一、強心 “心為五臟六腑之大主”。練太極拳特別強調“心靜用意”,用意識引導動作,使心神安靜,意念集中,機體放鬆,臟腑之間發揮正常的功能,從而取得相對平衡。心神安定,可使思維敏捷,語言流利。心氣運行流暢,更能發揮其統轄血液循環的功能,減少和消除體內瘀血。血液通暢充盈,面色自然紅潤。
四、補肺練太極拳要求氣沉丹田,從而加強了肺主氣的功能,增加了肺活量,有利於肺的肅降。通過吐故納新,能進一步推動氣血在全身的運行,使身體各部都得到營養與活力。練拳時使肺的呼吸與皮毛的開合聯繫起來,與動作的開合虛實和起伏轉換結合起來,練拳後皮膚溫暖或微微出汗,有利於肺氣的宣發和水道的通調,並能充衛固表,不易感冒,使皮膚潤澤,感覺靈敏。 五、固腎太極拳論認為“腰為主宰”,“命意源頭在腰隙”。故練拳時十分重視腎之府——腰的作用,以腰為軸來帶動四肢和全身協調運動,使勁路完整,氣機暢達;要“牽動往來氣貼背”、“中氣貫脊中”;還要懸頂、吊襠、提肛、尾閭中正,以加強腎命並調通任督二脈之氣。並且以心為令、氣沉丹田,使心腎相交,水火既濟。這樣就加強了兩腎和命門的功能,使腎精充實、陽氣旺盛、行動輕捷、二便調和、骨強齒堅、發澤耳聰。
綜上所述,太極拳是一種心身俱練、神形雙修的保健運動。它通過調心、調氣、調身等一系列調整人體陰陽的對立統一的運動,以內固精神、運行氣血、暢通經絡、協調臟腑、活動肌肉筋骨,使人正氣旺盛,陰平陽秘,內外調和,達到保健祛病、益壽延年、自強不息之目的。[lead] the Chinese nation have created the bright culture in several thousand year production practice and social life, in the richly colorful keeping in good health gymnastics, the Taijiquan by its unique, complete, the science hammers 鍊 the method and the system info, as well as good, accurate, universal health care function and medical effect, likes for the general populations. The traditional Chinese medicine believed that the human body is one takethe internal organs as a center, relates the contradictory unification whole through the channels and collaterals movement vitality and the physiquefive official rank organization. In this whole, between internal organs, channels and collaterals, vitality, both mutual connection, and restricts mutually, “palace in the heart - - crowned head” (cerebral cortex and central nervous system) commanding with coordinated, also divides the work, also cooperates, completes each physiological activity together, the maintenance masculine and feminine elements is balanced. The Taijiquan, according to the masculine and feminine elements, the internal organs, the channels and collaterals, the vitality theory creation hammers 鍊 the method and the movement main point, induces is a few words: “the spirit is Mr. the flesh and blood feudal official”; Three adjustments: Adjusts the heart, to control one's breathing, to adjust the body; Nine main point: Static, gathers, passes through, along, sinks, smoothly, the pine, to put in order. When practice must achieve the mind to be peaceful, the inside and outside relaxes, dispels symptoms such as bloating by the heart, by the destiny body, the god shape unites, the spirit relies on one another. Must hammer for a long time 鍊, perseveres, thus plays the role which strongs and healthy body. First, the strong heart “the heart is big host the viscera”. Practices the Taijiquan to stress specially “the calm intention”, with consciousness guidance movement, causes the mind to be peaceful, the thought is centralized, organism relaxes, between the internal organs displays the normal function, thus obtains the relative equilibrium. The mind is stable, may cause the thought to be agile, the language is fluent. The frame of mind movement is smooth, can display its governance blood circulation the function, reduces and eliminates in vivo ecchymosis. The blood unobstructed full, the facial color nature is ruddy. Second, raises when the liver practices the Taijiquan, the ideal condition is quiet, the mood is peaceful, dispels symptoms such as bloating by Italy, the inside and outside relaxes, movement gentle agile, if the spring breeze willow, is angry abundant, may cause the liver to be comfortable and bracelet, thus the liver body raises, the liver blood hides, is helpful to the taste digestion, does not send a tyrannical conduct gram earth. Practices boxing when by the Italian luck's abdominal breathing, is helpful in dispels symptoms such as bloating the blood circulation. The look concentrates on the movement, the movement links up agilely, to raises the liver clear vision, to relax the muscles and joints and stimulate blood circulation is of great advantage. Third, is good for the spleen practices boxing the time abdominal breathing, “the imposing manner stirs suitably”, the internal organs strengthen the creeping motion, is just like to visceral organs and so on stomach carries on the self-administered massage, causes the triple burners internal combustion engine to be unobstructed, the taste fluctuation is obliging, metabolism strengthens, the earth transports the water valley function to be healthy and vigorous. Has ease of mind, the diet nature is fragrant. Melts the source to increase, the nutrition is sufficient, muscle plentiful gloss, four limbs strong nimble. The temperament is exuberant, the nutrients and blood full, the serie s blood function must be normal. Fourth, makes up the lung to practice the Taijiquan request gas to sink the pubic region, thus strengthened the lung main gas function, increased the vital capacity, is advantageous austere falls in the lung. Through getting rid of the old and taking in the new, can further impel the vitality in whole body's movement, enables bodily each to obtain the nutrition and the vigor. Practices boxing when causes lung's breath and the superficial knowledge opens and closes relates, opens and closes the actual situation and thetransformation with the movement unifies, after practicing boxing, the skin warm or perspires slightly, is advantageous is mad in the lung proclaims sends with the canal passes the accent, and can imitate Wei Gu the table, not the easy cold, to cause the skin favor, the feeling to be keen. Fifth, the solid kidney Taijiquan discusses thought that “the waist is the control”, “decides on a theme the source in the waist crack”. When practices boxing very takes government office of - - waist the kidney function, drives the four limbs and the whole body coordinate exercise take the waist as the axis, makes an effort the road to be complete, the internal combustion engine is smooth; Wants “to affect the intercourse gas to paste the back”, “the gas to pass through in the keel”; Must hang goes against, hangs the crotch, to raise in the anus, the sink positive, strengthens the kidney life and the accent passes, no matter what supervises gas of the two arteries. And by heart to make, the gas to sink the pubic region, causes the heart kidney intersection, water and fire already Jinan. This strengthened two kidneys and the life gate functions, causes the kidney fine enrichment, the Yang spirit to be exuberant, the motion nimble, two are then well distributed, the bone strong tooth firm, to send Ze to have a keen ear. Sixth, the profit brain brain is a brain, is the essence and the gods converges the place highly, is at for the life strategic point. Practices the Taijiquan through the calm intention, the mind to be stable, completes each kind of movement coordinated, plays good to the central nervous system is hammering 鍊 the role, strengthened cerebrum's adjustment function. And further because the kidney main bone, the bone lives the marrow, the kidney passes the cerebrum, therefore the kidney is mad prosperously, no matter what supervises two arteries to be unimpeded, can make the brain to enrich, full of vigor, the thought to be keen, memory, plays the development intelligence and the postpone senility the role. Seventh, controls one's breathing, and the blood practices boxing when wants “by Italy to dispel symptoms such as bloating, by the destiny body”, “was mad the whole body does not stagnate”. This may cause internal combustion engine of the whole body to pass moves unimpededly, the destiny blood line, the blood vessels nature is obliging. The channels and collaterals are the human body vitality movement circuit. The Taijiquan and “transports the vigor resembles the wiredrawing” the practice method by the destiny body, passes “sets up like the balance, just like wheel” axle center movement, between whole body joint, if the screw shape transports above the flesh, winding intercourse by unimpeded channels and collaterals, well distributed vitality. This may achieve the destiny blood line, the blood prosperous gas foot, the blood vessels to be obliging, the internal combustion engine is smooth, in full vigour, resistance to disease strong effect. Eighth, builds up the nature, joyfully to practice the Taijiquan for a long time, may mold a person's temperament, raises calm calm, temperate calm, the patience careful, to work has, the will permanently strong, optimistic enterprising and so on fine disposition. After practicing the Taijiquan, will cause the human to have ease of mind, the spirit will be happy, indifferent to fame or gain safely, for the seven emotions, the six sexual attractions will not puzzle. If has the worry, in the nature, seeks a lonesome and quiet place, practices the Taijiquan, may cause the distracting thoughts to eliminate calmly. After extra-curricular study, when rest leisure, practices the Taijiquan is one kind of positive rest, the health whiles away the time, the noble entertainment and the good emotion drill. In summary, the Taijiquan is the health care movement which one kind of mind and body Ju Lian, the god shape double repairs. It through adjusts the heart, to control one's breathing, to adjust the body and so on a series of adjustment human body masculine and feminine elements the unification of opposites movement, within the solid spirit, the movement vitality, the unimpeded channels and collaterals, are coordinated the internal organs, the flex muscle physique, causes the person healthy tendency to be exuberant, the cloudy Pingyang Peru, the inside and outside is well distributed, achieves the health care to expel sickness, to benefit prolongs the life long-lived, strives constantly for self-improvement the goal.