern School of Shaolin boxing - even (practice) step boxing, shooting drills Huang Lianshun this record 60 years old, 2014.08.29, photographs stronghold: Austria Salzburg, and even (practice) step sources say many boxing, boxing is widespread this trip based on original boxing central National Museum compiled for beginners compulsory textbooks, practitioners can practice moves conversion, as well as the hands, eyes, body, France from drill, step with, for learners of their hands and feet coordination and pace of converting a considerable effect.
- Sep 04 Thu 2014 23:30
中興拳 ZTE boxing- 黃連順示例
一代武術宗師高芳先在台中市傳授~中興拳一路黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄時60歲,2014.08.29, 拍照的據點:奧地利薩爾斯堡 ,第一段;第二段 1 頂膝進步拳 1 鑽擊退步拳 2 進步左格打 2 左退右劈掌 3 進步右格打 3 右退左劈掌 4 右刺右砍掌 4 右托左掛掌 5 虛步左掛掌 5 弓步右砍掌 6 抱肘迎面踢 6 左退右砍掌 7 雙貫雙砸拳 7 雙掛雙劈掌 8 左踹右棚手肘 8 右擊左撐掌 9 弓步左立拳 9 虛步左掛掌 10 摟格勾踢腳 10 閃步右劈掌 11 纏肘鑽擊拳 11 採捋蹬撲腿 12 併步右立拳 12 右撥右擺肘. Gao Fang first generation martial arts master to teach in Taichung City - ZTE fist all the way Huang Lianshun shooting drills this record 60 years old, 2014.08.29, photographs strongholds: Salzburg, Austria, in the first paragraph; second one knee and punches a drilling progress hit regress left fist two progressive left back and right frame to play two Pizhang three progressive right format to play three right back left Pizhang four stab right right right prop cut palm 4 5 left hanging empty step left hanging palm palm palm cut 5 lunge right 6 hold head kicked six left elbow cut back right palm seven pairs of intersecting pairs smashing fist seven pairs of linked pairs Pizhang 8 left kick right elbow 8 right-click on the left shelf support palm 9 lunge left standing fist nine virtual hug step left hanging palm 10 grid hook kick 10 flash step right elbow wrapped Pizhang 11 drill hit boxing 11 mining stroked flutter kicking legs 12 and 12 right fist step right legislation put aside right elbow.
- Aug 03 Sun 2014 16:31
2014第一屆台北國際武術錦標賽~精彩回顧2014 The first session of the Taipei International Wushu Championship ~ wonderful review
2014年第一屆台北國際武術錦標賽,於5月31日在臺北市北投區榮華公園內福祐宮前廣場隆重舉行。據國際武術聯盟總會台北會長黃連順介紹,第一屆台北國際武術錦標賽將2014年於5月31日至臺北市舉行,國際武術聯盟遍布於世界各地的80多個分會。今年兵器和拳術等武術比賽項目外,大賽還將頒發個人比賽成績,團體總成績獎及武術之最傑出獎等獎項。個人比賽成績冠軍:榮偉佛,蔡明錡,李建緯,黃俊嘉,Emilie Kobler,Jana Stout,等,團體總成績獎總冠軍:美國猶他州金剛般若武術學院。
014 The first session of the Taipei International Wushu Championships in May 31 was held in the square before the palace, Beitou District, Taipei City Ronghua Park 内福佑. According to the Taipei International Wushu Federation president Huang Lianshun Union introduced the first annual Taipei International Wushu Championships 2014 on May 31 to be held in Taipei, International Martial Arts Union in more than 80 chapters around the around the world. This year boxing and other martial arts weapons and competitions, the contest will be awarded individual race results, group total score of the most distinguished award and martial arts awards. Individual Results Champion: Rongwei Buddha, Cai Qi, Li Wei, Huang Junjia, Emilie Kobler, Jana Stout, etc., group total score championship prize: Utah Vajra Prajna Martial Arts Academy.In rev
iewing the course will be set up for 30 years, from 1981 to create up to now, the Chinese martial arts from an agency in Los Angeles, has developed into a branch of the world's five continents in 82 countries and regions, international martial arts groups. In particular, held annually since 1987, the "World Cup" International Wushu Championships, for the global promotion of Chinese martial arts and Chinese martial spirit, played a considerable role.
2014第一屆台北國際武術錦標賽~精彩回顧 http://youtu.be/dq8vIrf4vhA 2014 The first session of the Taipei International Wushu Championship ~ wonderful review http://youtu.be/dq8vIrf4vhA
- Jun 19 Thu 2014 08:43
2014年美國加州國際武術錦標賽圓滿落幕2014 California International Wushu Cham
2014 年6月15日,一年一度的美國加州國際武術錦標賽在聖河西市獨立高中體育館圓滿落幕。來自國際和全美各地的36個參賽隊伍,395名運動員參加了這一大賽。這一賽事是國際健身氣功聯合會和美國國際武術總會的授權的官方賽事,比賽期間多位國際武術界的重量級任務參加,亞洲武聯技術委員會主席,中國武術協會副主席陳國榮,亞洲武伊朗武術協會主席穆罕默德,36個國際和國家級武術比賽金牌,中國武術界獲獎最多的運動員有太極王子之稱的陳思坦和太極皇后之稱的高佳敏老師也帥隊參賽並參加"
- May 05 Mon 2014 10:29
112歲老中醫的臨終饋贈~(下) 112-year-old dying old Chinese gift~(Next)
51、 靜養法:安坐(臥)在床上,把身心一齊放下,自己渾身如融化,不許用一毫氣力,好像沒有這個身子相似。 呼吸順其自然,心也不許它用一點力,一起念便是用力了。 把心安在腳底板下,此是引火向下,引水向上,自然全身氣血順暢。
- May 05 Mon 2014 10:21
112歲老中醫的臨終饋贈~(上) 112-year-old dying old Chinese gift~(On)
1 、記住:睡覺是養生第一要素 。 睡覺的時間應該是晚21:00~早3:00。 因為這個時間是一天的冬季,冬季主藏,冬季不藏,春夏不長,即第2天沒精神。
- Mar 31 Mon 2014 22:11
如何判斷一名形意拳選手的演練水平How to judge a player's exercise level Xingyiquan