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老子在其哲學體系中賦予“道”以至高的地位,“道”的地位之所以無窮無盡,是因為它的本性是柔弱。這個觀點運用到做人和管理方面,就是“以柔克剛”。p115720913696The softness is the Taijiquan most important rule, Speaking of tai chi, must know that the founder of Taijiquan Wudang real Zhang Sanfeng, Yuzhen Palace in Wudang Mountain practice, he is said to be seen from the windows outside only big magpie bird and ground entrenched battle snake than the snake on the ground to wait for the action, Whenever I see a fly magpie leaned to attack the snake meandering meandering Qingshenjianfei, Yaoshou evade, not to be hit, snakes and big magpie so to and fro, the life and death battle.

Mitutoyo Taoist Wu thus pass the mystery, truth changes according to Taoist yin and yang, the creation of inaction, softness, after the hair inside the home of the first rule of boxing cum tai chi principle.
Taijiquan is truth "line like a snake, moving like a feather".

Softness truth In Taiji and real life, is very useful, such as boxing, two people with fists hit, if fists relative strike, the two sides will be pain Taijiquan principle is that when you fist
when the strike is over, the tai chi master cleverly escaped your fist, and then leveraging the power shot will homeopathic knocks you down.

The originator of the Chinese Taoist I was first in the "moral" people "For just the will to keep the soft, weak assurance, I added:" soldiers destroy wood stronger then fold the weak and live strong desire must of the believers, strong death of the believers. "means: Bing too, will be too many enemies, tall and strong trees easy introduction felled easily by strong winds Cuizhe weak grass was able to wind
hovering is never broken.

Gale can blow trees to hold them off a few people, but it is regrettable that not a thin blade of grass, a hammer to smash the hard rock, but the hammer is not bad soft quilts.
Soft tai chi was able to be invincible in the world, this is the strong and the weak wins truth.

I sighed, this soft wins just the phenomenon of weak wins, people do not know the world, but few can achieve enlightenment, which truly recognize the softness of the meaning of life.
Instead, people are often self-expression, self-righteous, self-boasting, claiming to be the best in the world, "strong beam shall not his death, I teach people life skills warnings.

I first of all say that the people should be the highest nature: the "charity". The most fragile thing in the world is water, water, it has no hardness, no shape, always at everything under the water to overcome the strong stuff, but nothing could withstand.
Dropping wears away a stone mountains and hills whom the collapse flooding, trees can also be uprooted.

The truth of the natural world and the human world to follow: Weak wins, soft wins Gang.
Since this truth is so simple, everyone can benefit from examples of the nature of the water and saw the truth is indeed correct, why few people to practice in accordance with this truth?

Some people walk, always cocky, think they are in heaven and only the right people; some dreams can come when a high official, be able to go to the servitude of others, let others watch their tune. Some people always want to start a business, surrounded by a crowd of people around, to get the respect and trust of the people. Some people always hope that he can become a celebrity in public appearances, and has won a lot of popularity value. Some people always want their handsome and pretty, and keep them coming back very, very high ‧ ‧ ‧ social reality of temptation too difficult to give up personal interests.
Personal desire too difficult to meet.

Some young people do not know what power, what soft, young, and in real life, often to see some artificially little friction, you go to war, both sides to compete a level of knife stick results confirmed
is a lose-lose, without fire.

Why do so many people knew effeminate able to win power, may like to pursue strong and why it?
Because conquest, psychological win I world mentality.

Family life should often use the softness truth between man and man, between husband and wife, no more low points colleagues. Between people more understanding and financial allow. Even if the party does not make sense should be reasoning. Do not argue with the level.
Even if one side is wrong, but also unsparing surface the Society Yiroukegang.

Inevitable conflict between people, but how to deal with it, if they are to be opinionated, strong strong, is bound to hurt each other, their interpersonal relationships, and other effects which triggered huge.

Of course happy quarreling simply, but damage is much higher than the moment of the scenery and Willful, rather circuitous, indirect, effeminate manner completely reasoning, achieve their goals, and will not stay hidden
, why not use it?

Even if you are a successful person, even if you have a throughput of heaven and earth Chi, contains the universe only, but also to understand the convergence among the masculine in the feminine, with magnificent Apprehension Sato. Because, the Haohao easy dirt. Time yet to come should know how to bide our time, recharge your batteries.
To the opportunity to be able to not craze, blockbuster truth.

Please remember that I told you "No self-see, so the Ming; naturally, it is Akira; Zifa it is meritorious same; Zijin so long" the truth.

Not thought to be able to see, so to see clearly. Not self-righteous, so non-distinct. Is not Zifa, is not ego, not grown arrogant, not grown arrogant before more merit in the credit front. Needless to say, everyone can see. Not Zijin, is not puffed up, conceited complacency Avenue is endless.
Always maintain a humble attitude, not to engage in the cult of personality, and understands that served its purpose and philosophy.

Always remember: the tree attracts the wind, the material strong old.

Zhang Liang man weak, never ie succeeded inverse master, but to be able to go with the flow, so nothing to do, help Liu Bangan given the the Tahan three centuries Jiangshan, but served its purpose, same superior VEDA hanshin, help Hanwang and lay the country, but because of his strong character and pride, to provoke endless suspicion and slander, and finally their own lives are lost.
In the moment of death, Han Xin came to understand this truth, tough too late to shake off the smoke of a hurry to finish his life, to say that this is a pity.

Zheng Banqiao famously said: woolly-headed.
Smart and hard, confused even more difficult by the clever transferred; the modern writer Lin Yutang also do this for the poem: Fool wise, slow upbeat, blunt organic clever, good hermit.

To look at the original the same slang: Do not be too smart.
(Don't be too smart) shows that the most intelligent people are also most likely to play the fool.

Hatching Habitat weak "in the" Dao De Jing ", I also have a lot of places it comes, stressed the need to consciously being in a weak position, doing things to be low-key things to be frugal. Weak Win strong.
"Strong at, weak at the"; "underdog win," and so on, why I want so much stress to keep soft Habitat weak?

From the point of view of modern science, soft and weak energy minimum, and thus is the most stable, the most promising.
It should be said, hatching Habitat weak "'s quite the contrary, extremes meet" an important manifestation of this law.

I in his philosophical system gives "Road" the endless supreme status, the reason why the status of the "Road", because of its nature is weak. Apply these insights to life and management, is "Yiroukegang.


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