新秀閣溫泉位於,近北投博物館,北投文物館,北投公園,地熱谷,梅庭,渡假優質選,泡湯行家一定來,獨特青磺溫泉~50年歷史的日式風格溫泉飯店。日式風格100%純天然白磺泉,獨特和風庭園造景,讓您放鬆身心,泡原汁原湯的青磺泉或體驗老北投的懷舊風味,這兒可是最佳選擇。2012年10月2日~嘯玄.Rookie Pavilion Spa is located near Beitou Museum, the Folk Arts Museum, Beitou Park, geothermal valley, Mei Ting, resort quality election bathing connoisseur must to unique green sulfur hot springs to 50-year-old Japanese-style hot spring hotel. Japanese-style 100% natural white sulfur springs, unique Japanese garden landscaping, so you can relax., Green sulfur springs bubble juice soup or experience the nostalgia of old Beitou flavor here, but the best choice. October 2, 2012 ~ tsunami mysterious 58-year-old