1970年高芳先宗師~台中公園國術練習場,傳授 [ 三才劍 ]~橫步拋頸1970 high-aryl first martial arts master - Taichung Park Driving Range, teach [with God Sword]~傳承自北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先將軍
一、式名 持劍式1、動作要領、左手持劍、左足向前橫跨一步,同時向右轉九十度、成馬步抱劍預備用劍
二、式名 左弓步直刺1、動作要領、右手接握劍柄、向左轉身成左弓步式
三、式名 左弓步外掛動作要領右足向前一步、將劍自右耳後方外掛、劍尖斜向上四十五度、左手訣指扶於右腕部,同時將劍向右後直剌,成右弓步式,腳夫外撇,目視劍尖訣指在前手心向下。
四、式名 併步下蹲劈,動作要領,左足向前一步、右足隨之靠近,兩足並攏、屈膝下蹲同時劍由頸部右側方自上而下,猛劈、劍與臂成斜直線,約四十五度、左手訣指於右腕上,目視劍尖。
五、式名 直腿弸劍動作,要領伸膝直立,將劍收於右胯,後主即弸劍使劍斜勾前勾上、詄指置於左上方、目視前方。
六、式名 提腿下點重作要領,提左、足夫下壓護檔、劍由跨間突向前伸點刺、劍尖下壓微向左偏左手訣指、扶貼於右手腕部、目視劍夫。
三 才 劍 Sancaijianpu 1、左右劍指 18、橫步托撩 35、橫步崩截
2、接劍前刺 19、攔腰砍膝 36、右絞三劍
3、蓋步掛錯 20、繞走反撩 37、立步挑舉
4、上步前劈 21、上步刺胸 38、竄跳劈頂
5、退步崩掛 22、退步撩腕 39、閃腕砍腿
6、立步截劈 23、上步刺胸 40、活步貫刺
7、橫步拋頸 24、退步撩腕 41、攔臂砍膝
8、提膝攔臂 25、左轉反掛 42、繞走刺胸
9、虛步刺肋 26、並步前劈 (橫托)43、退步撩腕
10、轉身貫抱 27、退步撥掛 44、上步刺胸
11、上步錯頸 28、墊步刺胸 45、退步撩腕
12、插步截劍 29、立步拋頸 46、上步刺胸
13、活步貫刺 30、馬步反劈 47、虛步托劍
14、左絞三劍 31、閃腕拉臂 48、插步前點
15、轉身弓走 32、貫耳抱劍 49、退步崩掛
16、伏走反截 33、退步錯頸 50、三才歸原
17、立步截腕 34、蓋步截劍 ~傳承自北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先將軍2015年錫安國家公園~演武行[ 三才劍 ]~橫步拋頸2015 Zion National Park ~ YANWU line [with God Sword] ~ cross step throw neck First, the origins
Mio sword with three confluence spread widely, it has been difficult to trace the source. GUO Xi three in the << >> in Qingping sword
Mr. Hebei Dingxing 李彩亭 mention the well-known, but there are three powers sword xingyiquan system, whether it is the same
Sets, you can not know.
The general spread of fencing among patients such as Kun, Kuni sword, Qingping sword, Qi door sword, chain sword,
Chunyang sword, Qi door thirteen sword, and many more can Danlian, but not for demolition. Who is also able to split, then as a Danlian
Sets, set the case for another practice. The sword is not the case with God, its shelf Danlian of sparring with the frame, exactly
Indeed no trace of the difference. While it still perfect, tight and compact as possible and his best. Perfectly understand Perry
Founding the first division, organization and training of skills can be described as the essence of fencing.Second, the techniques
The trick sword with God, with God's called, is a man by the world, that is on the lower its backbone. And
After about before as the weft, that retreat offensive about intercepting, move over into the formula for the technology.
The basic effort fencing it, is going to Brisk agility and quick. The offensive and defensive retreat, flashing; turn maneuvers, to be ready tiger
Ape flutter jump of stature. Next comes the wrist effort, cover more battle sword shipped right wrist, so the usage, a lot
Right wrist against each other using the technology. Cover injured wrist once, then held the sword, that is missing the utility,The following are the three powers sword usage:
Jian: Janus assault by side down.
Sting: Janus straight ahead.
Hack: the blade forward and downward from the suddenly.
Cut: from the front left side of the blade to the right direction.
Tease: the blade by the fierce upward and forward.
Pick: blade and blade from the bottom up and shoved forward, upward much less forward.
Elam: blade from top to bottom or left to right beveled.
Peng: blade from under fierce to rise.
Hanging: blade shoved out from front, back stripe.
Touch: a sword blade skill level roundabout by former fierce.
Wrong: blade shoved forward and downward oblique.
Point: sword-shaped body side, the blade forward and downward.
Cloud: blade from the left or right rotation.
Chong: transverse blade from the bottom up fierce.
Twist: oblique blade or turn left or right oblique.
Care: the blade from the bottom up and shoved rampant.
Mention: put down the blade, the sword blade to the left, the blade diagonally undershoot.
Rejection: After fierce blade bevel cut right to the left.Third, all kinds of action name and practice
First, type the name of a sword style, action essentials, sword in his left hand, left foot forward step across, while a right turn ninety degrees, into a horse with a sword ready Bao Jian
Second, type the name of a left lunge piercing, action essentials, take the right hand grip hilt, left turn into a left lunge style
Third, type the name of the left external action essentials lunge right foot step forward, since the sword behind the right ear plug, tip oblique forty-five degrees, the left hand finger tips help in the wrist department, but the sword to the right straight after the assassination, as right lunge style, porters outside skimming, visual tip tactic refers to the former palms down.
Fourth, the type name and step hack squat, action essentials, left foot step forward, right foot followed close, two feet together, knees, squat while top-down from the neck to the right side of the sword, Mengpi, sword and arm into the oblique straight line, about 45 degrees, left finger tips on the right wrist, visual tip.
Fifth, type the name of the sword straight leg 弸 action essentials extensor upright, sword close at the right hip, the emperor sword so that the hook on the front 弸 sword oblique hook, finger on the left-詄, straight ahead.
Six, under the name of lifting leg-point formula redo essentials, raise the left, under the feet of Cardiff pressure protects files, sword protruding from across the room prick stretched forward, pressing slightly to the left lower side tip left hand finger tips, help affixed to the right wrist Department of visual sword husband. Sancaijianpu
1,about 18 to prove safety, cross stitch care step 35, the cross-sectional step collapse
2, then stabbed the sword before 19, 36 knee cut down the middle, right twist swords
3, the cover 20 linked to the wrong step, walking around 37 anti-tease, pick-step vertical lift
4, before the split step 21, the step 38 stab chest, channeling jump hack top
5, 22 hanging collapse backward, backward stitch wrist 39, flash wrist cut leg
6, vertical split-step cut 23, 40 on the steps chest stab, stab live consistent step
7, 24 cross-step throw neck, wrist backward stitch 41, bar arm cut knee
8, knee bar arm 25, the step 42 stab chest, chest stab wound to go
9, false step stab ribs 26, and 43-step cross-prop, backward stitch wrist
10, turned consistently hold 27, 44 backward dial hang on step chest stab
11, 28 on the neck wrong step, skip step 45 stab chest, wrist backward stitch
12, insert 29-step cut sword, throwing neck stand step 46, the step thorn chest
13, live 30-step consistent thorn, horse anti-hack 47, regress tease wrist
14, 31 left twisted swords, flash wrist pull arm 48, front left wearing split
15, turned away 32 bow, ears Bao Jian 49, hanging backward collapse
16, take the anti-cut 33-volt, 50 neck backward wrong, owned by the original closing ceremony
17, 34 stand-step cut wrist, cover-step cut sword