
  002i9Hurgy6TUmOuoa0bc&690「武」  「憶」  (回憶録)   







先父發揚武術的遺願需要傳承,才能使此中華文化源遠流傳.此乃身為陳家後人所需承擔的責任與義務.余有幸傳承先父之武藝並教授,乃因年事漸長並要做到薪火相傳,如今由第三代的姪女陳曉怡繼續傳承並與世界各地同好切磋研修.陳曉怡旅居日本多年,在該地全力推展先父(其爺爺)之武術,教授學生有數百人之多,也深獲日本當地所愛戴.,為使世界各地陳泮嶺家族成員及武術界人士能緬懷紀念先父(其爺爺)對武術之貢獻,並能提供更多的資訊及武藝交流的聚集,其特於日本九州成立了『陳泮嶺世界家族紀念館』,定期在此舉辦武術交流會, 並成立陳泮嶺世界家族使各地的同好能無國界的在此網路平台,彼此交流學習,




余今雖年事已高,仍決心在有生之年,全力將先 父所傳之各項武藝傳授有志愛好武術人士,將中華武術發揚光大,此實為先父與余之心願矣. / 陳雲慶


陳泮嶺武術世界家族~掌門人-陳雲慶大師Chen Pan Ling martial arts in the world - the head of the family - Chen Yunqing Masters


Chinese martial arts inheritance Chines culture essence, is a combination of "power" and "beauty". It accord science and physiology, also has the best defense and protection skills. The most important purpose of martial arts is to make people healthy. Chinese martial arts are profound and have many types. Until now, Tai Chi, Ba Gua, Hin Yi and Shaolin are most prevalent. My father Chen Pan Ling follow these predecessors and grandmaster learning all of these.


We moved to Taiwan when I was 10 years old,1949. I daily practice martial arts with my father, from Shaolin basics and than to Tai Chi ,Ba Gua, Hin Yi. I also learned Sword, Broadsword, Wand, Hook and various Chinese ancient weapons. I never stop to practice until now. This is my father left me a valuable property. I treasure it.


I retired in 1998, and fully development of my father's martial arts .I set up Taichung Ling Yuan Martial Arts Association and Lin Yuan martial arts school , to teach people who love martial arts. My father's wish is to spread Chinese martial arts to the world. In order to fulfill his wishes, I have repeatedly around the world to teach Chinese martial arts. Especially my father compile the “Tai Chi 99” loved by people from various countries, it’s refine the essence of “Chen” “Yang” “Wu” “Hao” “Wu” five Tai Chi denominations. My teaching methods have also been recognized around the students favorite. I am especially honored to be in Maryland U.S.A to teach classes, not only by the introduction of television, magazines, awarded the official presented a Certificate of Appreciation, also set a day for the” Chen Yuan Ching Day” in two consecutive years. Besides I went to teach abroad , there are many international students to learn with me in Taiwan. The students who love and learn Chen Pan Ling martial arts have through the world.


My father's wish to spread martial arts and Chinese culture need to be passed down, This is we Chen family's responsibility and obligation. I am honored to follow my father to learn this martial arts and can be taught, my father's martial arts need to pass down generation to next generation. Currently continue to develop by the third generation niece Chen Xiao Yi, she not only has a very good development in Japan, and is often associated with enthusiasts from around the world to study martial arts . She was able to let more people to commemorate the contribution of my father’s martial arts, and to provide a place everyone can exchange information with the study of martial arts. She set up a Chen Pan Ling Memorial Hall in Fukuoka Japan, and Chen Pan Ling World Family website. Hope can be held on a regular basis Martial Arts Seminar, and be able to exchange ideas or information through the Internet with friends around the world. I am very pleased that she can do so.


Although I have old, but I still will in my lifetime continue to spread the Chinese martial arts, this is my father and my wish


    陳泮嶺 武術 陳雲慶

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