
1321405711-3333672132.jpg                                                                                                 內功是通過氣的練習而成的,練氣講究呼吸吐納,多用腹式呼吸法,精神集中,循序漸進,從而達到鍛鍊身體內部器官的目的。武術中可以提高耐力、戰鬥力和極強的自我保護作用等。

說起內功,大家可能會想到《射雕英雄傳》 ,《天龍八部》裡那些玄妙的東西。內功是一種動靜功結合的導引法,主要通過意守、以息運氣、呼吸鍛鍊等方法,以增強內氣而產生祛強身等功效。太極內功原系太極拳的內煉功,早先在武術界中流傳,以增強技擊能力為主要目的。


2009120722122423.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                         內功的最高境界叫做“身知”,就是“身體本身知道氣的運行”的意思。再說得“”一點,叫做“打通任督二脈”。這個說法並不是沒有道理的。學中醫的人都學過穴位,同時有一首口訣,講的是人體氣血運行的順序和時間。子時運行到哪一個臟腑,午時運行到哪一個臟腑一天12個時辰正好周身運行一遍。這就是一個周天(先天大周天)。這個周天是人生來就不停運行的。練內功的人,控制他的內力在身體內快速運行,把本來應該一天完成的運行用一個小時完成,他還可能和正常人一樣嗎?而這個周天(後天周天)又分兩種,一種是大周天,一種是小周天。小周天是指控制氣血只繞行于任督二脈(上起頭頂百匯穴,下止襠部會陰穴。身體前面中央線為任脈,身體後面中央線為督脈),速度快但是長功慢。大周天是指控制氣血繞行身體所有經絡,長功快但是速度慢。這種程度的內功修煉則是只有“身知”的人才能作到的。  

untitled.bmp                                                                                                                                                                                       內功 - 功效







7、 美容瘦身: 活化細胞,燃燒脂肪,增強新陳代謝,調節微循環,美麗肌膚,重塑青春自我。


01300000085669122906767689086.jpg                                                                The internal strength is the practice which has ventilated becomes, practices breathing exercises is fastidious about the breath expiration and inspiration, the multipurpose abdominal breathing law, the spirit is centralized, proceeds in an orderly way, thus achieves hammers 鍊 the body internal organs' goal. In the martial arts may enhance the endurance, the battle efficiency and greatly strengthened protects oneself the function and so on. Mentions the internal strength, everybody will possibly think that "Will shoot Carves Heroic Biography", "Tianlongbabu" in these mysterious things. The internal strength is one kind of sound of something astir merit union guiding law, mainly passes the feelings to defend, by the rest luck, the breath hammers 鍊 and so on methods, in strengthens was mad that produces expels sickness builds up strength and so on effects. WPS_Eu34.jpgWPS_Eu36.jpg                                                                                The primal chaos internal strength is originally Taijiquan in builds up the merit, previously spread in the martial arts, take strengthens the art of attack and defense ability as the main purpose. Internal strength theory. Various internal strength theory is different, i.e. various internal strength heart law is different. The Chinese martial arts school is numerous. In the family has primal chaos, octupole octopole, shape Italy, Eight Diagrams and so on. No matter which, one kind so-called “is mad the fist”, each move of potential wants the static very long time, this is the internal strength practice. Is called “the pile merit” with the shoptalk. The primary pile merit is only to experience was mad that for instance some posture, you must feel has the steam from the under foot upward spread, until waist. Had this kind of feeling explanation to practice has been right, had not explained that practiced not rightly. When you walked regarding the endogenic force have been very familiar, practiced the more profound pile merit, by now, involved to various each faction heart law. How to guide, to control your endogenic force, and how causes it to move in the body. The internal 189451_107457419337354_100002192905605_75910_2202116_n.jpg200119_107457126004050_100002192905605_75895_5979956_n.jpg188441_109513459131750_100002192905605_94258_4083396_n.jpg                                                                       strength highest boundary named “the body knowledge”, is “the body itself knew was mad movement” meaning. Also “the knight-errant” a spot,the named “made a connection, no matter what supervised two arteries”. This view and has the truth. Studies the Chinese medicine the human have studied the acupuncture point, simultaneously has mnemonics, what says is the human body vitality movement order and the time. Which internal organs does 11 p.m. to 1 a.m move to, which internal organs one day of 12 time just right whole body noontime moves to moves. This is a sidereal revolution (congenital big sidereal revolution). This sidereal revolution is the human does not stop the movement since birth. Practices the internal strength the human, controls his endogenic force in the body the quick operating, complete the movement originally should one day to complete with one hour, he is also possible and the normal person is the same? But this sidereal revolution (day after tomorrow sidereal revolution) will be divided two kinds, one kind will be the big sidereal revolution, one kind will be the small sidereal revolution. The small sidereal revolution is the indictment vents one's anger the blood only to detour Yu Ren to supervise two arteries (on the top of the head hundred to collect the hole, gets down stops the crotch department perineum hole. In front of body central line for, no matter what arteries, bodily following central line to supervise the arteries), but the speed the long merit is quickly slow. The big sidereal revolution is the indictment vents one's anger the blood to detour bodily all channels and collaterals, but the long merit the speed is quickly slow. This kind of degree's internal strength practice is only then “the body knowledge” the human can do. Internal strength - effect 1st, construction formidable striking power. Can cause the body to be exceptionally solid, has the ultra average man's activeness anti-to resist the match since the capacitance the fist foot to hit hard, even inspires using the endogenic force bounce breaks the enemy skill. From inside to outside constitution formidable deterrent. 2nd, explodes the human body potential violently. Has the 20091231164423331.jpg                                                                                                                                                           formidable internal sustaining power, transfers the human body all internal energy, the strength like volcanic eruption, sharp cannot keep off. 3rd, increases the resistivity. Passes after detachably, relieves wearily. Practices one time to feel the whole body cell every time greatly air operated, every day insisted can cause the organism coordinated balanced rapid relieve fstigue, energetic, the physique is strong. 4th, enhances the vision. Adjusts the optic nerve to have the clear vision to raise an item of effect to be far away from the nearsightedness not to guard against however. 5th, nourishes the cerebrum. Enhancement memory. For cerebrum oxygenizement, activation brain cell? Adjustment nervous system. Causes your thought to be agile, The memory is outstanding. 6th, performance restoration. The adjustment internal secretion, improves the male and female germ cells function, to the kidney empty and so on symptoms has the good curative effect. Content family life. 7th, cosmetology downsizing: Activation cell, combustion fat, enhancement metabolism, adjustment microcycle.The beautiful flesh, remoulds the youth. 8th, prolongs the life: Relaxes the muscles and joints and stimulate blood circulation, no matter what the destiny human body supervises two arteries. Regulates the flow of vital energy raises the blood, the spirit is joyful? Treats the stomach, the kidney, the liver, the heart cerebrovascular disease and so on many kinds of illness, is the senior citizen health care immortal secret recipe.



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