
                                                                                                黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄時55歲,傳承自北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先將軍。埋伏拳- 身法吞、吐、升、降的順暢俐落。拳路特性,少林拳法中所強調的「拳打一條線」另外套路本身所重視的開展、順暢,在拳路中暗藏著「埋伏」的玄機,這些所有的特質,便構成了這一套套路的特色。埋伏拳的動作,手腳常是同時張開施展,而且攻擊多過於防守,長橋大馬、大開大合。其中像是騰躍、迴旋、閃奔、踢打等等,所有的動作必須要快速靈活、節奏分明。這一套拳裡面,有許多是屬於北少林長拳特有的動作,比如像行步、仆腿、蹬腿、踢腿、二起腿等動作,有比較多屬於騰躍、起伏轉折的身法。
299747_161559603927135_100002192905605_330232_5745746_n.jpg台灣精武體育會Taiwan Jing Wu Physical Association.會長:黃連順Huang Lien-Shun .
學歷:北京體育大學研究生院民族傳統體育學畢業(高訪學者)。1955年5月生,字嘯玄,台灣省台北人。1964年開始習武啟蒙老師陳金寶大師,並加入九九健身會前中央國術館副館長陳泮嶺宗師門下學習太極.八卦,形意。1968年磕頭正式拜前青島國術館副館長高芳先宗師門下學習北派少林拳,太極,形意.中國摔跤。高芳先宗師1933年獲第17屆華北運動會拳術及摔跤冠軍,1935年獲第6屆全國運動會中量級摔跤冠軍,先後在青島運動會上兩次獲三項冠軍,二次世界大戰時,山東省遭日本人攻陷,高副館長芳先於是率館成員組成大刀隊,攻襲日本軍,卓效匪淺,因功勳彪榜,一路升至為少將師長,後得國民黨徵召編為正規軍(青島保安旅),因功勳彪榜,勳績昭彰,先生被譽為《嶗山之獅》之美譽,成為抗日英雄名噪一時,次子高華柱為現任中華民國國防部長。1992年台灣第一位進入中國體育最高學府—北京體育大學武術系研究生部深造學習, 指導教授為中國武術開拓者張文廣宗師、武術太極拳泰斗門惠豐宗師、闞桂香教授.研究生部主任鄭吾真教授、北京武術院院長吳彬大師。生命的旅程中能有今日的成就,要感激的人太多,懷著回饋感恩的心,進一己棉薄之力,為國術薪火相傳而努力,傳承的大事是不會停止的,對後輩的教導,是責無旁貸的任務,也是心靈豐滿喜悅的來源.付出越多,收穫越大,生命是一個大圓圈大太極,愛別人就是愛自己,付出什麼,收到就是什麼。
200819_108574982558931_100002192905605_86455_4835599_n.jpg206267_110718825677880_100002192905605_103846_2969821_n.jpg                                                                                             現任 :台灣精武體育會會長、澳門精武體育會榮譽主席、紀念高芳先將軍武術研究中心主任、中華武術海峽兩岸友好交流協會主席、中國孫矉拳國際連盟總會主席、中國孫矉拳海峽兩岸交流協會主席、台北~精武武術訓練中心主任兼總教練、國際級武術合格教練、裁判(北京國際武術聯合會、日本亞洲武術聯合會頒授)、中國藝術研究院東方人體文化研究中心研究員、國立陽明大學太極拳老師、台北市立中正高級中學太極拳老師、台北市北投社區大學太極拳老師、馬偕醫護管理專校太極拳老師、台北市湖山、等校武術教練。
經歷:中華台北武術執委會秘書長、 台灣戲曲學院(復興劇校)兼任教師
個人比賽成績 :
1995年西班牙第五屆"世界盃"國際武術錦標賽獲三項全能金牌。                                                                                                                                                   著作 : 國家圖書館:黃連順相關著作刊目次服務系統22篇文章內容已由國家圖書館收藏保存                                                                                                           C226972_119411494808613_100002192905605_169219_6525191_n.jpg    hinese goldthread rhizome photographs when this record along the drilling already 55 years old, inherits from a north school Shaolin boxing generation of martial arts master of great learning and integrity General Gao Fangxian. The ambush fist - carriage swallows, spits, rises, to fall smoothly agile. The fist road characteristic, in the Shaolin Chinese boxing emphasized “fights with th e fists the development which a line” other repertoire itself takes seriously, smoothly, is concealing “the ambush” in the fist road the profound and abstruse principles, these all special characteristics, then constituted this set of repertoire characteristic. The ambush fist's movement, the hands and feet often is simultaneously opens displays, moreover attacks many too defends, long bridge Malaysia, opens greatly gathers greatly. And is likely prances, the maneuver, to dodge rushes, kicks and beats and so on, all movements must want nimble, the rhythm to be distinct fast. Inside north this set of fists, many belongs to the Shaolin long-range punch unique movement, for instance the line step, the servant leg, leg, two legs movements and so on stretches the legs likely, kicks, has the comparison to belong prances, the fluctuation transition's carriage. Association president: Chinese goldthread rhizome along Huang Lien-Shun highest honor: in 1997 in 1998 in 2001 the presidential palace state head called for an interview Republic of China sports delegation active personnel school record: Beijing Sports University martial arts were the graduate school graduate in May, 1955 unknown character to eat delicacies the unreliable Taiwan Province Taibei person. in 1964 started to practice martial art teacher Master Chen Jinbao, before and joined 99 fitness meetings, central country technique hall associate librarian Chen Panling master of great learning and integrity hanger-on study primal chaos eight ancient divination symbol shape Italy. before in 1968 kowtowed does obeisance, blue island country technique hall associate librarian Gao Fangxian officially the master of great learning and integrity hanger-on study north school Shaolin boxing. in 1992 Taiwan first entered the Chinese sports highest school - Beijing Sports University martial arts is the graduate faculty pursues advanced studies to study, instructs professor for the Chinese martial arts earlier worker Zhang Wenguang master of great learning and integrity, the martial arts Taijiquan highly respected person gate to favor the abundant master of great learning and integrity, Professor Kan Guixiang. Graduate faculty Director Zheng I really professor, Beijing martial arts courtyard Chair Master Wu Bin. In the life journey can have today's achievement, must feel grateful the human are too many, harbors the heart which the back coupling feels grateful, enters a oneself cotton and kapok thin strength, hands down for the country technique torch tries hard, the inheritance important matter will not stop, to later generation's guidance, will be the duty which will be duty-bound, also will be the mind plentiful joyful origin. Pays are more, the harvest is bigger, the life is a big circle big primal chaos, loves others loves itself, pays anything, receives is anything. Experience: Chinese Taibei Martial arts Executive committee secretary general, Taibei martial arts training center director the concurrently head coach Taibei Sports club Martial arts Committee will always mediate the matter, earth forest region sports club country technique committee director the Executive Yuan Public information agency China martial arts curriculum lecturer, National Taiwan University Taijiquan technique teacher state-run sports institute country technique Research center to instruct committee member, east the international Taijiquan primal chaos sword competition class lecturer 1993~2001 year China Taibei national team martial arts execution training all previous years international championship Asia Championship the Asian Olympic Games Asian Olympic Games martial arts Taijiquan gold medal to train in 1996 the Chinese body always to issue ten big sports promotion active personnel in 1998 the Chinese Olympics to issue Asian Olympic Games the gold medal training citation in 1998 to attain the Executive Yuan physical culture commission to issue the national glory sports medal one and so on third-level in 1998 to attain the Executive Yuan physical culture commission to issue the national gloryThe sports medal second-rate first-level in 1999 will attain the Executive Yuan physical culture commission to issue the national glory sports medal one and so on third-level
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