
319631_176624105754018_100002192905605_373523_1301100758_n.jpg                                                                                                                                                                               永懷武術宗師陳泮嶺(前中央國術館副館長)                                                                                                                                                                                陳泮嶺,字峻峰,生於1891年年,河南西平縣盆堯鄉陳莊人。其父陳錫睿,字子鑑,母康氏。陳錫睿跟前四子五女,陳泮嶺是其三子(錫睿長子泮池,後名風池,字翰吾,北京大學數理系畢業,一生從事教育及慈善事業; 次子泮珍,字獻魯,高中畢業後主持家務; 四子泮郎,字靜軒,北洋大學畢業,從事教育與工業)。陳錫睿因自己以上三代單傳,人丁單薄,為壯家聲,故在耕讀之餘,延請武師在家習武。錫睿好客,凡江湖賣藝者經過陳莊,必加挽留,其還規定,凡陳莊子女皆須習武。西平鄉間傳說,陳錫睿年輕時同人推小車到周口做生意,在周口街頭遇到抬著關公神像祈雨的群眾,見神像旁邊豎著一把青龍偃月刀,即裝做關公神靈附體,把那把大刀扛回了家。

200681_107148976034865_100002192905605_72230_3079338_n.jpg                                                                                                                陳泮嶺七歲時進私塾讀書,隨父習武,最擅長春秋大刀及七節鞭,時人譽為「文武兼備三先生」。泮嶺做事不循常規,村裡人送他綽號「陳三瘋子」。民國三年,陳泮嶺考入北京大學預科,學土木工程,民國六年轉入北洋大學,民國八年轉回北京大學,民國九年完成學業。

  陳泮嶺在北京大學第二年,約集愛好武術的同學,建議校方聘請武術教師成立武術團且被推為團長,這是北大有武術科目的開始,此後其他學校皆紛紛相繼仿效。陳泮嶺在北京大學師從佟聯吉程海亭諸先生,學習八卦、形意; 又從吳鑒泉、楊少侯兩先生學太極。民國六年,轉入天津北洋大學時,經李子揚先生介紹拜李存義先生為師專攻形意。五四運動時,陳泮嶺被推為天津學生會會長,指揮全天津市中等以上學校的學生上街遊行示威,前後數十次,高呼愛國口號,與軍警搏鬥,曾數次負傷被逮而不屈,轟動一時。後因北洋政府飭令軍警緝拿,被迫離開天津重回北京大學。在北大期間,陳泮嶺又隨紀子修、許禹生習形意八卦太極。











  陳泮嶺是河南中統的首腦人物,深得二陳(陳立夫、陳果夫)的信任, 1930年年下半年至1932年年任河南省國民黨黨務指導委員會常務委員,兼省國術館館長。1933年年,陳兼任國民黨特務機構的肅反專員,從事與河南復興社的爭鬥,期間也進行了一些反共反人民的活動。中原大戰期間,閻馮方面的省主席萬選才知道省黨部是南京方面的人,準備逮捕陳泮嶺,陳聽到風聲,讓鄭汝平帶徒弟郭詳明、姚傳興趁夜深人靜,從城東北角,用繩系著城垛,四人墜城而下,逃到南京,中原大戰後重返開封。


190717_109268949156201_100002192905605_91953_2538035_n.jpg                                                                         陳泮嶺先生在台中市模範農場傳授國術長達十八年。從學者,成立「九九健身會」於台中市農場                                                                                                             1939年年陳泮嶺任中央國術館副館長, 1941年年主持教育部及軍政部合立之國術教材編審委員會,任主任委員,聘請當時國術名家二十名人為委員,國術專家十多人為編輯,開始編輯整理工作,以期編出武術名詞統一,理論統一,動作方式標準化,教學方法科學化的武術教材,三年編成教材50多種,掛圖40餘幅, 1944年年送部付印推行。1946年年冬,河南省國術館恢復,陳泮嶺任館長,徐文炳任副館長,著力研究武術規則和教材,舊中國第七屆全運會武術比賽規則就是由河南省國術館提供的,期間還研究了太極拳推手規則。


 197501_110205389062557_100002192905605_99987_6592212_n.jpg                                                        陳泮嶺(前中央國術館副館長)~來台後,組織「中國太極拳俱樂部」太極拳總會前身~民國49年3.27在台北市成立                       到臺灣後,陳泮嶺曾準備恢復「中央國術館」,據說房子都找好了,發起人仍有原國術館的發起人紐永健、吳稚暉、於祐任,李宗黃等人,但因種種原因未果。1950年年成立「中華國術進修會」,任第一屆理事長。陳泮嶺定居台中,發揚武術之心始終不泯,他在模範農場練功,相與從事者與日俱增,後至幾百人,有學後外出傳播者,也有外地來學者,老、中、青、婦皆各使其能遂所學,且不收任何費用。199110_109268775822885_100002192905605_91949_7025340_n.jpg                                                       【1957年九九健身紀念日留影前排中陳泮嶺宗師二排中王樹金】200321_107455762670853_100002192905605_75866_7651151_n.jpg【1969年九九健身會紀念日留影黃連順前排右四攝於台中市農場】                                                              後從學者倡議成立「九九健身會」,一九五七年重陽節,凡從學者且在台中者,齊聚模範農場,攝影簽名以留念,以示崇敬。1951年年陳泮嶺發起舉辦中部國術比賽, 1955年年發起舉辦全國國術比賽大會, 1957年年發起舉辦台港澳地區國術比賽大會,並且親任裁判長。從1957年年起武術項目列入省運會中,歷屆比賽陳泮嶺都是任裁判長一職。且仍致力於武術的整理工作,並獨創峰拳幾路,兼有內外兩家之長,全部資料由其子女收存,其中一部分由真善美出版社出版,有《國術操》、《太極拳教材》、《擒拿術》、《摔跤術》、《大陸合刀》、《峰拳》、《八卦雙刀》、《形意拳》等。1969年年4月陳泮嶺在台中病逝,享年七十六歲,有孫科先生編著《陳泮嶺先生紀念冊》出版發行。陳泮嶺認為自己一生可以歸納為二分水利、二分教育、一分黨務、五分國術。

190638_109269672489462_100002192905605_91962_3945394_n.jpg                                                                                                                    來台後,組織「中國太極拳俱樂部」~太極拳總會前身~民國49年在台北市成立                                                                                                                                陳泮嶺在上個世紀的武術普及推廣及發展方面做出了很大的貢獻,但因為他曾經的反共歷史特別是中統身份,致使熟悉和瞭解他的人對他都閉口不談,所以其身世及武術成就及赴台後的情況不為當今大陸武術界所知。/王紀明

Mr. Chen Panling and martial arts Chen Panling, the character towering peak, was born in 1891 year after year, Henan Xiping County Penyao Town Chenzhuang person. His/her father Chen Xirui, character 鑑, mother Kang. Nearby Chen Xirui four sub-five females, Chen Panling is its three sub-(the tin wisdom eldest son divides the pond, the latter famous wind pond, the character writing I, Beijing University mathematical is the graduation, the life is engaged in the education and the philanthropy; The second son divides the treasure, the character offers Lu, after the high school graduates, manages the housework; Four sub-divide the court attendant, the character static porch, the Beiyang University graduates, is engaged in the education and the industry). Chen Xirui because of the above three generation of sole lines of descent, the person is frail, is the strong family or clan reputation, therefore when farming and studying, employs the master of martial arts to practice martial art in the home. The tin wisdom is hospitable, every rivers and lakes busker after Chenzhuang, must add detains, it also stipulated that every Chenzhuang children must practice martial art. The Siping village fable, Chen Xirui is young when pushes the car with the human to do business Italy to Zhoukou, meets in the Zhoukou street corner is lifting the populace which the Duke Guan idol prays for rain, sees nearby the idol to set upright a broadsword, namely the attire makes the Duke Guan God to take possession, shoulders that the broadsword went home. Chen Panling when seven years old enters the private school to study, practices martial art along with the father, most excels at the Spring and Autumn Period broadsword and the seven-jointed iron whip whip, when the human is honored as “civil and military has both three gentlemen”. Divides the range to do the matter not to follow the convention, in the village the human delivers him the nickname “the Chen three lunatics”.  in 1914, Chen Panling was admitted to the Beijing University preparatory course, studied the civil engineering, in 1917 changed over to the Beiyang University, in 1919 returned the Beijing University, in 1920 completed the studies.  Chen Panling in the Beijing University second year, schoolmate who gathers together the hobby martial arts, suggested that the school authorities invite the martial arts teacher to establish the martial arts group, and is pushed for regimental commander, this is Beijing University has the martial arts subject start, hereafter other schools all in abundance one after another imitate. Chen Panling unites lucky Mr. Cheng Haiting Zhu in Beijing University Shi Congtong, the study Eight Diagrams, shape Italy; Also from Wu Jianquan, Mr. Yang Shao marquis two studies the primal chaos. when in 1917, changed over to the Tianjin Beiyang University, raised gentleman after the plum to introduce that did obeisance Mr. Li Cunyi to study shape Italy for the teacher. When May 4th Movement of 1919, Chen Panling is pushed for Tianjin Student association president, the direction entire day the Jinshishi medium above school student takes to the streets the demonstration, around dozens of times, shouts loudly the patriotic slogan, fights with the police, once several times was wounded is caught, but unyielding, creates a stir. Because latter the Beiyang government commands the police to arrest, is compelled to leave Tianjin to re-enter the Beijing University. In Beijing University period, Chen Panling repairs, Xu Yusheng along with Kiko the custom shape Italy Eight Diagrams primal chaos.  Chen Panling studies at the same time in the school, at the same time practices martial arts, at the same time also makes the new style movement, at that time had “the master sportsman” the reputation, contestant of for the Tianjin pitting field track athletics, the entire Hebei Province martial arts performance congress which held in Tianjin attains sixth, by the Spring and Autumn Period broadsword, the seven-jointed iron whip whip won the audience to praise.  in 1921, Chen Panling the Beijing University graduated, returns to Henan Kaifeng, namely the origination hydraulic engineering surveyed the school, from was appointed principal to hold a concurrent post of the Henan provincial government industry hall technician. in 1929 organized the Yellow River conservancy works Patent School, trained the water conservation talented youth. Once has made the detailed investigation and the plan survey to the entire province water conservation and Yellow River's canal system, opens cutting the long ten kilometers canal by Kaifeng to pass Yellow River, eliminates Kaifeng's sewage, promotes the health. Later period of time, Chen Panling once was appointed Qi County magistrate, Henan provincially established principal, Kuomintang Province Party committee member and Henan province west road duties and so on spy group commander, Henan water conservation bureau chief.   1925 year after year, Chen Panling initiated the origination “the Henan martial arts meeting”, various counties city established the branch one after another and the martial arts place, this entered beginning of the organized stage for Henan Province's martial arts. Chen Panling propagandizes professor vigorously in the society the martial arts, foundation member Zhang Jia sought (trust) according to the Kaifeng Beicang females in "the Beicang Diary" records in 1927, Chen Panling taught the fist frequently with Lu Wenqu to the Beicang females in:  On February 23: Jiang is extensive I (the Qi County person, Henan conveys an idea or ambition hall to compile) asks for leave temporarily, with schoolmate decided that invites Professor Chen Junfeng the jujitsu.
The primal chaos and the shape Italy two kind of Chinese boxing, and try the knife sword, the seven-jointed iron whip, the student spirit rouse ......   On March 12 ......Towering peak professor jujitsu. Toward Wen Keting (surname king, the Nanyang person) says outside gymnastics in the movement works as should, tastes asks the human to teach the skill at martial arts, the teaching not fluent its reason why, the towering peak university graduates, various branches pass much, therefore sounds reasonable, teaches the law to be also friendly, teachers and students all from custom.   On March 27, Chen Junfeng gives the jujitsu, the first class practices gradually to have the progress. The primal chaos Chinese boxing takes a step light and lively, is quite suitable in the female student. The towering peak teaches friendly, by science analysis, if principle of the gravity, sends the predecessor not to send.   On April 16, towering peak professor flies Long Jian, the Taijiquan to finish, the setting sun accepts as a memento, important towering peak speech sports, the family work branch should the special attention, and introduced that Mr. Lu Wenqu continues to teach the jujitsu, every Monday, three, five 4:00 pm, is professor the time ......   1928 falls, the martial arts society changed the Henan Province country technique hall, Chen Panling hold a concurrent post of manager by province water conservation bureau chief, provincial government president are appointed the associate librarian much, coach are the famous expert who year after year invited from the land, had successively: Jiao Runtian, Guo Yangming, Zheng you even, Xu Wenbing, Guo Shiquan, Li Chengxi, Li Yi three, Guo nine enjoys, when charter, Chen Yi gentleman and so on, Coach Zheng you are even Shaolin to send the true line, is skilled in the single bayonet law. The Northern Expedition time, Zheng you put down in Yubei organize several thousand people, said that commander responds the Northern Expedition, later the troop will dismiss, will contend in martial arts Zheng Dai apprentice Guo Yangming to Kaifeng, receives Chen Panling to recognize, only will then enter the province country technique hall. Saved the country technique hall to conduct five issue of training classes, each time the testee population about thousand, each time enrolled 100, 80 enjoyed the government expense treatment, supplied the meals, the underpants, the vest and so on. At that time, under the Chen Panling leadership, once conducted has tested by the actual combat five session of country technique province primarily with the national athletic meet trials, at 16, 17, 18 session of North China games, the first, second session of central country technique hall tests with fifth, sixth national games, the Henan contestant has obtained the excellent result. 1936 year after year, the Chinese Wushu team the 11th Olympic Games which held in Berlin has carried on the performance, the member altogether 9 people, Liu Yuhua, the gold lithophilic, the invader transported is popular with the Zhang Wenguang four people are the Henan person, but Liu Yuhua, the gold lithophilic were the province country technique hall students.   
 Is appointed country technique manager in Chen Panling the period, he spares no effort to promote the place fist which Henan local spreads to plant, the subsidization has published Chen Xin "Chen Taijiquan Descriptive note", "Primal chaos Orthodox school" writes preface for Du Yuanhua, composes "Chang Jiaquan for the Chang feat of arms Source and course To test".   Chen Panling is the Henan Central Bureau of Investigation and Statistics's leading figure, is deep two Chen (Chen Lifu, Chen Guo husband) the trust, 1930 the second half of the year to 1932 was appointed Henan Province Kuomintang party affairs Direction committee permanent committee member year after year after year, concurrently province country technique hall manager. 1933 year after year, Chen held a concurrent post of the Kuomintang secret service counterrevolutionary suppression special commissioner, was engaged in with the Henan Revival society's battle, the period also has carried on some anti-communism against the people activity. Area south of Yellow River war period, Yan Feng aspect provincial governor Wan Xuancai knew that the province party committee is the Nanjing aspect person, prepares to arrest Chen Panling, Chen hears the rumor, lets Zheng you flat belt apprentice Guo be detailed and clear, Yao Chuanxing takes advantage of the quiet at dead of night, from east end North Cape, with the rope is the embattlement, four people fall the city, runs away Nanjing, after the area south of Yellow River war, returns to Kaifeng.   The Sino-Japanese War erupts, the country technique hall in 1937 closed down year after year, Chen Panling was appointed the special representative in the Hankou Specially appointed Municipal party headquarters, latter returned to Henan director the Sino-Japanese War. Once propagandized the direction name by the war zone opposition to Japan, penetrates Yenling, Fugou, Xihua, Huaiyang, Sui, Qi Zhuxian, and holds a time big martial arts congress in the Fugou County government assembly hall, has said for more than three hours, narrated exhaustively the opposition to Japan saves the nation truth and Chinese broadsword team, in happy peak mouth campaign, in regains the important function which in Dolonnur each battlefield gets up.   1939 Chen Panling was appointed the central country technique hall associate librarian year after year, 1941 managed the Ministry of Education and Ministry of War year after year combines the country technique teaching material to edit the committee, was appointed director, the invitation at that time the country technique famous expert 20 celebrity was committee member, the country technique expert more than ten people are the edition, started to edit the crabbing, wrote the martial arts noun by the time to be unified, the theory was unified, acts the way standardization, the teaching method scientific style martial arts teaching material, three year forming teaching material 50 many kinds, wall map 40, 1944 delivered to go to press year after year to carry out. 1946 winters, the Henan Province country technique hall restored year after year, Chen Panling was appointed manager, Xu Wenbing is appointed the associate librarian, tried to study the martial arts rule and the teaching material, the old Chinese seventh national games martial arts contest rule was provides by the Henan Province country technique hall, period also has studied the Taijiquan hand slap rule.   1946 year after year, Chen Panling was appointed Yellow River conservancy works Bureau chief, on the one hand waterproofing, on the one hand guarded against the People's Liberation Army, was all day with trepidation, the night did not fall asleep. Kaifeng liberates the eve, Chen Panling uses an alias Zhang De Yao, puts on make-up west the refugee to run away, runs away to Zhengzhou, latter after Chongqing, Chengdu, entire family goes by plane in turn Hainan Island, finally moves Taiwan.
 After Taiwan, Chen Panling once prepared to restore “the central country technique hall”, it is said the house has found, the initiator still had original country technique hall initiator Niu forever to strengthen, Wu Zhihui, Yu You, no matter what, Li Zonghuang et al., but for various reasons not fruit. 1950 established “the Chinese country technique further education meeting” year after year, was appointed the first session of director. Chen Panling settles down Taichung, develops heart of the martial arts not to vanish throughout, he exercises martial arts in the model farm, deals with the pursuer to grow day by day, late arrival several hundred people, after having studies, the going out disseminator, also has the outside areas to come the scholar, the old, middle-aged and young, the woman all respectively to enable its then to study, and does not collect any expense. Latter proposes the establishment from the scholar “99 fitness meetings”, in 1957 double ninth festival, every from scholar, and in the Taichung, gets together in the model farm, the photography signs accepts as a memento, shows to respect. middle 1951 Chen Panling initiated year after year holds the country technique competition, 1955 initiated year after year holds the national country technique competition congress, 1957 initiated year after year holds the Taiwan Hong Kong and Macao area country technique competition congress, and assumed the post of chief judge. From 1957 martial arts projects includes the province to transport at year after year the meeting, all previous years competed Chen Panling are appointed chief judge a duty. And still devoted to the martial arts crabbing, and originally creates peak fist several groups, has at the same time inside and outside two long, the complete material receives and keeps by its children, a part by the true, the good and the beautiful publishing house being published, has "Country Technique To hold", "Taijiquan Teaching material", "Captures Technique", "Wrestling Technique", "Mainland Gathers Knife", "Peak Fist", "Eight Diagrams Double Knife", "Chinese boxing imitating various animals" and so on. 1969 in April Chen Panling died of illness year after year in Taichung, dies at the age of 76 years old, has Mr. Sun Ke to write "Mr. Chen Panling Memento book" publishes. Chen Panling thought that the life may induce is two point water conservation, two point education, one point party affairs, five point country technique.   Chen Panling promoted and develops the aspect to make the very big contribution in last century's martial arts popularization, but because his once anti-communism history was the Central Bureau of Investigation and Statistics status specially, the cause was familiar with and understood that he the person said nothing to him, after therefore its life experience and the martial arts achievement and go to Taiwan the situation to the mainland martial arts not to know now. /Wang Jiming  
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