傳授 一.武術班 1.武術基本功 2.北派少林拳套路 3.傳統武術(應用與變化) 4.兵器(刀、槍、劍、棍) 5.傳統武術的實戰訓練 。 二.太極氣功養生班 1.太極拳基本功 2.太極拳套路、太極劍套路3.太極推手(應用與變化) 4.傳統太極拳的實戰訓練 5.氣功養生法(經絡.氣脈.修身) 上課時間:武術班 - 週六、週日:早上 10:00~12:00、太極拳氣功養生班- 週日早上8:00~10:00 。

             黃連順2014.02.05拍攝此紀錄時60歲,拍照的據點:Monk Wise Martial Arts Academy http://monkwise.com/ 傳承體系:北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先將軍-前青島國術館副館長 ( 一九一四 ~ 一九八0)。黃連順傳統武術家~實戰功夫:真功夫是需要一招一式細心揣摩的,勤學苦練,在實戰中不斷增加經驗,不經過時間的磨礪不可能練出真功夫。拳的用法是拳術之根本,習武之人興趣之所在,最為寶貴、最不應丟棄、更不能忽視的東西,如沒有拳的用法,拳就沒有了靈魂。The real time is needs every gesture and motions to estimate carefully, studies diligently and pr⋯⋯actices hard, increases the experience unceasingly in the actual combat, does not whet after the time is impossible to practice the real time.Fist's usage is basis of the skill at martial arts, practices martial art the person interest to be, is most precious the thing which, most should not discard, cannot neglect, if does not have fist's usage, the fist did not have the soul.1780873_10202496505845344_1888634000_n1656270_10152204523370609_35022909_n1722922_600128510060589_754560896_n1508610_612230012193423_515053932_n     

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p112563928581.jpg張文廣宗師及張式查拳傳人Zhang Guang Zhang style guru and boxing successor

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六合劍的練法和要求 /講究「內外三合」的「六合」外,還求在進退、轉折、拗順中求動作和勁力的合協,練到身劍合一,意動劍到。 執劍在手,運劍在腕。捷逾騰兔,不及瞬目。要做到輕、靈、巧、快,如何才能夠后之以發,先之以至。劍術要具備「陰、狠、險、奇」。/黃連順
六合劍~六合劍進槍Kuni <wbr>Kuni <wbr>sword <wbr>- <wbr>the <wbr>sword <wbr>into <wbr>the <wbr>gu145d6869953217

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Snap Boxing boxing importance, Fist is divided into 10 channels, each 30 to 60 movements. 1,2 road and they all have a set of boxing deputy, deputy routine technical requirements there is one just one soft. Name 10-way boxing is a way mother and child, 2-way line hand Gamba 3-way, 4-way Shengping, 5-way Kanto, 6 road ambush, 7 clubs, 8 serial, 9 Road Long wagging tail, 10 road train boxing. Basic skills are cannon fist boxing, slip punches, Fist, fist leg. Boxing also points length single (double) training equipment as well as training (hand on the training, equipment for training, unarmed and equipment to practice, etc.). Boxing system constitutes the basic movements and martial approach are step type, footwork, hand type, techniques, leg techniques, balance, jumping rotate, strike, stab, chop, chop, etc. Boxing summed up the characteristics of the following four points: 1. posture stretch, action compact. Limb and joint activities in a wider range, high flexibility of muscles and ligaments and joints flexibility requirements, contribute to the development of the flexibility of the muscles, ligaments and joints.2. moving fast statically indeterminate. To do fist like a meteor eyes like electricity, waist foot race like the meandering drill line wind, points such as nails, that is, in practice the process, whether large or small action tactics have to be very quick, agile, and exceptionally fast rotation in , dodging or punching, kicking, kicking and other methods of attack when, but suddenly still and stable.

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查拳是中國拳術之一。回族人最喜愛的拳種,盛行於山東、河南、河北各省。查拳起源於山東冠縣張尹莊(又名一里莊),由回族人查尚義(查密爾)、滑宗岐、武殿璋等人創編並在回民中傳播。動作技術特點:查拳經過幾百年的歷史繁衍,技藝木斷得到充實與提高,逐漸形成了集查、滑、炮、洪、腿(彈腿)於一個體系。其技術系統完整,内容豐富,功法全面,藝理俱精。                                                                                                 (一)查拳的基本技法、特點: 查拳重視腿法練習,内容豐富,如:低踢、平踢、低踩、斜踩、蹬腿、闖腿、掃腿、纏腿、雙飛腿、鏇風腿、鷂子腳等,都適當的分布在每一趟拳路中,錯綜而緊密的配合在必要的動作中。綜合其腿法歸結爲十五個字,它們是:跺、彈、踢、踹、潑、掃、勾、掛、排、纏、點、撩、截、拐。 查拳的基本功套路,包括以腿法見長的"彈腿",以"僕步穿掌"爲主要動作的"滑步抄"的以拳法爲主的"搗捶"組成。這些基本套路均爲十路,基本動作簡單易學,左右對稱,即可單練,又可串連對練。                                                                                                        (二)彈腿是查拳的主要基本功,它以彈腿和其它腿法爲主要内容,接回文二十八個字母排列組成的二十八個基本動作組合,叫二十八路彈腿。目前流行的是前十路,後十八路比較複雜,爲了便於記憶,把它編成兩套類似拳套的套路叫腿拳勢,分爲一趟腿拳勢,二趟腿拳勢。因此,世人常雲"南京到北京,彈腿出在教門中"。

(三) 傳統查拳較高級套路有十路,又因在第一,二路中又各有一正一付兩路,爲十二路,後副拳又發展爲十路,即正拳十路、副拳十路。通俗叫法是:一趟拳、二趟拳、三趟拳等等,也有按名稱來區分的即:一路母子,二路行手,三路飛腳,四路升平,五路關東,六路埋伏,七路梅花,八路連環,九路龍擺尾,十路串拳。其中四路升平(正拳),是流行最廣的一路,是查拳標志型套路,被譽爲查拳之祖,是查拳的母拳,有的流派稱也稱其爲“母子拳”,被人們所尊崇。查拳中很多攻防動作,都歸納在踢、打、摔、拿之中。在運用時,還要靈活掌握"十字要決":即:縮、小、綿、軟、巧、挫、速、硬、脆、滑。


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  002i9Hurgy6TUmOuoa0bc&690「武」  「憶」  (回憶録)   



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2009122520213773  《八卦飛龍雙劍》飛龍八卦劍,共分八節,每節皆以龍為飛龍名。由第1節~飛龍擺尾,第2節~飛龍翻身,第3節~飛龍抬頭、第4節~飛龍躍水、第5節~飛龍游淵、第6節~飛龍戲水、第7節~飛龍昇天、第8節~飛龍騰雲等,八節,初動、大動、小動,串成一條活龍。這也是龍形八卦劍名稱的由來和意義。陳泮嶺師在台中市農場所傳授的八卦,計有:龍形八卦遊身掌。簡稱「八卦掌」。飛龍八卦雙劍。簡稱「八卦劍」。龍形八卦棍。簡稱「八卦棍」。八卦掌為董海川的再傳弟子程海亭先生所傳;八卦棍為佟聯吉先生所傳,佟聯吉先生的師承不明;八卦劍,系程或佟所傳,尚未述及。但八卦掌、八卦劍、八卦棍三者路子相同,顯然是同出於一個系統,而又曾經過整理的。陳師的八卦,除得程、佟二先生直接傳授外,紀德及許禹生先生亦嘗加指點。掌、劍、棍,皆為八節。三者同一系統,是經過­­一番整理的,無論掌、劍、棍,皆分為八節,每節左右換式,由簡入繁,井井有條,招招連環,節節貫串,為八卦掌的精華,實當之無愧!傳習者極少,再不推廣流傳,就要成為絕學,隨時代而湮沒了。


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11143338_857738830975872_8444134378086421536_n陳泮嶺先生在台中市模範農場傳授國術長達十八年,1962年.民國51年九九健身紀念留影~陳泮嶺宗師(中)-傳人:雷殊曼(右1)陳金寶(左1)攝於台中市模範農場。Mr. Chen Panling teach martial arts for up to eighteen years in Taichung model farm in 1962 to commemorate the Republic of China 51 years pictures - Hong fitness guru Chen Pan Ling (in) - successor: Shu Man Ray (right) Chen Jinbao (left) was taken in Taichung model farm1380529_721634964586260_7159640945393249577_n1970年高芳先宗師(後排中)與台中健壽國術隊陳金寶大師(前排中)黃連順(前排右一)~合影於台中公園武術場7d33e0a3gaf04743eaa8f&6907d33e0a3ga2cdd293e631&690                                                                                               1969年九九健身會紀念日留影~陳金寶大師(3排右2)黃連順前排右四攝於台中市農場7d33e0a3gaeddb13a13b7&690                                             武術名家-陳金寶大師(右一)太極推手擠之發勁法Martial arts famous expert - Master Chen Jinbao (right one) the primal chaos hand slap pushes sends the vigor law



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135459918056武術納入完善的正規教育體系~ 武術的文化特性是使它自古流傳至今不衰的根本原因。而任何一種文化的繼承和發展。都離不開教育。要想使中國武術真正走向世界,就非把武術納入完善的正規教育體系不可。我國雖已從60年代開始,就把武術列入中、小學體育教學大綱,但實踐並不成功,武術教育很不健全,甚至落空。

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                                                 二十四短棍(打狗棒法)黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄。. 一代武術宗師 陳泮嶺先生所創,傳遍台灣各地,招式包含棍法、劍法、刀法等動作,如改用棍、傘、拐、棒、笛、簫,甚至拂塵、刀劍,皆可隨手以之禦敵防身。 演練時隨個人所好,高架低架、大圈小圈、快打慢打都很適宜,分解動作或是連續動作都美觀,簡單實用、易學易練。 二十四短棍~1.右架打 2.左架打 3.進步掛劈 4.翻身掛劈 5.右掛劈 6.左掛劈 7.左後撩轉劈 8.右撩劈 9.上步掛打 10.護身纏打 11.背步撩打 12.順手劈打 13.左後轉滾打 14.右滾打 15.盤步攔打 16.上步架掃 17.上步右掛劈 18.原步左掛劈 19.左後轉搖打 20.右後轉搖打 21.左下掃打 22.右上掃打 23.背步纏打 24.側步反劈。Twenty-four truncheons (kind of stick method) Huang Lianshun shooting drills this record. Mr. generation of martial arts created by Grandmaster Chen Pan Ling, spread throughout Taiwan, moves include stick work, sword, knife and other actions, such as switching stick, umbrella, crutches, sticks, flute, flute, and even whisk, swords, can be readily to the self-defense against an enemy. When the exercise with personal likes, low overhead racks, large circle small circle, Fighter slow play very suitable decomposition action or continuous movements are beautiful, simple, practical, easy to learn and practice. Twenty-four truncheons to 1. 2. The left and right frame dozen planes hit 3.advanced hang hang turning hack hack 4. 5. 6. Left Right hang hanging hack hack 7. 8. split rear left and right turn tease tease hack 9. step 10. hang on to fight back to step 11. Body wrapped stitch fight fight fight hack smoothly 12. 13. 14. The left rear turn right Gunda Gunda step stopped playing disc 15. 16. 17. sweep the step frame hanging on the right step 18. The original split step left hanging split rear left turn 19. 20. The right rear turn shake shake fight fight fight 21. 22. The upper-right sweep sweep left to fight back to step 23. 24. wrapped fight side-step anti-hack.11164812_820614338021655_8197491886986417109_n10446700_820862504663505_649402569789960528_n11001887_820861861330236_4701097450070400802_n11150625_820862794663476_9173664512341040104_n


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