
11143338_857738830975872_8444134378086421536_n陳泮嶺先生在台中市模範農場傳授國術長達十八年,1962年.民國51年九九健身紀念留影~陳泮嶺宗師(中)-傳人:雷殊曼(右1)陳金寶(左1)攝於台中市模範農場。Mr. Chen Panling teach martial arts for up to eighteen years in Taichung model farm in 1962 to commemorate the Republic of China 51 years pictures - Hong fitness guru Chen Pan Ling (in) - successor: Shu Man Ray (right) Chen Jinbao (left) was taken in Taichung model farm1380529_721634964586260_7159640945393249577_n1970年高芳先宗師(後排中)與台中健壽國術隊陳金寶大師(前排中)黃連順(前排右一)~合影於台中公園武術場7d33e0a3gaf04743eaa8f&6907d33e0a3ga2cdd293e631&690                                                                                               1969年九九健身會紀念日留影~陳金寶大師(3排右2)黃連順前排右四攝於台中市農場7d33e0a3gaeddb13a13b7&690                                             武術名家-陳金寶大師(右一)太極推手擠之發勁法Martial arts famous expert - Master Chen Jinbao (right one) the primal chaos hand slap pushes sends the vigor law


陳金寶師,台灣省台中市人。自幼熱愛武藝,並擅傷科接骨以及中醫。年少時,更得於台中農業改良場陳泮嶺師爺學藝,越發奮認真。於太極、八卦、形意、少林及各種器械,一一專心勤習。陳泮嶺師爺歸山後,復向武林 高芳先老師~諸先進請益,研習中國武術。如少林、地趟拳、擒拿等,後為修身養性,而從劉培中老師習道功。若干年來,秉諸師弘揚國術,光輝文化訓誨,而自開設通真國術館。年教授學生不下數百人。
小 學  舅舅武館,南少林派太祖拳、三戰
初中一  賣雞泉伯,南少林拳
初中二  陳泮嶺老師,北少林拳
初中三  王爾昌老師,查拳
高 中  陳泮嶺老師,內家拳
五十六年 高芳先老師,青島國術館,北少林拳,孫臏拳
五十八年 蘇克綱老師,地趟門
五十九年 王廷先老師,地趟門對打
六十二年 劉培中老師,崑崙仙宗,修道、道功拳
六十四年 糯米師李美先生,擒拿術
六十八年 武紹林老師,北少林拳:兵器、拳套、對打,孫臏拳

深沉的哀悼與永誌懷念武術名家陳金寶大師,2009年7月中仙逝,特此感念以紀念我個人1964年開始習武之啟蒙老師陳金寶大師,陳金寶大師為我個人目中最慈藹祥和之啟蒙老師,深沉的哀悼與永誌懷念武術名家陳金寶大師~永懷武術名家陳金寶大師。祭文:驚悉恩師逝世噩耗,弟子不勝悲痛。陳金寶大師乃當代研究中國武學之泰斗,高德厚育人之國術大師。先生仙逝,鍾山哀泰斗人生際遇之多艱,大海頌大師獻身武術教育研究之偉績。恩師千古,悼念武術大師陳金寶  偉績豐功垂青史  高風亮節勵後人。                           弟子:黃連順 2009.7.20                                                                                                                               About Ping Chen Jinbao teachers and students

Chen Jinbao division, Taichung, Taiwan people. Childhood love of martial arts, and trespassing Shangkejiegu and Traditional Chinese Medicine. When young, it was in the Taichung District Agricultural Improvement Station Chen Pan Ling adviser apprenticeship, the more strenuously seriously. In Tai Chi, Bagua, Xingyi, Shaolin and various instruments, one by one to concentrate on learning ground. Chen Pan Ling after the grand return to the mountain, to the complex to ask for such advanced military 林高芳 first teacher ~, learning Chinese martial arts. As Shaolin, to trip boxing, grappling, etc., after the self-cultivation, and the teacher from Pei Xi Road work. For several years, the Law Zhushi promote the martial arts, the glorious cultural instruction, and since the creation through true Martial Arts Hall. No less than hundreds of people over the years to teach students.
In twenty-seven birth
Primary uncle martial arts, boxing Southern Shaolin Dynasty, three wars
Maiji Springs junior high school, primary, South Shaolin boxing
Two junior high school teacher Chen Pan Ling, Northern Shaolin Fist
Three Kings Er Chang junior teacher, boxing
Chen Pan Ling High teacher, Internal Martial Arts
Fifty-six years of high aromatic first teacher, Qingdao State Art Museum, Northern Shaolin boxing, boxing Sun Bin
Fifty-eight years Suke Gang teacher, to Door
Fifty-nine years Ting first teacher, to rally Door
Pei was six years in the teacher, the Kunlun Xian cases, monasticism, Daogong boxing
64 years glutinous rice division Mr. Li Mei, grappling art
Wu Shaolin teacher 68 years, Northern Shaolin Fist: weapons, glove, sparring, boxing Sun BinThe deep mourning will fondly remember martial arts famous expert - Master Chen Jinbao with forever the will July, in 2009 to pass away. Thought gratefully specially by commemorates me in 1964 to start to practice martial art teacher Master Chen Jinbao, in my item was gentlest auspicious teacher Master Chen Jinbao. The deep mourning will fondly remember martial arts famous expert - Master Chen Jinbao with forever the will. Fondly remembers martial arts famous expert - Master Chen Jinbao. Chen Jinbao Chinese goldthread rhizome along 2009.7.20 The being shocked to learn kind teacher passed away the sad news, the disciple is extremely sorrowful. Master Chen Jinbao is the present age studies the Chinese military study highly respected person, Gaud nurtures master of thick the person. Gentleman passes away, Zhongshan sorrow highly respected person life spell of good or bad fortune many jian, the sea praises master to devote the martial arts and the education great feat. Kind teacher eternity. Mourns Chen Jinbao the great feat abundant merit hang
the history high character and integrity7d33e0a3g77e2f879e27c&6907d33e0a3gaeddb2df98a2&690武術名家-陳金寶大師(右2)形意拳教學Martial arts famous expert - Master Chen Jinbao (right 2) Chinese boxing imitating various animals teaching

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