從本屆開始,國際奧委會正式規定,點燃奧林匹克聖火是以後每屆奧運會開幕式不可缺少的儀式之一。Republic of the past:
1936 Nazi Olympics in Berlin, Germany, China team.
China sent a total of 69 athletes participated in track and field, swimming, weightlifting, boxing, cycling, basketball, and football 6 game, none of the semi-finals in addition to Fu Bao Lu broke into the pole vault final.
National Anthem of the Republic of China for the world's best national anthem of the Olympic Games selection.
The first television broadcast of the Olympic Games grand.
Starting from this year, the International Olympic Committee formal requirements, the lighting of the Olympic torch ceremony after each Olympic Games opening ceremony indispensable.蔣介石在上海授旗參加德國柏林第十一屆奧運會(前往參加柏林奧運會的隊員出國前,蔣委員長接見慰勉講話。)
Chiang Kai-shek flag presentation in Shanghai to participate in Berlin, Germany, the Eleventh Olympic Games (players attending the Berlin Olympics before going abroad, Chiang Kai-shek met Weimian speech.)1936年參加柏林奧運會,揚威歐洲的中國足球第一隊。Participated in the Berlin Olympics in 1936, won in Europe, the Chinese football team.
中國代表團總領隊王正廷(中)與國際奧委會官員步入會場。Chinese delegation leader Zhengting (middle), and the International Olympic Committee officials entered the hall.
1936年8月9日,柏林奧運會首輪籃球比賽中,中國隊以45比38戰勝法國隊。August 9, 1936, the Berlin Olympics in the first round of basketball games, the Chinese team 45 to 38 victory over the French team.
柏林奧運會上的中國代表團。Chinese delegation on the Berlin Olympics.
柏林奧運會上的中國代表團,參加柏林奧運會的中國代表團合影,前排左四為王正廷Chinese delegation on the Berlin Olympics, the Chinese delegation participated in the Berlin Olympics photo, front row, fourth from left Zhengting
出征柏林奧運會的中國選手在輪船上合影Chinese athletes set off Berlin Olympics photo on the ship
1936年看到中華民國國旗,中國代表團在上海乘船離境時的歡送場面1936 saw the national flag of the Republic of China, the Chinese delegation boat upon departure from the farewell scene in Shanghai
1936年,由張文廣、溫敬銘、鄭懷賢、金石生、張爾鼎、寇運興、翟漣源、傅淑雲、劉玉華等人組成的中國武術表演團,在德國的漢堡、法蘭克福、柏林等城市做了精彩的武術表演。1936, consisting of Wen-Guang Zhang Wenjing Ming Zheng Huaixian Jinshi Sheng, Zhang Er Ding, Kouyun Xing Zhai Lianyuan, Fu Shuyun, Liu Yuhua and other Chinese martial arts performing group in Germany, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin and other cities do wonderful martial arts performances.
1936年8月,69名中國運動員經過長途跋涉,輾轉來到德國柏林參加第十一屆奧運會。其中,由張文廣、溫敬銘、鄭懷賢、金石生、張爾鼎、寇運興、翟漣源、傅淑雲、劉玉華等人組成的國術表演隊最為耀眼,他們是當時全國武林的頂尖高手,名動江湖.In August 1936, 69 Chinese athletes after a long journey, she ended up in Berlin, Germany, to participate in the Eleventh Olympic Games. Martial arts demonstration team composed by Wen-Guang Zhang, Wen Jingming, Zhenghuai Xian, Jin Shisheng, Ding Zhang Seoul, Kouyun Xing, Zhai LIANYUAN, Fu Shuyun, Liu Yuhua et al most dazzling, they was the country's top martial arts master, were moving rivers and lakes
1936年德國柏林奧運會期間,柏林華僑歡迎中國代表團的情形。During the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, Berlin Overseas Chinese welcome the Chinese delegation to the case.
1936年10月23日,中國奧運代表隊中惟一讓洋人喝彩的中華國術隊隊員:張文廣、溫敬銘、鄭懷賢、金石生、張爾鼎、寇運興、翟漣源、傅淑雲、劉玉華等返回上海時留影。October 23, 1936, Chinese martial arts team members of the Chinese Olympic team only foreigners cheers Fu Shuyun, Zhai Lian Yuan, Liu Yuhua pictured (from left to right) return to Shanghai.
1936年10月23日,中國奧運代表隊中惟一讓洋人喝彩的中華國術隊隊員傅淑雲、翟連沅、劉玉華(從左至右)返回上海時留影。October 23, 1936, Chinese martial arts team members of the Chinese Olympic team only foreigners cheers Fu Shuyun, Zhai Lian Yuan, Liu Yuhua pictured (from left to right) return to Shanghai.
1936年5月31日,中華民國代表團在赴德參加柏林奧運會之前,前往中山陵謁陵。May 31, 1936, the ROC delegation to Germany to participate in the Berlin Olympics, go to Sun Yat-sen Yeling.eefon 投稿 私信 存檔eefon Contributor private letter archive 1936年8月1日,柏林奧運會開幕式上,中國體育代表團整隊出場.August 1, 1936, the opening ceremony of the Berlin Olympics, the Chinese sports delegation to the whole team played.
1936年我國運動員周餘愚(前右二)參加柏林奧運會時與奧運冠軍傑西·歐文斯合影Our athletes Zhou Yu-yu (front right) participated in the Berlin Olympics in 1936 and the Olympic champion Jesse Owens photo
1936年德國柏林奧運會期間,東南女子體育師範學院歡送校友赴德參During the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, Southeast Women's Sports Teachers College farewell the alumni to Germany parameters. eefon 投稿 私信 存檔eefon Contributor private letter archive