
135459918056武術納入完善的正規教育體系~ 武術的文化特性是使它自古流傳至今不衰的根本原因。而任何一種文化的繼承和發展。都離不開教育。要想使中國武術真正走向世界,就非把武術納入完善的正規教育體系不可。我國雖已從60年代開始,就把武術列入中、小學體育教學大綱,但實踐並不成功,武術教育很不健全,甚至落空。

究其原因,主要是武術在學校體育的地位很低,武術師資嚴重不足。為了扭轉這種落後狀態,首先要確立武術的應的地位,把武術作為受教育者德、智、體全面發展的重要組成部分。其次要樹立武術教育的長遠目標:第一步是使武術成為國家的體育文化體系,逐步把武術納入完善的正規教育體系,成為大、中、小學和軍事訓練必不可少的體育內容,使每個學生和軍中戰士都懂得武術基本知識和基本技能。第二步是逐步使武術成為國際的體育文化體系,大力推廣武術,使它成為中華民族走向世界、向奧運會貢獻的第一個體育項目。還有,要採取各種有效措施來加強武術教育。例如採用多種形式辦學來大力培訓武術師資,適當增加武術教學時數和改革武術教學內容,創辦高等武術院系,加強學校武術研究等等。~台灣精武體育會/黃連順提供135459919198The martial arts incorporated into the formal education system to the cultural characteristics of the martial arts is the root cause has not changed it since ancient times. Any kind of cultural inheritance and development. Education can not be separated. True to the world, non-martial arts can not be included in the formal education system in order to make the Chinese martial arts. China Although from the 1960s, put the martial arts sports syllabus included in the primary and secondary school, but the practice is not successful, the martial arts education is far from perfect, or even come to nothing.

The reason mainly is the martial arts in the low status of school sports, martial arts teacher seriously inadequate. In order to reverse this backward state, the first to establish the status of the martial arts should, as educated moral, intellectual, physical development of the important part of the martial arts. Second, we must establish a long-term goal of the martial arts education: The first step is to make the martial arts to become the country's sports culture system, the martial arts has been gradually incorporated into the formal education system, a large, primary and secondary schools, and military training is essential sports content, so that each students and army soldiers understand the basic knowledge and skills in martial arts. The second step is to gradually make martial arts become international sports and cultural system, and vigorously promote the martial arts, making it the Chinese nation to the world, contribution to the Olympic Games, a sports project. Also, to take effective measures to strengthen the martial arts education. The number of teaching content and reform martial arts, such as various forms of school to vigorously training martial arts teacher, appropriate increase in the martial arts teaching founder Higher Martial Arts faculties, strengthen school martial arts studies. - Taiwan Jing Wu Athletic Association / Huang Lien-shun provide
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