Chang Youren asks me, sits in meditation must certainly sit cross-legged? How can't sit cross-legged to manage? I believe the friend, certainly knew answer. That is, sits in meditation not necessarily must sit cross-legged. Is only, sits cross-legged “the effect” to be quite good, does not represent sits cross-legged can enter the quite good condition, is unable to sit cross-legged “does not calm down”. But, is India's yoga also why good, China sits in meditation also well, probably must sit cross-legged. Why can sit cross-legged? What advantage sits cross-legged has? Actually, before discussing sits cross-legged the advantage, before I speak an everybody, first had not mentioned the cultural context, that is: Ancient times people do not have the chair to be possible to sit, therefore, the only method is sits. In China, furniture's and so on chair appearances, are probably after Tang, Song. Is also, the Chinese has the chair to sit, is also 1000 year about time. I believed the Indian, although is also very intelligent, but will have chair's age should early not to be more than China. Since the ancient can only sit, how to sit only then sits well? In all disperses the plate, Shan Tuipan, to kneel sits….And so on various types sitting posture, can let the human sit for a long time, also sits steadily, sits not tired, must calculate the lotus face plate. This is also why do the ancient times sit in meditation use this kind of posture the reason. Pours sitting cross-legged which the bottom lotus face plate or we are generally called generally, has what advantage?? Sits cross-legged may improve the thigh, the malleolus department, the thurl flexibility, causes two legs, below, the palace department muscles and the soft tissue becomes soft, the ductility is better, is advantageous to the prevention and the treatment lower part's arthralgia. Moreover, sits cross-legged can let the blood be unable to enter two legs temporarily, may slow down lower part's blood circulation, i.e., the heart does the same matter, but the blood follows the return route shortened half, was equal to that increased upper part's blood circulation potency, particularly will be the chest cavity and brain's blood stream quantity will improve obviously. Therefore, was mad that with the blood very natural in the upper part circulation, will have the improvement and the repair and maintenance body organ, organization's effect. This is also the way which why in the novel martial arts world master does exercise martial arts is sits cross-legged, but not necessarily was practices the knife, to practice the sword. Very what is strange, uses this looks like “the pain” the posture, can actually cause the respiratory system to be smooth, the palpitation slows down, the human is easier to enter the tranquil condition. In the very red new book “muscle length one inch, prolonged life for ten years” once to mention that recently “Harvard University Medical school, has nearly ten thousand to contract each kind of disease's person seeing a doctor every year, doctor besides gives the patient to apply drugs, but also how teaches them to sit cross-legged frequently sits in meditation, eliminates in the spiritual the pressure, the enhancement physique. In Japan, many places start makes “on the first nun” the fitness tidal current, sits cross-legged the feminine fitness to a temple sits in meditation, fasts to purify the mind, not only may eliminate the pressure and the worry, but may also exercise the body. Sits cross-legged sits, may say that is one kind of seat braces. Regardless of being the Buddhist, Taoism, initiates this kind of seat to brace the way. This is one kind safe, undergoes several thousand year practice examination the seat to brace the law.” However, is also not each person can sit cross-legged at present. Because we practice in sit the chair, the thurl is tight, in addition lacks the movement, has not undergone the practice, the nearly unusual person can sit cross-legged immediately. Especially, the knee, the ankle area have been injured the human, wants to be careful for it. Whether to sit cross-legged with the build also has the relations. Generally speaking, the thin person easy to be able to achieve, a fatter person, or should say that thigh sturdiness, is not easier to sit cross-legged. Certainly, the longleg short also compares gets the advantage ~~ No matter their leg are long, the leg is short, perhaps wealthy, the waist is thin, wants to be able to be relaxed oneself “on sits” should better practice first an above several spot: Before the thigh, the rear end, the buttocks and under back's muscle group and the tendon, delay well, in the yoga movement, the movement which the first curved kind of movement and the sitting posture two legs open, was sits cross-legged for the practice prepared the movement in anticipation. Even if you easily had already sat cross-legged, but also several points must pay attention. First, the left leg, the right leg should better be able the overlapping practice. Also do not let the own maintenance identical leg in on fixed posture. Such has been long, a leg will be quite loose, a leg obvious tightly will have been many, moreover pelvis easy crooked oh ~ Also, in sits cross-legged the single foot's heel hangs on another leg's thigh, please as far as possible hang the deep spot. Is also enables a foot's heel a closer thurl to be better. So, the entire ankle area may put in above completely the thigh, will not turn on lathe spatially, the sitting cross-legged time will be long, the ankle area was still the security is supported. After long plate, when untie the both legs, please surely careful. Because of this time vitality bulge, the foot has been also numb, must therefore move the posture very discretely. But usually must make some thigh movement, before the elephant, curved practice, because will guarantee itself custom Yu Jiupan not to create the hipbone, the femur and knee joint's distortion oh ~~ gives everybody's suggestion will be finally, even if you will be a skilled person, also please pay attention the daily change. If the condition is not good time, please do not force for it, was careful to want!