傳授 一.武術班 1.武術基本功 2.北派少林拳套路 3.傳統武術(應用與變化) 4.兵器(刀、槍、劍、棍) 5.傳統武術的實戰訓練 。 二.太極氣功養生班 1.太極拳基本功 2.太極拳套路、太極劍套路3.太極推手(應用與變化) 4.傳統太極拳的實戰訓練 5.氣功養生法(經絡.氣脈.修身) 上課時間:武術班 - 週六、週日:早上 10:00~12:00、太極拳氣功養生班- 週日早上8:00~10:00 。

本人生長的故鄉台中市,四十年前之故友:游南勳大哥,昨晚從他大女兒:阿秋妹得知二十年前病逝,震驚、感傷之情交紛湧焉,久久不能自己~不甚感傷。人生是一趟只有單程票可用的旅程,沒有回頭路的風景可看,最後的終點都是要回歸大地之母溫暖敦厚的懷抱,在溫暖敦厚的懷抱中進入深遠而悠久的安睡。我們的心中有太多的不捨,希望您在另一個世界裡過著自在、消遙的日子。 我雙手合十,虔誠祈求上天能接引~前往西方淨土,乘蓮花往生極樂世界,極樂世界是蓮花中化生,藉由蓮花座能一心與阿彌陀佛的大願相應。憶故人 ~雲煙裊裊繞群山,仰望飛流兩淚潸,故友昔時遊此地,而今散落在人間。1146566_228791837326953_538997741_nForty years ago in Taichung City, old friends: Tour South hoon Big Brother last night from his eldest daughter: unreasonahle sister learned that 20 years ago, died, shocked, sentimental feelings cross flooded Yan, long time can not own to not very sentimental. Life is a journey trip one-way ticket only available scenery can be no turning back to look at the final destination are to be returned to the embrace of Mother Earth warm and honest, enter in warm Dunhou embrace far-reaching and long sleep. Too much sadness in our hearts, and hope that you lived in another world at ease, the sanction of the day. Tour South hoon Big Brother reborn in the hearts of many sad farewells, I hope you are in another world to live a comfortable, and the sanction of the day. My hands clasped together, devout pray to God escorts to go to the Western Pure Land, by Lotus reborn in paradise world, Elysium metaplasia lotus by lotus seat corresponding bent with great vow of Amitabha. Recalling enemy ~ clouds curl around the mountains, looking at the water rush two tears Shan, the old friends yore tour here, now scattered across the world.


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  1902871_10202561200742676_1580713759_n 你知道現在最受追捧的健身方式是什麼嗎? YOGA、慢跑、拉丁舞,還是有氧健身操? NO,是靜坐!沒錯,就是盤腿坐下,或者雙腿自然垂下端坐於椅子上。這股“靜坐熱”已經風靡了美國、英國等國家和地區,希拉里、戈爾、NBA湖人隊教練傑克遜等都是靜坐愛好者。


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1621967_10201735583977451_1480397274_n1797316_603262353090189_1784839578_n靜坐~ 禪修開示(全)-Meditation - meditation teachings

 1558376_10202500766274610_2049081804_n2014年美國猶他州 http://monkwise.com/ 金剛般若武術學院~兒童武術~頒發武術金牌 ,2014 Utah Vajra Prajna Martial Arts Academy - Martial Arts Kids Martial Arts - awarded medals

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1779904_605021649571275_1709584503_n榮偉佛2014年02.15在全美國武術錦標賽贏得三枚金牌 - Rongwei Buddha in the 2014.02.15 U.S. Wushu Championship wins three gold medals
 1002645_605591829514257_1478692749_n榮偉佛入選2014美國傳統武術,國家武術代表隊~Rongwei Buddha named 2014 American Traditional Wushu team 1510805_605591786180928_494251073_n榮偉佛入選2014美國傳統武術,國家武術代表隊~Rongwei Buddha named 2014 American Traditional Wushu team ~


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3567978_12p118683788411 篤行漢傳佛教~禪宗,始於菩提達摩,盛於六祖惠能,中晚唐之後成為漢傳佛教的主流。漢傳佛教宗派多來自於印度,但唯獨天台宗、華嚴宗與禪宗,是由中國獨立發展出的三個本土佛教宗派。其中禪宗最具獨特的性格。禪宗祖師會運用各種教學方法引導學人,又稱作「機鋒」,為的是要讓弟子們悟入真如法性、第八識如來藏、自性清淨心,名為開悟。其核心思想為:「不立文字,教外別傳;直指人心,見性成佛」,意指透過自身修証,從日常生活中參究真理,直到最後悟道,也就是真正認識自己的本來面目。然「悟道」並非事畢,而是才剛剛踏入佛道的「無門之門」,真正懂得「空性」的真實義,由此「悟後起修」,一直到淨除二障:煩惱障與所知障後,成就佛果。481471_463375503745542_2093337871_n1238377_513828555366903_1567462268_nDusing Chinese Buddhism - Zen, Bodhidharma began, Sheng Hui Neng, after the late Tang to become the mainstream of Chinese Buddhism. Chinese Buddhist sects come from India, but there was Tiantai, Huayan and Zen, independently developed by China's three local Buddhist sects. Zen which most unique character. Zen Patriarch will use a variety of teaching methods to guide scholars, also known as "Eloquent" is to make disciples of the law really becomes aware of, the eighth consciousness Tathagatagarbha, since pure heart, called enlightenment. Its core idea is: "Do not stand writing, teaching outside Biography; Zhizhirenxin, and see the Buddha", meaning through their own revised version, from participation in daily life study of truth, until finally enlightenment, that is the real understanding of their original face. However, "enlightenment" is not something completed, but only just entered the Buddhist's "door to nowhere" really understand the true meaning of "emptiness", thus "Wu newcomer repair" until purify two barrier: with knowledge of the barrier after barrier troubles, achievement Buddhahood。

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7d33e0a3ga1bdfe3d44a5&690      7d33e0a3ga1bdf908ae2c&6907d33e0a3gd543dadc4b07&6907d33e0a3gb4afb0d8ba9f&69020950_248453529369_1144439_nshow_mop show_mop77 《2015年台灣精武體育會武術年鑑》:【近代中國武術名家錄、中華名人專訪集、中華武術推廣有功人員】:霍元甲、劉明善(阿善師)、董海川、王五、李存義、杜心武、陳發科、馬良、張之江、李先良、高鳳嶺、唐豪、馬西民、竇來庚、高守武、秘道存、林信齋、林秉禮(林經三)、陳盛甫、韓冠州、王永彬、楊庭棟(楊明齋)田鴻業、李義三、常秉義、高芳先、陳泮嶺、白崇禧、李宗黃、鈕永建、于右任、張文廣、馬賢達何福生、李夢華、楊玉振、高華傑、高華柱、吳鴻昌、李景林、鈕永建、張樹聲、門惠豐、吳彬、黃飛鴻、王子平、溫敬銘、闞桂香、賀子文、劉錫五、陳雲超、陳雲慶、溫敬銘、鄭懷賢、金石生、張爾鼎、寇運興、翟漣源、傅淑雲、劉玉華、李德成、田秀臣、洪均生、楊鴻修、林樹基、陳金寶、陳金山、雷殊曼、林素樸、張山、徐才、村岡久平、河野安雄、李傑、劉培中、韓勁松、張耀庭、鄭懷賢、黃凌海、管建民、楊紹虞、鳳肖玉、馬行禮、歐喜勳、林國雄、張維福、馬金龍、劉新、龐林太、劉峻驤、王培生、馮志強、徐世熙、盧麗娟、薛海榮、賈瑞寶、陳內華、王肇基、范雪平、張全亮,劉寶玉、邱丕相、周荔裳、李秉慈、蔡龍雲、朱瑞琪、徐偉軍、李士英、王世安、金季春、林世斌、王清泉、王蕾、蔡明雄、吳清發、賴錦廷、何獻欽、唐人屏、魏仲良、紀三協、林聰明、黃裕盛、郭奕成、胡紹安、江志成、黄根屘、李小龍、李連杰、杜振高、張勇濤、岡崎溫、兼市美香、增田尚子、石原泰彥、陳嘉遠、趙竹溪、霍震寰、廖國存盧偉強、馬志久、宋文、李暉梁忠靈、杜俊德、門敢紅、張放、傅嘉賓、傅松南、歐青鋒、方紹翥(阿鳳師)、張常球(二高師)、林國仲(義高師)、林德順(蕊師)、李國慶、李霞、陳思坦、高佳敏、鄭仕一、高明清、李志明、王一郎、劉忠敏(一刀)、徐佩玲、孟憲堂、陳重佑、鄭幸洵、湯文慈、林鈺萍、楊靜媚、唐正倫、陳定遠、黃培基、簡永昌、黃文泉、林嘉富、彭文隆、彭增永、黃玉萍、柯乃芳、黃締訥、盧建樺、李績文、嚴建昌、唐佶華、李志勇、吳小清、章王楠、劉志華、孔祥東、玉天、常東昇、韓慶堂、韓基祥、唐克杰、范之孝、王松亭、李元智、鄧時海、鄭曼青、楊慶先、高綸士、張英建、吳文忠、郭秉道、孫紹棠、林善民、武紹林,蘇克綱、王爾昌、楊紫垣、王延年、喬長虹、張峻峰、賀順定、劉雲樵、徐紀、蘇煜彰、周繼春、張祥三、曹連舫、張敦熙、杜毓澤、王晉讓、熊養和、王樹金、高道生、衛笑堂、吳大朝、吳體胖、張武臣、張先曜、吳漢忠、劉木森、王建今、蕭祖明、唐君武、許卓修、洪懋中、於賢文、武朝相、綦江濤、戚靜之、鞠鴻賓、張維中、劉崇齡、李道魁、劉培中、潘仰山、盧崇善、翁子川、楊一豐、關雁峰、焦金堂、林昌湘、楊正隆、莊榮仁、林肇海、張恩煌、李唐榮偉佛、亞當Adam Woolsey杜振高、李憶元、葉俊昌、葉俊祥、楊東雄、陳粵光、張伯夷、蔡安娜、翁誠宏、翁誠廷、康戈武、楊式如、呂克.本札、石井敏、胡清如、詹明樹、藍孝勤、蕭漲庸、吳亦淇、陳紫薇、程廣平、李長興、蔡妙梧、謝采樺。(年鑑名人不分前後排序)《台灣精武名家》:傅松南、黃連順、唐人屏、張恩煌、黃文泉、簡永昌。
翁誠宏、翁誠廷、林萍萍陳重佑、湯文慈、鄭幸洵、陳定遠、玉天、簡永昌、林嘉富、詹明樹、藍孝勤、陳紫薇、李筱娟【委員】:唐文中、楊式如、唐文毅、沈家均、蔣親賢、盧佳鈴、劉俞辰、溫曉美、黃傢裕、蔡明錡、黃俊嘉、榮偉佛、亞當Adam Woolsey 蘇志強陳奕安、唐欣瑜、唐欣樂、李建緯、李宜庭、張登智、曾聿帛、陳潤逵、林祐生、謝昊軒、何宇峰余梓揚 余梓齊、呂晉、呂岳 張耕綸洪幸筠洪韶謙黃政恩謝廣禹張節強
p118044266228" 2014 Taiwan Jing Wu Athletic Association Martial Arts Yearbook " : [ Chinese martial arts masters recorded in modern times , the Chinese celebrity interviews collection , meritorious promotion of Chinese martial arts ]: Fearless , Liu Mingshan ( A good teacher ) , DongHaiChuan , Wang Wu , Li Cun Yi , Du Xinwu , Chen Fake , Ma Liang , Zhang Jiang , Li Xianliang , high Fengling , Don Ho, Marcy China , sinus to Geng, Gao Shou Wu, Midao deposit , Lin letter fasting, Linbing Li ( Lin by three ) , Chen Shengfu , Han state crown , Wang Yongbin , Yangting Dong Tian Hongye , Ribeiro three , often Bing Yi , Gao Fang first , Chen Pan Ling, Pai Chung-hsi , Li Huang , Niu Yongjian , Yu Yu-jen , Zhang Guang , horse leaders of , He Fusheng , Limeng Hua , Yang Yuzhen , high Huajie , Gao Hua-chu , Wuhong Chang , Li Jinglin , Niu Yongjian , Zhang sound, door Huifeng , Wu Bin , Huang Snapshots , Wang Ziping , Wen Jingming , Kan cinnamon , Hezi Wen , Andy V. Chen Yun Chao, Chen Yunqing , Wenjing Ming , Zheng Huaixian , Jinshi Sheng , Zhang Er Ding , Kouyun Xing Zhai Lianyuan , Fu Shuyun , Liu Yuhua , Li Decheng , Chen Jinbao , Chen Kingsoft , Lei Shu Man , I'm naive , Zhang Shan , Xu , Muraoka long flat , Kawano Yasuo , Li Jie , Liu Pei , the Han Jinsong , Zhang Yaoting , Zhenghuai Xian , Huang Linghai , possession Jianmin , Yang Shao Yu , Feng Xiao Yu , Maxing Li , Europe hi hoon , Lin Guoxiong , Zhangwei Fu , McKinnell , Liu Xin , Pang Lin Tai, Liu Jun Xiang , Wang peisheng , Mr Fung , Xushi Xi , Lu Lijuan , Xue Hairong , Jia Rui Bao , Chen within China , Wang Zhaoji , Fan Xueping , Zhangquan Liang , Liu Baoyu , Qiu Pi phase , Zhou Li -chang , Li Bingci , Cai Longyun TECHNIQUE OF PRACTICAL Xu Weijun , Li Shiying , Wang Shian , Jinji Chun , Lin Shibin , Wang Qingquan , Wang Lei , Cai Mingxiong , Wu Ching- fat , Laijin Ting , He Xianqin , Chinese screens, Wei Zhongliang , Ji Sankyo , Lincong Ming , Huang Yusheng , GUO Cheng, Hushao An , Jiang Zhicheng , yellow root Man , Bruce Lee , Jet Li , Du Zhen Gao , Zhang Yongtao , Okazaki temperature , and the city Mika , increasing Naoko Ishihara Yasuhiko , Chen Jia far , Zhao Zhuxi , Ian Fok , Liao kingdom endures , Lu Weiqiang , Zhi- long, Song , Liang Zhong Ling , Du Junde door dare red , Zhang Fang , Fujia Bin , FU Songnan , Europe Qingfeng , Fang Shao Zhu ( a chicken division ) , Zhang Chang balls ( two Normal ) , Lin Guozhong ( meaning Normal ) , Linde Shun ( Rui division ) , Li Guoqing , Li Xia , Chen Sitan , high Jiamin , Zheng Shi- one , high- Ming , Li Zhiming , Wang Yilang , Liu Zhongmin ( knife ) , Xupei Ling , Mengxian Tang , Wang Dai Zhen , Chen Zhong Yu , Zheng Xing Xun, Tang Wenci , Lin Yu Ping, Yang Jing -mei , Tang Zhenglun , Chan Ting Yu , Wong Pui Kee , Jane Yongchang , Huang Wenquan , Lin Jiafu , Peng Wenlong , Pengzeng Yong , Huang Yuping , Kenai Fang , Huang association Ne , Fangjian Kai , Lu Jianhua , Li Ji Wen , Yan Jianchang , Tang Ji Hua , Li Zhiyong , Wu Xiaoqing , Zhang Nan , Liu Zhihua , Kong Xiangdong , jade day , often Dongsheng , Hanqing Tang , Han Ki-cheung , Tangke Jie , Fan of filial piety, Wang Songting , Liyuan Zhi , Deng Shihai , Cheng Man-ching , Yang first , high- Lun Shi , Zhang Ying Jian , Wu Wenzhong , Guo Bing Road , Sunshao Tang , Linshan Min , Wu Shaolin , Suke Gang , Wang Er Chang , Yang Ziyuan , Wang sickness , Qiao Changhong , Zhang Junfeng , HE Shun set , Liu Yunqiao , Xu Ji , Suyu Zhang , Zhouji Chun , Zhang Xiang three , CAO Lian Fang , Zhang Dunxi , Duyu Ze , Wang Jin allow , bear nutrition and , Wang Jin , high Dawson , guard laugh together, Wu Chao, Wu body fat, Zhang Wuchen , Zhang Xianyao , Wuhan Zhong , Liu Mu-sen , Wang today , Xiao Zuming , Tangjun Wu , Xu Zhuo repair, Hung Mao , and in Xian Wen, Wu towards phase , Qijiang Tao, Qi Jing , the Ju Hongbin , Zhang Wei , the LIU Chong Ling , Li Daokui , Liu Pei , the Pan Yangshan , Luchong Shan , Wengzi Chuan , Yang Yifeng , off Yanfeng , Jiaojin Tang , Lin Changxiang , Yang Zhenglong , Zhuangrong Ren , Lin Zhaohai , Zhangen Huang , Li Tang , Rong Wei Buddha , Adam Adam Woolsey Du Zhen Gao , Li Yi- yuan , Yejun Chang , Yejun Xiang , Yangdong Xiong , Chen Guangdong light , Zhang Bo, Cai Anna , Weng Cheng Wang , Weng Cheng -ting , Kang Gewu , Yang style as Hu Qing eg , Chan Ming-shu , blue filial Qin Xiao rose yung , Wuyi Qi , Chen Ziwei , Cheng Guangping , Li Changxing , Cai Miao Wu , Xiecai Hua , Tang , and Luc this Sapporo , Shijing Min . ( Yearbook celebrities around , regardless of order) , " Taiwan Jingwu masters" : Fu Songnan , Huang Lianshun , Chinese screens, Zhangen Huang , Huang Wenquan , Jane Yongchang .543954_624490224241198_1277457033_n


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7d33e0a3ga1bdfe3d44a5&690p118044266228543954_624490224241198_1277457033_n1003139_493244044092021_587577737_n1385578_545603248856100_24807594_n1797316_603262353090189_1784839578_n1798119_10202500765274585_394977413_n1558376_10202500766274610_2049081804_n1656270_10152204523370609_35022909_n1722922_600128510060589_754560896_n台灣精武體育會 成立創建於1996年1月27日 ,成立致力保存中華國術(武術),回憶往日的風采,願心為台灣國術文化~傳承更使傳統國術藝術深耕於台灣及海外。弟子們亦能體會師長薪傳的苦心,為海外以及國內年輕一代具有發揚並傳承傳統國術文化能力的一群,能為傳統國術留下了火種,研發國術新生命,使傳統國術文化可以延續下去。真功夫傳承是需要一招一式細心揣摩的,勤學苦練,在實戰中不斷增加經驗,不經過時間的磨礪不可能練出真功夫。拳的用法是拳術之根本,習武之人興趣之所在,最為寶貴、最不應丟棄、更不能忽視的東西,如沒有拳的用法,拳就沒有了靈魂。生命的旅程中能有今日的成就,要感激的人太多,懷著回饋感恩的心,進一己棉薄之力,為國術薪火相傳而努力,傳承的大事是畢生志願,對後輩的教導,是責無旁貸的任務,也是心靈豐滿喜悅的來源.付出越多,收穫越大,生命是一個大圓滿大太極,愛別人就是愛自己,付出什麼,收到就是什麼。Taiwan's Chin Woo Athletic Association was founded was founded in January 27, 1996, the establishment dedicated to the preservation of Chinese martial arts (wushu), memories of past style, vow to Taiwan martial arts culture - heritage, more traditional martial arts, artistic roots in Taiwan and overseas. Disciples can also appreciate the teachers Heritage pains, for overseas and domestic younger generation has to carry forward and pass a group of traditional martial arts, cultural competence, and can leave the fire for the traditional martial arts, developed the martial arts new life, the traditional martial arts culture can continue. Real effort is needed to carefully one by one and try to figure out, hard work and practice, increasing in actual combat experience, honed time without really impossible to practice the martial arts. Fist of usage is fundamental boxing, martial arts person of interest lies, the most valuable and most should not be discarded, but can not ignore something, if there is no usage of boxing, boxing, there is no soul.Life's journey can be accomplished today, too many people to thank, With a grateful heart back into handedly thin cotton for martial arts Passing the torch efforts, heritage events are lifelong volunteer, to teach the younger generation , is the responsibility of the task, but also a source of spiritual fullness of joy. paying more, harvest the larger circle of life is a big big tai chi, love others is to love yourself, to pay what, what is received.


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  7d33e0a3gx6Bmu3IpV749&690 美國入室弟子:Adam Woolsey 亞當~海外宏揚國粹American disciples: Adam Woolsey Adam ~ Overseas hongyang quintessence
7d33e0a3gcdc028a449d7&690本門海外武術入室弟子榮偉佛宏揚國粹 This overseas martial arts disciple Rong Weifu propagates the national essence


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002i9Hurgy6FhV3E88eae&690 北投社大2014年太極拳氣功班聚餐~ 謝師12月25日Beitou WCC 2014 Taiji Qigong class teacher appreciation dinner - December 25 【采豐餐廳】隱身捷運局北投會館內‧讓人驚艷的好滋味~口味非常好的川菜館!北投會館座落在綠意盎然的關渡平原, 原為臺北市政府捷運工程局規劃員工訓練及運動的場所,現對外開放, 但是大家都知道關渡平原可是一望無際的空曠,換句話說北投會館的位置真的有點偏僻,就是在大家常說的北投機場旁邊。
北投社大2014年太極拳氣功班聚餐~ 謝師12月25日Beitou WCC 2014 Taiji Qigong class teacher appreciation dinner - December 25002i9Hurgy6FhV8Pj1l27&690002i9Hurgy6FhUDrIVfe5&690002i9Hurgy6FhULw7jG90&690Beitou WCC 2014 Taiji Qigong class teacher appreciation dinner - good taste December 25 [mining] Fung Restaurant stealth Transit Authority will Beitou amazing museum ~ taste very good Sichuan restaurant! Beitou inn is situated in the green Guandu Plain, former Taipei City Government Mass Rapid Transit Bureau planning staff training and sports venues, is now open, but we all know that, but the vast expanse of the Guandu Plain open, in other words Beitou Hall location was a bit remote, that is, we often say Beitou airport nearby.

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551270_450487995034293_909429276_n  流水浮雲皆蘊禪

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