p118121374093.jpgxin_4309061813262912408930.jpgp118174868571.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              中國,乃文明古國,禮儀之邦,尊師重道是傳統之美德。武術,源遠流長,博大精深,是中國優秀的傳統文化之一,千百年來,師徒相授一直是武術最主要的傳承形式,因此,武術界尤其是傳統武術界,特別強調師徒名分,講究尊師禮節,注重拜師禮儀,通常只有通過拜師入門,才能被視為為老師真正的學生,拜過師的學生一般稱為“入室弟子”,沒有拜師的學生則只能稱為“記名弟子”。所以,不論是老師,還是學生,都把拜師儀式看作是一件非常隆重和嚴肅的事情。

557362_346694605413633_1462380521_n166961_226893624060399_1732435506_n7d33e0a3gbffbc43318a2&690255315_346431508773276_2085524514_n       黃連順師父傳授武術如下:
連環刀、大六合刀、 太祖單刀
42式太極劍、 龍形劍、純陽劍、連環劍
六合劍、形意劍、三才劍、奇門十三劍、 龍形八卦飛龍劍
龍形八卦飛龍棍、連環棍 、六合棍
九(七)節鞭、梅花雙劍、 二十四短棍(打狗棒法)、龍形八卦雙劍
拳術兵器對練 :


1330954868-855616471                                                        傳授一.武術班 1.武術基本功 2.北派少林拳套路 3.傳統武術(應用與變化) 4.兵器(刀、槍、劍、棍) 5.傳統武術的實戰訓練 。 二.太極養生班 1.太極拳基本功 2.太極拳套路、太極劍套路3.太極推手(應用與變化) 4.傳統太極拳的實戰訓練 5.氣功養生秘法(經絡.氣脈.修身) ~真功夫是需要一招一式細心揣摩的,勤學苦練,在實戰中不斷增加經驗,不經過時間的磨礪不可能練出真功夫。拳的用法是拳術之根本,習武之人興趣之所在,最為寶貴、最不應丟棄、更不能忽視的東西,如沒有拳的用法,拳就沒有了靈魂。395966_347029965380097_1234435481_n m.jpg 7d33e0a3gb5ff9e35793c&690.jpg 558073_345529395530154_1916118596_n311925_348349348581492_992255860_n                  China, is the ancient nation, nation of the etiquette, honors the teacher and respects his teachings is moral excellence of the traditional. Martial arts, well-established, broad and profound, is one of Chinese outstanding traditional culture, a lot of years, the priests and disciples give have been the martial arts most main inheritance forms, therefore, the martial arts tradition martial arts, emphasize the priests and disciples status specially particularly, is fastidious respects authority the courtesy, pays great attention to acknowledge as teacher the etiquette, usually only then through acknowledges as teacher crosses the threshold, can regard as for teacher the genuine student, has acknowledged as teacher the student is called “the apprentice” generally, has not acknowledged as teacher the student can only be called “the recording a name disciple”. Therefore, no matter is teacher, the student, regards as the acknowledging as teacher ceremony is very grand and the serious matter. Acknowledges as teacher emphasizes a fate, must know teacher and from teacher the scholarship is the first step. The student in knows teacher or after study period of time, may raise or the request which sincerely replaces by the gate wife conveys acknowledges as teacher, teacher before is accepting the person officially, generally must pass through strict selecting to the student with the long time inspection, decided whether selects it is the person. The hold acknowledging as teacher ceremony, must first choose one auspicious day auspicious day, when holds the ceremony, the participant except teacher and acknowledging as teacher, is mainly in the gate the kowtowing disciple. Generally the program is: First, hangs Shi Zu (also to be possible to add on Shi Ye) the portrait, suspends the incense table, burns incense by teacher to Shi Zu and Shi Ye, shows this incense and candle to be prosperous, the inheritance has the human; Second, teacher in the seat of honor, the acknowledging as teacher student kneels in front of Mr./Mrs. Yu, listens to the master to brief the acknowledging as teacher student's situation; Third, the acknowledging as teacher student will prepare to acknowledge as teacher well beforehand pastes lifts the top of the head, both hands has presented to teacher, and the line three kotows the big ritual to teacher; Fourth, the acknowledging as teacher student hands over for teacher prepares the good covered teacup tea beforehand, named “changes a statement the tea”, shows from now henceforth to rename “the master worker”; Fifth, the acknowledging as teacher student hands over the red package (how many not to limit, must result in has, by chart auspicious), teacher gives the acknowledging as teacher student gift, like the material books, exercise martial arts the utensil and so on, and presents as a gift language Canada to make an effort; Sixth, takes a group photo alone with teacher, then all take a group photo; Seventh, attend the banquet by teacher's name please all on the scene. Once holds the acknowledging as teacher ceremony, is equal to into the teacher, must follow “on first is the teacher, lifelong is the father” martial arts world custom. Teacher treats likes the person wanting to treat own one's own son to be the same likely, teaches the technique carefully, the disciple must treat as teacher own father to respect equally and to serve, said that teacher the wife is “the teacher's wife”, usually must respect teacher, teacher in the family has any matter to need to help, must do on own initiative, must take to bring with the present when the traditional festival to salute teacher. If the disciple made any progress to report to teacher, give a present, expressed that oneself had not forgotten the teacher's graciousness of cultivation, this was called “the newspaper teacher”.480957_337407266342367_2014997943_n p112563715016 
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