
2457331_211031183000_2__舀素食者如何才能在日常飲食中保證均衡營養呢?                                                                                                                                                                                                                           吃獲取足夠的硒~硒是機體免疫系統正常運轉的有力保障。對於素食者來說,可以通過食用堅果類食品才能保證飲食中足量的硒攝入。建議素食者每天食用一小袋15克左右的多種類混合堅果,而且最好是無鹽的。超市的乾果櫃檯一般都能買到那種一大袋裡裝著多個小包裝的,用這類堅果當零食最合適不過了。



每日膳食7注意~每天至少食用五種以上的水果、蔬菜;每餐中澱 粉類食品的比例要佔到1/3,例如麵條、米飯、穀物以及豆類;食用一些含有蛋白質的食物,如豆類,儘量做到飲食的多樣化;儘量採用烤製、焙烤、水煮、蒸製的方法烹調食品,減少在油中煎炸的過程;減少糖類的攝入量;減少烹調中食鹽的添加量;每天確保飲用1、2升水,如果從事體力勞動則飲水量還要更多。AlimentosHow to ensure a balanced vegetarian diet nutrition in it? Eat to get enough selenium - Selenium is a powerful guarantee the normal operation of the immune system. For vegetarians, you can eat nuts food in order to ensure adequate amounts of dietary selenium intake. Recommended that vegetarians eat a small bag of 15 grams a day or so many types of mixed nuts, and preferably salt-free. Supermarket counters generally can buy dried fruit that big bag filled with multiple small package, with the kind of snack nuts when the most appropriate enough.

Meat can complement protein (protein food) - to ensure adequate protein daily intake for vegetarians is very important. There are many ways to make up the daily requirement of protein, such as legumes (peas, lentils), nuts, soy and soy products, wheat protein (cereal, food is best to eat together, so helpful to supplement essential amino acids, such as rich beans toast, cereal ingredients containing milk, rice and beans, salad, bread and cheese, hummus and bread.

Vegetarian also not iron deficiency (iron food) - For vegetarians, you can also get from some other foods, such as soy products, green vegetables, whole wheat bread. Furthermore, it should strengthen the breakfast cereal intake. If we will iron-containing foods and foods rich in vitamin C, eat together, will be more conducive to the body's absorption of iron, therefore, recommended that vegetarians eat plenty of fruits and vegetables at meals, or moderate drinking fruit and vegetable juices. Vegetarians should try to avoid drinking tea and coffee and other beverages adorned because they will hinder the body's absorption of iron, it would be best to drink tea and warm water after a meal one hour before.

Daily meals eaten every day at least seven note - five or more fruits and vegetables; meal in the proportion of starchy foods account for one-third, such as pasta, rice, cereals and legumes; eat some foods containing protein, such as beans , try to make a diverse diet; maximize the use of baking, baking, boiling, steaming method of cooking food, reducing the process of frying in oil; reduce the intake of carbohydrates; reduce the amount of cooking add salt; daily ensure that drinking 2 liters of water, if engaged in manual labor is even more water intake.

    素食 水果 蔬菜 堅果

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