
1. enters the absorption in meditation the condition: Must leave five builds the absorption in meditation the method to have many kinds. Repairs the law according to our Buddhism's absorption in meditation, no matter which one kind of absorption in meditation repairs, must enter at the beginning of the imperial sacrifices, two imperial sacrifices, three imperial sacrifices and four imperial sacrifices advances gradually like this repairs. Must sit in meditation, must have causes, was at that time must leave five lids. The so-called five lids are: Murky, falls the regret, to be angry, to doubt, but also has greed. When these worry not now time, if repairs the law to be correct, has the opportunity to sit in meditation. If has these worries, is very difficult to sit in meditation. Besides the worry cause, on our body has certain barriers, also will affect us to sit in meditation. Initially the imperial sacrifices sleep needs to sit in meditation, before must first have sits in meditation sleeps to receive. That is, if a person's body and mind is very comfortable, repairs the law to be very also correct, that before he wants to sit in meditation, will have the light peaceful phenomenon. Namely the whole body is comfortable, the average person's feeling is the whole body is light. Begins studies the absorption in meditation the human, will have the light peaceful phenomenon before sitting in meditation: Some people will think that the body will be getting bigger and bigger, even the entire body will be inflating, big to him will think that will fill this in society; Some people will think the body getting smaller, or the body will float. These are the light peaceful phenomena, this kind of phenomenon, will have from now on the very joyful feeling, before this will be enters at the beginning of the imperial sacrifices, the light peaceful sleep to receive. In the absorption in meditation, initially the imperial sacrifices, two imperial sacrifices, three imperial sacrifices have the different joyful feeling, did not have Le Shou to four imperial sacrifices. Human who sits in meditation as soon as will decide will think that the whole body will be very comfortable is very joyful, this joyful feeling can cause on his body the original indisposition and so on uncomfortable feeling vanishing. Moreover, when he sits in meditation, breathes one surely is very even, is comfortable, as soon as the breath will decide will become tiny. We may from these phenomena, situations which the resolution difference decides. Will say according to the classics, enters at the beginning of the imperial sacrifices to live the sleep, the view, happily, happy, to decide five matters, will be called at the beginning of imperial sacrifices five, the beginner will sit in meditation when is divides not clear these five, therefore the beginner does not need to pay attention to at the beginning of imperial sacrifices five first, in order to avoid will divert attention. The beginner might concentrate, the breath from the intention changes tiny, the body has been comfortable, by these phenomena determined that oneself already sat in meditation. Moreover, initially sits in meditation the human often has one kind of feeling, is he comes out after the very comfortable feeling, will think that the foot acid, the hemp, were suddenly painful; But, before he comes out actually does not know the pain. Why? Because initially the imperial sacrifices only then Le Shou painstakingly has not received, therefore, you sit in meditation the intention very tranquil body is comfortable, one day rest feels the physical pain, before this expression rest, you entered at the beginning of the imperial sacrifices. The experience which this is repairs the human who absorption in meditation has. Why not only but don't some people understand the hemp, the pain, but could also decide itself already to sit in meditation! The reason was teacher who preaches by these teaches misleading. How aren't these masters clear sit in meditation are a matter, will sit in meditation says very much difficultly to be very difficult, even hears you to repair the absorption in meditation, he will say that will be bewitched carefully. Actually four imperial sacrifices eight decide, is not Buddhism appropriation, outlet also meeting. Why did our Buddhism lecture of absorption in meditation, fear that can repair has problems? The reason does not have to understand correctly at the beginning of the imperial sacrifices to four imperial sacrifices are anything.

Sits in meditation is not waited for that the opportunity said a moment ago, sits in meditation the process to have the breath change, the intention change, but also some bodies feel the happy change. Many people did not understand how to use these changes to know sits in meditation path. Therefore, is sits quietly first, then continues to sit, to sit, sits, the time has been long, he entered unconscious settled inside. When enters, how to enter, he did not know. Such leads a pious life the human often to think that essential sits very much for a long time is very long, as soon as in brief, will sit a long time has decided will sit in meditation. Actually sits sits in meditation for a very long time, how doesn't understand to sit in meditation, he did not know when entered has decided? Also did not know how oneself does enter. Understood how to revise the human, wants to understand how to sit in meditation with decides. Does not understand the human who revises, even if entered has decided had not known that entered has decided that such was kept waiting in there. Many Buddhists can enter at the beginning of the imperial sacrifices, two imperial sacrifices, three imperial sacrifices, even some Buddhists repaired four imperial sacrifices. What do they sit in meditation the experience are? Originally when every he sits down, always wants to experience the sleep which he previous time sits in meditation to receive, then on and so on, and so on, and so on time arrived, he anticipated the experience came out, so sat in meditation. The majority Buddhists are this, anticipated previous time sits in meditation the experience sits in meditation, how is this he does not understand sits in meditation, does not believe the flash also to be able to sit in meditation. Why doesn't he understand? Originally many people have neglected the process which sits in meditation, because does not observe sits in meditation the process most important news, has to wait for that experiences has decided the comfortable feeling, when that experience appears he only then thought: Oh, I inside deciding. This indicated that he does not have the process which the observation sits in meditation, therefore, he each time unconscious enters the absorption in meditation. 2. sits in meditation the most important three matters: Careful, the rest is thin, Le Shou in this time absorption in meditation study, must study the process which the understanding sits in meditation. Actually, the process is very simple. Why said that is very simple? Because inside the absorption in meditation, has the joyful feeling, the breath is very thin, the intention is also very tiny. Depends on these three matters, we may say like this: When you sit in meditation, breathes one is surely from the thick thinning, the intention from the thick thinning, the body from does not have to turn happily has receives happily. That is, sits in meditation in the process, three important matters change at least, you must observe the process which carefully it changes. How to observe the difference three matter change fixed time to when observe these three matters? When you sit in meditation, one day thought that the breath is very thin, does not have the distracting thoughts, the intention to be very tranquil, the whole body has happily when appears, should not be reluctant to part with in inside, must a bit faster draw back. Why can so? When because you discover the body to be joyful, intention thinning, breath thinning time, you can when the withdrawal observes its change. You will discover that the intention thickening, the breath thickening, the joyful feeling will be drawing back. When happily complete drawing back, you a bit faster once again concentrate, thought first I must sit in meditation once again, then concentrates once again in repairs the law. As soon as so, you surely have ability to return to the original sleep to receive again. That is, you just got down from at the beginning of imperial sacrifices, as soon as you have ability to return to at the beginning of the imperial sacrifices again surely. You concentrated once again at that time, a bit faster paid attention observe three matter's changes, the breath thinning, the intention thinning, but also had Le Shouyou to appear. This is the very important three matters, because this process is the path which sits in meditation. How therefore wants you to observe the intention from the thick thinning, how breathes from the thick thinning, how from to have Le Shoubian to have receives happily. This is the path which you must know, when observes this three matters? The opportunity (duration and degree of cooking) is when breathes is very thin, does not have the distracting thoughts, the intention to be very tranquil, the whole body has Le Shoushi.
As soon as each time sits in meditation, if you want: , I must sit in meditation now! The beginner cannot achieve generally. You must sit period of time, sat comes out to Le Shoukuai, not to have the distracting thoughts, the intention tiny, the breath to be tiny, at this time a bit faster drew back. As soon as drew back you to think: , I must sit in meditation now! You certainly managed by now obtain. Is sitting in meditation the process to observe three matters in the change: Intention, breath and Le Shou. The redundant practice difference decides the process to be like this careful the redundant observation to sit in meditation three matters: The intention, the breath and receive happily, you will understand that originally will sit in meditation the process is such a matter. Must duplicate trains, comes up, gets down. Comes up again, gets down again, does more multiple is better. Later, you more and more will quickly sit in meditation. The average person did not understand that the redundant training sits in meditation, will only covet Le Shouer who Le Shouer will live in deciding not to want to come out, has been dull, stays draws back to the strength in meditation only then came out, how so can revising sit in meditation actually does not understand enters. Therefore, anybody initially enters the absorption in meditation, as soon as did not want to enter has decided does not come out. As soon as should be goes in a bit faster comes out, then, a bit faster goes in again a bit faster comes out. Redundant has done, achieves you to be very skilled, is after very clear how to sit in meditation, only then strengthens the strength in meditation, so-called strengthened the strength in meditation to go in cannot come out immediately. When practices strengthens the strength in meditation, must in deciding how long? The beginner enters at the beginning of the imperial sacrifices not to be too long, five minutes were good. Must come out in the inside dull five minutes, but under does not want the place, then goes in again five minutes later comes out. Why? Because of being dull too in at the beginning of imperial sacrifices for a long time, the intention will be possibly thinner leaves at the beginning of the imperial sacrifices. Even penetrates into a higher absorption in meditation, the breath is thinner, the intention is thinner, is also more joyful. Therefore you thick mix the hopeless mess thin to at the beginning of imperial sacrifices intention. That is when the practice strengthens at the beginning of the absorption in meditation strength, he in entering at the beginning in imperial sacrifices a half hour, must come in and go out decides six times. Like this not only has repaired a half hour at the beginning of imperial sacrifices, moreover understood understands. When each time comes in and goes out decides five minutes to do very much familiar, has had confidence very much, you sit in meditation ten minutes or 15 minutes. 15 minutes have had confidence, you sit for one hour. Like this strengthens the strength in meditation. When you thought that this decided has been very stable, then could try to enter other absorption in meditation. This is the skill which so-called sits in meditation.
3. relieves the barrier which sits in meditation to say a moment ago repairs the absorption in meditation to have some barriers. One is five lid's worries, moreover is body's certain barriers. Breath and pulse blocking - - creates on body's ache about body's barrier, in front, in back. In sits in meditation, in the body will be angry revolution. That is, when your spirit concentrates, in you observe when boundary, you definitely meet the whole body to relax. A bodily relaxation, your body's gas will revolve. The qigong master will say that will be is practicing the qigong. Is actually not, we in dedicated revise. But because your heart concentrates inside a boundary, does not pay attention to the body, your body will relax, on body's gas will revolve. When it revolves, if on your body has some breath and pulse blocking, the destiny changes to there to be able the ache. Therefore the absorption in meditation cannot fix. Generally catches cold blocking in the back, generally the breath or the psychological question will create protothorax blocking. Melancholy, will work with the heart, is angry and so on to feel that the chest will be stuffy. Also one is stomach's spot, some person of stomachs are cold, he sits to the certainty when will make a belch. When you sit in meditation on the body is eternally grateful time the launch, if on the body has the ache, but is not sore, indicated that you sit in meditation good which sits. Why reaches an agreement? The reason is on the body has the indisposition, you usually did not know, you sit in meditation, the gas must make a connection with the infection, but pain. You must process the indisposition, if you do not process, was mad that will disturb you. If you do not process it to insist to sit every day, slowly automatically will also make a connection, but must spend the very long time. If you discovered that any ache, needs to process it, do not think that presents the indisposition is teacher teaches wrongly, or is repairs wrong. In the past when sitting in meditation, if receives frightens, will sit later each time in meditation the front pain, you must look for doctor or the qigong master help you to recuperate, in order to avoid will continue to disturb sits in meditation. Must remember, in sits in meditation, if receives frightens, do not open eyes immediately leaves. Should calm down, swallows the saliva or directs the gas the pubic region, from now on will ask the human to process. Behind has several spots, is the perineum, the life gate, the lung shu, big zhui, the protrusion of the occipital bone and so on. Sits in meditation when will be angry through these chakra acupuncture point, if these spot blocking can create one kind of cold hot phenomenon. When was mad the automatic recuperation created in the past but the infection the pain, showed that you sat in meditation have the progress, therefore said that sat a long time has the pain is a good deed, because not the clear person the pain will back down. On remains was mad that - - long has created headache most people sit in meditation for several days later area the temples and glabella the painful bulge, this is sits in meditation time is not careful creates. Why? Because will sit in meditation the climate to rise on to the end, many people had not perceived that was angry keeps on to rest, one time remained little, studied hard for several days later, could the ache. When the situation is serious, the mouth lagentomums, the tongue lives the sore, cannot fall asleep, deficiency-fire rise. These are the gas keep on to cause the deficiency-fire sickness to be mad. Many Buddhists meet this aspect the question, oneself were mad that disturbs sickness, to practices when the gas ignorant builds “the deficiency-fire outlet”, actually scolds the qigong is an outlet. Therefore, after each time sits in meditation, a on certain spot will be angry, if you will have confidence process these gas, may use any method processing, place will regulate the flow of vital energy blocking will not be divided Buddha or the outlet, the outlet will have the good also means to be possible to use. Otherwise, best follows ancient's custom, after sitting in meditation, rubbed the hot palm first, combed the hair by the fingernail, washes the face by the palm, refers to the massage body hands and feet. Massage time must pay attention, do not open the eye immediately. After massaging, could open the eye. The massage will be lets you accumulate on or body's gas disperses. Moreover some people, sat in meditation have slept, this was intolerable. Such easy to create the headache. If these questions you understand processing, you will not be been mad the disturbance. Otherwise, you sit in meditation finally, you can not be uncomfortable because of the whole body and be dejected. Time sat in meditation was certain, the sensitive person can discover that was angry in the revolution, most people experiences the temples to be able to send rises. Why is this? Originally we will cultivate the mind grow the soul will produce the pure gas, will be angry the obscene desire to produce the filthy gas corruptly, pure gas to a rise, more pure air high. The filthy gas toward the drop, a filthier gas falls is lower, hundred meets the hole high to the top of the head, most lowers to lower abdomen's under perineum hole. Therefore works as intention pure to proximity at the beginning of imperial sacrifices time, on your body the pure gas will rise to eyebrow's this standard. Is a standard, is not a glabella spot. In two imperial sacrifices time, will have pure air to send area border this, will be between the hair and the forehead. In three imperial sacrifices time, will have pure gas in hundred will meet. If you to four imperial sacrifices, that gas outside the top of the head. Careful repairs the absorption in meditation to be able to detect that this kind of phenomenon, will after be will sit in meditation, these spots will be angry. Because does not understand this kind of phenomenon, therefore did not know that processes these gas, will cause some people to have the different spot headache. The return peace condition - - under your presence needed to massage and the body you each time sits in meditation, certainly must let these gas descend fall. Some people are very sensitive, he will know, some people will be insensitive knew. After the insensitive person sits in meditation, must the massage well, avoid the gas keeping on. If you used the massage not to be able to process, must make some views to think, the view wanted to be mad on from the beginning descended fall slowly. You may use the hand palm to pull downward slowly slowly facing your head. Middle pulls to the front, pulls the pubic region, repeatedly makes this movement. If the incorrect words, you may whip process keep on the gas, whips with the hollow palm. After the racket, will think that you on the gas will stick in the hand, must throw off it. If these you understand processing, must enter the absorption in meditation is not difficult. Some people already sat have been very long, although did not have what distracting thoughts, always could not sit in meditation, has not received happily. Why? The most reasons are bodily illnesses, makes concentrates incapable intentionally, therefore does not have the means to sit in meditation. Because the absorption in meditation is the very strong mental effort centralism, if the mental effort centralism cannot achieve the suitable intensity, does not have the means to sit in meditation. That is your mental effort is unable the energy which concentrates needs, therefore, the bodily quite weak person, before sitting in meditation the medicine which, must eat some to restore vital energy.