
7d33e0a3ga1bdfe3d44a5&690p118044266228543954_624490224241198_1277457033_n1003139_493244044092021_587577737_n1385578_545603248856100_24807594_n1797316_603262353090189_1784839578_n1798119_10202500765274585_394977413_n1558376_10202500766274610_2049081804_n1656270_10152204523370609_35022909_n1722922_600128510060589_754560896_n台灣精武體育會 成立創建於1996年1月27日 ,成立致力保存中華國術(武術),回憶往日的風采,願心為台灣國術文化~傳承更使傳統國術藝術深耕於台灣及海外。弟子們亦能體會師長薪傳的苦心,為海外以及國內年輕一代具有發揚並傳承傳統國術文化能力的一群,能為傳統國術留下了火種,研發國術新生命,使傳統國術文化可以延續下去。真功夫傳承是需要一招一式細心揣摩的,勤學苦練,在實戰中不斷增加經驗,不經過時間的磨礪不可能練出真功夫。拳的用法是拳術之根本,習武之人興趣之所在,最為寶貴、最不應丟棄、更不能忽視的東西,如沒有拳的用法,拳就沒有了靈魂。生命的旅程中能有今日的成就,要感激的人太多,懷著回饋感恩的心,進一己棉薄之力,為國術薪火相傳而努力,傳承的大事是畢生志願,對後輩的教導,是責無旁貸的任務,也是心靈豐滿喜悅的來源.付出越多,收穫越大,生命是一個大圓滿大太極,愛別人就是愛自己,付出什麼,收到就是什麼。Taiwan's Chin Woo Athletic Association was founded was founded in January 27, 1996, the establishment dedicated to the preservation of Chinese martial arts (wushu), memories of past style, vow to Taiwan martial arts culture - heritage, more traditional martial arts, artistic roots in Taiwan and overseas. Disciples can also appreciate the teachers Heritage pains, for overseas and domestic younger generation has to carry forward and pass a group of traditional martial arts, cultural competence, and can leave the fire for the traditional martial arts, developed the martial arts new life, the traditional martial arts culture can continue. Real effort is needed to carefully one by one and try to figure out, hard work and practice, increasing in actual combat experience, honed time without really impossible to practice the martial arts. Fist of usage is fundamental boxing, martial arts person of interest lies, the most valuable and most should not be discarded, but can not ignore something, if there is no usage of boxing, boxing, there is no soul.Life's journey can be accomplished today, too many people to thank, With a grateful heart back into handedly thin cotton for martial arts Passing the torch efforts, heritage events are lifelong volunteer, to teach the younger generation , is the responsibility of the task, but also a source of spiritual fullness of joy. paying more, harvest the larger circle of life is a big big tai chi, love others is to love yourself, to pay what, what is received.




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