
e4b8ade986ab111 、記住:睡覺是養生第一要素 。 睡覺的時間應該是晚21:00~早3:00。 因為這個時間是一天的冬季,冬季主藏,冬季不藏,春夏不長,即第2天沒精神。

2、一切藥物對治病來說都是治標,不是治本,不管是中醫還是西醫.因為一切的病都是錯誤的因產生錯誤的果.錯誤的因不除,錯誤的果就不會絕根. 健康的根本在心.一切法從心生.心淨則身淨.所以得病了, 不要向外求,要靠自己自身的修復系統來修復自己的疾病.其實人和動物是一樣的,動物的病都是靠自己,人也能。

3、正確的觀念遠比昂貴的藥物和危險的手術更能幫助患者消除疾病。 有了正確的觀念,你就會有正確的決定,你就會有正確的行為,你就可以預防許多疾病的發生。


5、人是一切生物中構造最完美的靈體,健康的身體是人生來就具足的;人的健康狀況的調節是靠人體本身所具有的調節修復系統來完成的 ,而不是靠外部因素,外部因素只能起輔助作用。

6、 人的大部分生病現像是人體在調節、清理身體垃圾時所表現的現象,是人體自動調節平衡所表現出的狀態,所以應該把它們當成正常的生理現象,而不應該去把它當成病因來消滅。 所以當人在生病的時候,一定不要有怨恨嗔恚心,心裡要安定,心定則氣順,氣順則血暢,氣順血暢則百病消。

7、 人的健康離不開兩大要素:1)足夠的氣血;2)暢通的經絡(包括血管和排泄垃圾的通道)。

8、 足夠的氣血靠:足夠的食物+膽汁+必要時間內(晚天黑後~午夜1點40)優質的睡眠(這個時候大腦完全不工作,由植物神經主導)+良好的生活習慣。

9、 暢通的經絡需要:清淨心。 一切七情六欲都會破壞清淨心,從而破壞經絡的正常運行。

10、 維持健康的身體不僅需要“增收(增加氣血)”,也需要“節支(減少血氣的損耗)”。

11、 過度地增加食物不僅不會增加血氣,而且會成為身體中的垃圾負擔,反過來還得靠消耗血氣來把他們清理掉。 五臟六腑是一個血氣加工廠,食物是原材料,加工能力是有限的,而食物是無限的,所以食物的數量必須得到控制。

12、 適當運動可以幫助人的氣血運行,但同時也在消耗人的氣血。 人體的微循環主要應該靠松靜來達到的,這也是健康必不可少的。

13、人體中的垃圾越多,就越需要更多的血氣來清除它們,但人的血氣因為垃圾的增多和血脈的阻塞而減少,這就形成了惡性循環,這也正是人衰老的機理。 所以, 人要想健康不老,就要:1)減少體內的垃圾;2)增加血脈經絡的暢通;3)增加體內的氣血。

14、 與其相信藥物,相信檢查的數據,不如相信自己的感覺,相信自己所具足的自我調節能力。但這需要在你得道(智慧開了)的前提之下,才能分辨這一切。

15、 健康,從調節心性開始。 為了你的健康,你學佛吧。 學佛得到的快樂是人生最高的享受。

16、 對於一個有宿疾的人來說,只有氣血充足了(一是通過這裡所介紹的補充氣血的方法,二是通過散步打通氣機),病情才會顯現出來。 所以練功的人在功夫達到一定水平後都會出現一些“有病”的現象。 這個時候要沉住氣,定下心來多做些靜功來增加自己的氣血,以盡快度過這個時期。

17、 人違背了養生法則,雖不一定會立即得病,但一旦形成習慣,就會大大增加得病的機會。 這就和交通規則一樣,你違背了交通規則,不一定會出事故,但其危險性是顯而易見的。

18、 人為什麼必須保持一定的飢渴才是對養生有利呢? 其實這就是“虛”的妙用。 道家講,虛則靈。 這和謙虛使人進步,自滿使人落後一樣,所以人必須經常保持“虛靈”的狀態,才能時時保持清醒,保持健康。

19、人要想健康,就必須使體內有足夠的”氣”來”氣化”所進的食物.只有這樣,你的體內才不會積累垃圾,不會有多餘的食物來釋放游離的”虛火”損害你體內的髒器.這個”虛火”反過來會損耗你的”氣”.所以,從這個意義上來講, 現代人生病,大多數是飲食不節的緣故。

21、俗語說“靈機一動,計上心來”。 這個“機”字如果能真正領悟透了,那麼你的悟性就算是開了。老師教人,醫生治病,其實就是在點撥你的這個“機”,讓你“機”打開。 這個“機”,有時也叫“關鍵”。 當然,這個“機”起作用是有條件的,就和氫氣只有達到一定濃度,遇火才可以燃燒爆炸一樣。 記住,別人的作用都是外因,你自己才是真正的內因。

22、 其實,許多真正的發現和發明,所需要的不是所謂系統的書本知識;恰恰相反,一個沒有受過任何系統教育,但悟性極高的、具有開放思維的人,他 ​​往往真正悟到真相.

23、 人生最忌是個亂字,心亂了,對外可以紊事,對內可以打擾血氣,使失正常。 凡惱怒恐怖喜憂昏疑,都是亂,為多病短壽的根源,不但養病時不應亂,即平居時亦忌心亂。

24、 多嗔傷肝,多淫傷腎,多食又傷脾胃。 憂思傷脾,憤怒傷肝,勞慮傷神。

25、身病之起,無不由心虛弱,外邪乘入。 而心虛氣弱,每由心魂惱亂,真體不充,發現種種不安。貪食貪勝貪得貪樂逸,皆足以致病。 以貪之不得,於是乎嗔。 貪嗔可使心蕩氣促,膽驚肝旺,六脈震動,五臟沸騰,外邪同時乘入,此病之起因。

26、 凡人欲求長壽,應先除病。 欲求除病,當明用氣。 欲明用氣,當先養性。 養性之法,當先調心。

27、 人受五行之氣而治生,故肉身以氣為主。 氣虧則病,氣滯則病。 欲治其病,先治其氣。

28、 氣以行血,血以補氣,二而一也。 凡人久視則傷血、久臥傷氣、久坐傷肉、久立傷骨、久行傷筋,七情六欲之過則傷元氣、傷心腎。 相火旺,真陽耗。

29、 治五臟之病,莫先於補氣。 腎猶亟焉。 補氣在勿動心,心動則肝旺,各脈震驚,真水耗損。 心為扇,主引風。 風動則火旺,火旺則水幹,水幹則地損。

30、 心定神一,受治者信堅心專,兩心相合,可以統治百病,無不神效。

31、 人病可分兩種:一是經絡基本暢通但氣不足。 表現是經常這疼那疼,這是因為他氣不足以氣化食物,而產生了相火(也叫虛火),隨著經絡在體內亂穿,哪兒通走哪兒,遇到一個地方堵塞了,這個地方就疼了。 這樣的人吃一點藥物就會立即見效。 二是經絡不通,氣也就無處存身。 表現在外表看不出有什麼毛病,但一旦發現就是大病,而且這種人經常是吃什麼藥都見效慢,或根本不起作用。
主發謂之機。 箭在弦上要發出去,必須撥動這個機。 其他任何事情都是這樣,都有一個機,只有觸動這個機,事情才會發生,不觸動這個機,其他的條件再多,也沒辦法引發事件。 機就是這麼一個東西,它是事情發生的最關鍵因素。 它是點,不是面。 可是觸動這個點,就能帶動面。 所 以,病機就是疾病發生、發展、變化的最關鍵因素,(也可以講,病機一開,人的病狀就會顯現出來,人就進入了“病”的惡性循環當中。和病機相對的就是“生 機”。生機一開,人就會進入康復這個良性循環當中。實際上病機和生機是一個東西的兩個方面,是一對陰陽。病機開了,生機就關了,而生機開了,病機也就自然 開始關閉了。這個就是辯證法。)

32、中醫的最高境界是養生,養生的最高境界是養心。 所以,就養生而言,下士養身,中士養氣,上士養心。 看一個人也是一樣,觀相不如觀氣,觀氣不如觀心。

33、 心神不安,情性燥急,為致病致死之總因。 故安心法,為衛生第一要訣。 心可以主動一切。 心定則氣和,氣和則血順,血順則精足而神旺,精足神旺者,內部抵抗力強,病自除矣。 故治病當以攝心為主。

34、 風寒陰陽暑濕,在在皆可使人致病。 萬一抵抗力薄弱,即可乘虛而入。 身弱者多病,即是此理。富人有保衛力,如衣食住等等。 貧人有抵抗力,如氣足神旺,毛孔厚密,不易侵入等等。 富人多食肥甘,傷胃傷齒。 貧人多餓,所食不雜,故無腸病。 富人多逸,故多氣惱。 貧人多勞,故少疾病。富人不造福而享福,只是消福,消盡則窮。 窮人能勤儉,即是造福,果熟即富。 凡衣食住之保衛力富,則精氣神之抵抗力弱。 保衛力弱,則抵抗力強。

35、 大病初癒,切忌理髮洗足沐浴

36、 故求長壽無病,常強肉身。 欲強肉身,當調伏精氣神。 欲調精氣神,當拒絕擾亂之賊。 欲杜此賊,當先攝心。 欲求攝心,當化貪嗔癡三毒。 欲化除此三毒,必學心戒。 但空口言戒,無益於事,必求開慧,方不為所愚。 欲求開慧,必先求定。 欲求得定,必學散步。

37、 能靜則仁,有仁則壽,有壽是真幸福。

38、 一切修身修心法門,只有兩字訣:曰放下、曰回頭。 放下屠刀,立地成佛;苦海無邊,回頭是岸。只要一放下,一回頭,病者頓愈,迷者頓覺。 此真無量壽者。

39、 心過勞的人,心疲肝旺,心過勞就是心太滿,不虛。 心滿,則不納肝(木)生之火,心不納肝生之火,則肝氣必積而盛。 肝木剋土,脾胃受病,消化不良,營養不足,夜眠不安。 土又克水,於是腎水大虧,水不足則火更旺,心腎相聯,心氣更弱,肺病即成。 內部相互關聯,一動全動,一病全病。而擾之者,乃在妄心,所以治病在安其心,安心在息妄,息妄在明心,明心即自覺,而健康的功效在乎散步。

40、 散步是息心法,心息則神安,神安則氣足,氣足則血旺,血氣流暢,則有病可以去病,不足可以補充,已足可以增長。 現在病可去,未來病可防,此其小者也。 又心息則神明,神明則機靈,靜者心多妙,觀機辨證,格外敏捷,見理既正,料事益遠,遇亂不驚,見境不惑,能一切通達,自無主觀偏執之弊,而大機大用,由此開啟矣。

41、 人在生病的時候最忌諱是嗔恚心起。 這個時候一定要安然順受,讓心安定。 然後慢慢調理,健康很快恢復。 心安才能氣順,氣順才能除病。 否則心急火上,肝氣受損,加重病情。 心神寧一,那渾身的血氣,自可健全發揮。
心有兩種,一是真心,一是妄心。 真心是水,妄心是波,波因風動,風止波息,而水不動。 寂然無念,是無心心也。

42、 子時失眠,腎水必虧,心腎相連,水虧則火旺,最易傷神。

43、 睡時如有思想,不能安著,切勿在枕上轉側思慮,此最耗神。

44、 午時屬心,此時可散步一刻鐘,閉目養神,則心氣強。

45、 早起如在寅時三點至五點,此時切忌鬱怒,不然必損肺傷肝,萬望注意。


47、 人生以血氣流通為主,氣滯可以阻血,血阻可以結毒為癤為瘰,為癌為瘤,皆是血氣不流通之故。氣以順為主,血以通為暢。 百病無不先由氣滯,氣鬱於內,肝先受傷。 挽救之法,在化除得訣。 而化除要訣有二:第一尋其根,其根在心,心空則一切自化。 第二以藥石、按摩助其化除,幫助血氣之流通。

48、 養病治病不可求速。 因性急助火,火旺損氣,反而不美。 另不可貪多,貪則無恆而性急,況百病由貪而起,不可再貪以重增病苦也。

49、 心屬火、腎屬水,心腎相連。 火宜降下,水宜上升,水火相濟,則蒸氣內發。 各部機體運動,可求得健康。 此可於舌上察知。 舌無水則不活,故活字以三點水加舌字。 舌上可以報告內部各種病狀深淺,以斷生死。

50、 大病自救法:一、不要怕死,決信我這個病,非但可以養好,並且身體可以格外健康,保證長壽。 因為自己機體中本有特具的能力,不是空言的安慰。 二、相信不用醫藥或靠何種營養食品,一定有自己除病延年的妙法。 三、從今日起,我決定不許再去打擾我那病體,不許想著我那個病是如何病的,好壞都不許去計較它,只做個無事人。 四、在這修理期內,不許想念工作,也不許悔恨喪失了時間和工作,專心一致,否則又遲誤了。1 , remember: sleep is the first element of health . Sleep time should be as early as 21:00 ~ 3:00 . Because this time is a day of winter , the main reservoir in winter , winter is not hidden , summer is not long , that is not the spirit of the first two days .

2 , treatment for all drugs are symptoms, not the root of the problem , whether it is Chinese or Western medicine , because all disease is due to an error in the wrong fruit . Erroneous because not removed, the fruit would not be absolutely wrong root health is a fundamental mind. everything from heart Law heart net net is itself so sick , do not seek out , rely on their own repair system to repair their disease . actually is the same in humans and animals , animals disease are on their own , people can .

3, the correct concept than expensive drugs and dangerous surgery will help the patient to eliminate the disease. With the right idea, you will have the right decision , you will have the correct behavior , you can prevent many diseases.

4 , all wise people have definitely not learned from the books , but from his sincere heart, pure heart ( that is what Buddhists call bodhicitta ) , set out from the students .

5 , who are all living in the most perfect spiritual body structure , a healthy body is born with the situation right ; regulation of human health is by regulating the body's own repair system has done , rather than by external factors , external factors can play a supporting role .

6 , most of the sick person's body is now like a phenomenon in regulating , clearing rubbish when the performance of the body , the body automatically adjust the balance shown by the state, so they should be treated as a normal physiological phenomenon , rather than to use it as a to eliminate the cause . So when people are sick , they must not have a grudge Chen Huixin , heart to stability , given the gas along the heart , blood gas along the smooth , smooth is riddled with blood gas shun consumer .

7 , the two inseparable elements of human health : 1 ) adequate blood ; 2 ) smooth the meridians ( including vascular and excretion of waste channel ) .

8 , adequate blood by : enough food + bile + within the necessary time ( evening after dark - midnight 1:40 ) quality of sleep ( the brain does not work at this time , led by the autonomic ) + good habits .

9 , meridian flow needs : clean heart. All emotions will destroy pure heart , thereby undermining the normal operation of the meridian.

10 , to maintain a healthy body not only needs " income ( increased blood ) ," also needs " savings ( reducing blood loss ) ."

11 , excessive increase of food not only does not increase the blood , and will become a burden on the body in the trash , in turn, have to rely on their consumption of blood to clean up . Organs is a blood gas processing plants, food raw materials , processing capacity is limited, but the food is unlimited, so the amount of food must be controlled.

12 , appropriate exercise can help people 's blood to run, but also consume human blood. The body's microcirculation should be primarily achieved by Song Jing , which is essential for health .

13 , the body in the trash , the more the need for more blood to clear them , but the human flesh and blood because of the increase in garbage and reduce congestion , thus creating a vicious cycle , which is the mechanism of human aging . So , who wants health is not old , it is necessary : 1 ) to reduce the body's garbage ; 2 ) increase blood flow meridian ; 3 ) increase the body 's blood .

14 , its believed drugs, I believe the data checking , as I believe their feelings, believe they are endowed self- regulation . But this requires under your enlightenment ( wisdom opened ) premise , to tell it all.

15 , Health , Mind started from the regulation . To your health, you Buddhism it. Buddhism was the highest happiness is to enjoy life .

16 , for a chronic disease of the people, the only sufficient blood ( blood One method by supplementing described here , the second is played by walking ventilator ) , the condition will be revealed. So people will practice some "sick " phenomenon in the effort to reach a certain level. This time to yourself, settled down to do more static power to increase his own blood , in order to tide over this period as soon as possible .

17 people against the health law will not necessarily get sick immediately , but once formed the habit , it will greatly increase the chance of illness . This and traffic rules, you violated the traffic rules , not necessarily an accident , but the danger is obvious.

18 Why do people have to maintain a certain hunger is beneficial for the health of it ? In fact, this is the " virtual" magical . Taoists say that virtual is spirit. This modest progress , complacent people behind the same, so people must always remain " Ethereal " state, in order to always stay awake and stay healthy.

19 , who wants healthy , so that the body must have enough " gas" to "gasification " of the food into the only way , your body will not accumulate rubbish , there will be no extra food to release free " false fire "damage organs in your body and this " virtual fire " in turn, loss of your" gas . " so , in this sense, the modern illness, most of the reason is improper diet .

21 , saying that " had a new inspiration come ." The " machine" word if they can truly comprehend thoroughly , then your perception even opened. Teacher , doctors treat , in fact, in coaching you this " machine", allows you to " machine" opens. The " machine", sometimes also called " critical ." Of course , this " machine" works is conditional on and hydrogen only reaches a certain concentration , fire can burn explode . Remember , the role of others are external, your own real internal.

22 book knowledge , in fact , many real discoveries and inventions , the need is not so-called system ; contrary, a system not received any education, but savvy high , with an open mind who he often true enlightenment to the truth.

23 , life is very sensitive to random words , fretting , foreign matter can be turbulent , internal and can disturb blood , so the loss is normal. Where angry terror suspect grew by nearly faint , are chaotic, short-lived as the root causes of sick , not only when recuperate chaos , also avoid fretting when that level home .

24 , and more anger liver injury, kidney injury and more kinky , more food and stomach injury . Concerned injured spleen, anger liver injury, workers consider distracting .

25 , from disease of the body , all from the heart and stomach, take into evils . The guilty qi is weak , the heart and soul every mad chaos, the body really does not charge , found all sorts of anxiety. Bulimia was greed greed greed wins Le Plaza , are sufficient to cause disease. To greed must not reason that anger . Tanchen can swing shortness of heart , liver and gall bladder scared Wang , six pulse vibration, internal organs boiled , while evils multiply into , the cause of the disease .

26 , mortal desires longevity , should be Chubing . Chubing desire , when out of gas . For out of gas , the head cultivation. Cultivation of the law, the head aligning .

27 people and rule by five elements of air born , so the flesh with gas. Gas loss is sick , qi stagnation disease. To treat the disease, the first rule of its gas.

28 , gas in Circulation, blood qi , two and one also. Long as the blood is mortal injury , long injury lay gas , sedentary flesh wound , long-established bone injury, a long line of injured tendons, had the debilitating emotions of sad kidney. Phase Huo , really positive consumption .

29 , internal organs cure the disease , MO prior to qi. Renal still urgent Yan. Do not be tempted in qi , heart the liver Wang , each pulse shock , real water consumption. Heart for the fans, master the wind . Wind moving the Huo, Huo is water dry , dry the ground water damage .

30 , looking hard hearts , Kennedy believed the governed exclusively heart , two hearts consistency, you can rule all diseases , all the magic .

31 , the disease can be divided into two kinds of people : First Meridian basic flow but less gas. This performance is often pain that hurts , it is because he gasification gas is insufficient food , and produced with the fire ( also called virtual fire ) , with the meridians in the body chaos wear , where to go through where he met a local blocked, this place is a pain . Such a person will eat a little of drugs effective immediately . Second meridian barrier , gas will have nowhere to take shelter . Manifested in appearance do not see anything wrong , but if it is found that a serious illness , and these people often eat what drugs are effective slow , or simply does not work.
Lord send that machine. Ready to fly to be issued to be struck this machine . Anything else like this, there is a machine that only touches the machine, things will happen , do not touch the machine , the other conditions more, there is no way that raises the event . Machine is such a thing, it is the most critical factor in what happened . It is the point , not the face . But touched this point , you can drive surface . So, that is the pathogenesis of disease , the development of the most critical factors change, (you can also say that the pathogenesis opened, people 's symptoms will appear, who entered the "disease" of the vicious cycle . And pathogenesis the opposite is the " life ." vitality opened, people will enter a virtuous circle in which the rehabilitation of this fact pathogenesis and life are two sides of things , is a pair of yin and yang. pathogenesis opened, life was shut , the vitality opened, pathogenesis is naturally began to close in. This is dialectics. )

32 , the highest level of medicine is health, the highest state of health is nourishing the heart . So, in terms of health , corporal cultivation , raising gas sergeant , sergeant nourishing the heart . Look at a person is the same concept as good as gas -phase concept , the concept of gas is better view of the heart .

33 , uneasy , anxious feeling of dryness , the total because of illness and death . So at ease law , tips for health first . Heart can take the initiative to everything. Heart set the gas and gas and the blood cis, cis is fine enough blood and San Want , refined enough by San Want , internal resistance is strong, since in addition to carry the disease . When the camera so the treatment center based.

34 , Shushi cold yin and yang , people can be in the disease. In case the resistance is weak , you can take advantage of. Body weak and sick , that is the reason . The rich have to defend the force , such as Yi Shizhu so . Poor people have immunity, such as air feet Sanwant pores thick and dense and difficult to invade and so on. Eat the rich fatness , Shang Wei troodontids . Poor people hungry, the food is not complicated, so no enteropathy . Rich multi- Yi , so many angry . Poor people the more you work , the less disease. And enjoy life without the benefit of the rich , but consumer welfare , consumers do the poor . Poor to thrift , that is for the benefit of , ripe fruit that is rich . Where Yi Shizhu the defense of the rich , then the uniqueness of the weak resistance . To defend the weak, the strong resistance .

35 , recovering from illness , avoid foot bath to wash hair

36 , it is seeking longevity disease , often strong body. For strong body , when taming Manner . To tune Manner , when the thief refused to disturb . For Du thief , head taken heart. Photo heart desires , when the three poisons of Primary Afflictions . For addition of the three drugs , the heart must learn to quit . But empty words quit , useless at all, will seek open-hui , the party is not stupid . Desire to open Hui, we must first seek fixed . Desire was fixed , will learn walking.

37 , to quiet the benevolence, benevolence is longevity, there Shou is really happy .

38 , all cultivating cultivating Dharma , only the word tactic : saying down, said back . Ledge, deeds ; Oliver bounds , repent and be saved . As long as a put down , a look back , the sick Dayton more, fans who feel a . This really immeasurable longevity .

39 people overwork the heart , the heart tired liver Wang , overwork the heart is the heart is too full , not empty . Heart full, not satisfied that the liver ( wood ) raw fire , the heart is not satisfied that the fire of raw liver , the liver will accumulate and hold . The wood grams of soil , Shoubing stomach , indigestion, malnutrition, disturbed night sleep . Grams of soil and water , then burned renal water , inadequate water then fire even more vigorously, heart and kidney associated cardiac gas weaker , lung Serve. Internal interrelated , a dynamic full-motion , a disease the whole disease. The interference of who are in the deluded mind , so treat the security of their heart , peace of mind to jump in interest rates , interest rates jump in Ming heart, clear your heart that is conscious , and effectiveness of health care for a walk.

40 , walking is the interest of the Heart , heart bearing the god An, God Yasunori air feet , enough gas is blood -wang, blood flow, the sick can treat illness , lack of complement has enough growth. Disease can go now , can prevent future disease , this their small also. And heart bearing the gods , the gods are smart, quiet , a heart and more wonderful , concept machine syndrome , particularly agile , see the rationale both positive and material things YiYuan , in case chaos is not scared , see throughout middle age , can all accessible , since no subjective paranoia of disadvantages, and large machines Dayong , thus opening carry on.

41 people sick is the most taboo Chen Huixin from . This time we must shun by Enron , let the heart stability. Then slowly conditioning , health quickly restored . Peace of mind to smoother , smoother to cure disease . Otherwise impatient fire , liver damage , worse. Mind rather one that covered the flesh , since the play may sound .
Two hearts , one heart, one is deluded mind . Really is water , Wang Xin is a wave, the wave due to wind, wind waves interest only , and the water does not move . Jakunen no idea , it was a careless heart .

42 , midnight insomnia, loss of renal water will , heart and kidney connected to the water loss is Huo, most likely a lot of trouble .

43 and, if thought when sleeping , can not be an a , not on the pillow Zhuance minds , this most exhausting .

44 noon is the heart, then you can walk a quarter of an hour , eyes closed , then the heart qi strong.

45 , get up early as three to five points in the yin shi , this time avoid Yu Nu , or lung injury will damage the liver, Wan Wang attention.

46 , all career life , begin with the fundamental spirit , and the spirit of Wang strength decline , thanks to quiet the mind set is not chaos, a chaos word , enough to prevent all the work .

47 , life is dominated with blood circulation , qi stagnation can block the blood , the blood barrier can be toxic to boil as M. knot for carcinoma tumors are all blood does not flow with the rules. Gas to shun the main blood to pass for free . Riddled with all first by stagnation of qi , qi in the liver first injured. Rescue of the law, was in chemical control tactics . The chemical control tips are twofold: first to find his roots, his roots in mind , the heart empty of everything since . Second to constructive criticism , massage helps its chemical control , to help the circulation of blood .

48 , can not seek medical treatment and recuperation speed . Because impatient to help the fire , Huo loss of gas , but not the United States . Another can not do too much , no constant and impatient greed , by the greed riddled sky condition , no longer agony too greedy to weight gain .

49 , the heart is a fire, kidneys are water , the kidneys are connected . Fire should be lowered , the water should rise, fire and water with mercy , then the steam hair. Each part of the body motion , can be obtained health. This can be in the tongue of perceived . Anhydrous tongue is not live , so type in order to add drops of the tongue words. Tongue can report a variety of symptoms interior shades to break life and death .

50 , illness self-help method : First, do not fear death , never believe me this disease, not only can keep a good and healthy body can exceptionally ensure longevity. The body because they have the special ability , not empty words of consolation . Second, I believe I need medicine or nutrition by what must have their own magic bullet cure disease and sickness . Third, from today, I decided that ill and not allowed to go bother me , I can not think of how the disease is a disease , good and bad are not allowed to care about it , just be a man without incident . Fourth, in this repair period, allowed to miss work , and do not regret the loss of time and work , concentrate on , otherwise they delay it.

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