六合劍的練法和要求 /講究「內外三合」的「六合」外,還求在進退、轉折、拗順中求動作和勁力的合協,練到身劍合一,意動劍到。 執劍在手,運劍在腕。捷逾騰兔,不及瞬目。要做到輕、靈、巧、快,如何才能夠后之以發,先之以至。劍術要具備「陰、狠、險、奇」。/黃連順
六合劍~六合劍進槍Kuni <wbr>Kuni <wbr>sword <wbr>- <wbr>the <wbr>sword <wbr>into <wbr>the <wbr>gu145d6869953217
六合劍~六合劍進槍 ~黃連順傳授-傳承自一代北派少林宗師 高芳先將軍-恩師親授本人幼年精練之傳統劍術對槍之絕學,天衣無縫!                                                                                                    〈六合劍 〉 ~劍譜:
1、枕戈待旦 27、絞腕伏琴 53、鷂子穿林 2、指日高升 28、白蛇吐信 54、旋轉乾坤 3、六合劍訣 29、懷抱琵琶 55、泰山壓頂、 4、蓋步接劍 30、轉身刺肋 56、鳳凰展翅 5、一鳴驚人 31、合步攔膝 57、順風貫耳 6、盤根錯節 32、海底撈月 58、平沙落雁 7、登山撩陰 33、霸王舉鼎 59、六合驚虹 8、翻身立劈 34、雲絞正踢 60、嫦娥奔月 9、以逸待勞 35、猛虎竄澗 61、驚天動地 10、如封似閉 36、夜叉探海 62、立劈華山 11、孔雀開屏 37、仙人指路 63、鶴立雞群 12、臥龍伏虎 38、立步撩陰 64、黑虎偷心 . 13、高枕無憂 39、龍泉戲水 65、魁星提筆 14、雲山斬蛟 40、提劍伏龍 66、霸王請客 15、青蛇入洞 41、二郎擔山67、烏龍翻身 16、仙人過橋 42、童子拜佛 68、撥草斬蛇 17、提膝撩陰 43、勇趕三關 69、秋風掃葉 18、翻身撲虎 44、禮讓三舍 70、調虎離山
19、撥雲見日 45、倒拔垂柳71、金龍探爪 20、聞雞起舞 46、天王托塔 72、回頭望月 21、順水推舟 47、金剛推山 73、登山撩陰 22、立馬當先 48、彎弓射日 74、翻身立劈 23、錯頸制勝 49、燕子抄水 75、跪膝崩挑 24、回頭望月 50、力托千斤 76、捷足先登 25、玉女穿梭 51、野馬奔騰 77、蘇琴背劍 26、登山壓頂 52、金雞獨立 78、六合歸原。
  六合劍~六合劍進槍Kuni <wbr>Kuni <wbr>sword <wbr>- <wbr>the <wbr>sword <wbr>into <wbr>the <wbr>gu 
7d33e0a3gc6970ead2d9f%26;690                                  劍術的真諦 :越女論劍:「內實精神,外示安佚。見之如婦,奪之如虎。布形候氣,與神俱住。縱橫往來,捷逾騰兔。飛舞縱突,不及瞬目。」莊子論劍:「開之以虛,示之以利,后之以發,先之以至。」 這些都是劍術的精髓,意義深遠,也由此可見中國劍術滿在春秋戰國時期,不止發達興盛,而且也步入了精微的堂奧了。練習劍術,要知道「布形候氣,與神俱住。」練到身劍合一,意動劍到。 執劍在手,運劍在腕。捷逾騰兔,不及瞬目。要做到輕、靈、巧、快,如何才能夠后之以發,先之以至。劍術要具備「陰、狠、險、奇」。

劍的涵義 「劍」有兩種涵義:一種是武器的名稱, 一種是武藝的名稱。武器的劍,現通稱為「寶劍」;武藝的劍,可稱它為「劍術」。劍者,檢也,所以防檢非常也。「檢」是防檢,防檢身心內心外,於內是克己治心,於外是自衛防身,所以「劍」是一種高尚的武器,文人的飾物,因此孔子也嘗佩劍。劍者,檢也。防檢身心的劍,這個劍術就是「道」。所以「劍」是高尚的器,「劍」是高深的術,如果以劍為殺人的利器。
武器的劍 管子:「昔葛盧之山,發而出金,蚩尤受而制之,以為劍。」黃帝本行記:「軒轅帝采首山之銅,鑄劍。」根據以上的記載,是約在五千年前,便已經知道用金屬鑄制寶劍的方法了。到了春秋戰國時代,出了幾位冶金鑄劍的大匠,歐冶子、幹將等,鑄造了很著名的寶劍。到了秦漢以後,反而少見。 現將古代所鑄名略舉於次: 幹將、莫邪 相傳為吳人幹將所鑄造。莫邪為幹將的妻子,劍以人名,雄劍號幹將,雌劍號莫邪。 龍淵、太阿、工布 楚王聘歐冶子及幹將所作。后避唐高祖李淵諱,改龍淵為龍泉。但泉劍又以龍泉縣(屬浙江)的泉水淬劍而得名,龍泉又因為泉水淬劍而劍化龍的傳說而得名。 湛盧、純鉤、勝邪、魚腸、巨闕 越國歐冶子所造。魚腸劍,即專諸刺殺吳王僚的魚腸劍。魚腸劍是小型的,吳公子光(吳王闔閭)將魚腸劍藏在魚腹中,命專諸端魚進獻,即席前用魚腸劍刺殺吳王僚,透過鐵鎧三重,是一段很有名的歷史故事。 
(一)劍身部分:劍身三尖兩刃,中間有脊。在劍身最前尖端的,叫做「劍鋒」,或叫「劍尖」。在劍身中間最高的一條線,叫做「劍脊」。在劍身兩的刀口,叫做「劍刃」。(二)護手部分:護手上接劍身,下連劍柄。護手突起部份,古稱「劍首」。劍首兩旁如菱形張的,叫做「劍翅」,也叫「劍耳」。 (三)劍柄部分:是手握的部分。在劍柄中央部分的鐵,古稱「劍莖」。包在劍莖外面的木質,古稱「劍鋏」。劍莖裝好在劍鋏里,即是用手握的部位,叫做「劍柄」。劍柄末端的圓突處,叫做「劍鐓」,古稱「劍鐔」。因為在末端多有環孔,所以也稱為「劍鼻」。  

劍的規格,極不一致。依其用途可區分為兩類:一類是實用的武器,一類是佩用的武器。茲舉周禮考工記的服劍古制於下:「臘廣二寸有半,」劍身寬二寸半,「兩從半之。」劍脊到劍刃,寬是臘的一半,即一又四分之一寸。「以其臘廣,謂之莖圍」劍莖圓周的粗,同劍身的寬。「長倍之。」劍莖的長度,為劍身寬的兩倍(五寸)。「中其莖,設其後。」將莖裝在木夾中成劍柄,柄的後端較大。「參分其臘廣,去一以為首,」二寸五分減一除以三,等於八分,是劍首(設手)的長度。「廣而圍之。」劍身的寬度,相當於劍首周圍的長度。 同時將劍的長短和輕重,分成上中下三等:

「身長五其莖長,重九鋝,謂之上制,上士服之。」劍身為莖長的五倍,即五寸乘以五,等於二尺五寸,加上莖長,全長三尺。一鋝有六兩半強,九鋝重六十兩,等於三斤十二兩。「身長四其莖長,重七鋝,謂之中制,中士服之。」全長二尺五寸,重二斤十四兩。 「身長三其莖長,重五鋝,謂之下制,下士服之。」全長二尺,重約二斤一兩。以上三種劍制,都是佩劍,配合身材而設計,可供參考。至如供實用刺擊的劍,大約較佩劍為長,可仿照其上制和中制的比例增加。

六合劍~六合劍進槍Kuni <wbr>Kuni <wbr>sword <wbr>- <wbr>the <wbr>sword <wbr>into <wbr>the <wbr>gu

Kuni sword training method and requirements / pay attention to "Sanhe inside and outside" the "Kuni", but also in seeking to advance and retreat, turn, bend along the impulsive actions and seek the co-co, we got one sword body, intended to move to the sword. His sword in hand, sword in the wrist operation. Jie Teng rabbit over, less than blink. To achieve lighter and more agile, clever, fast, and how it can be sent to the rear, as well as the first. Fencing to have the "yin, ruthless, dangerous, extraordinary."

Kuni sword into the gun ~ Huang Lianshun teach - inherited from the generation of the Northern School of Shaolin Grandmaster Gao Fang first general - my childhood mentor Qinshou scouring the traditional sword of secret guns, seamless ~ Jianpu!
 1, 27 combat readiness, wrist twisted piano 53 volt, 2 Chuan Lin kite, soaring to happen 28, 54 white snake's tongue, rotating universe 3, Luk jianjue 29, 55 embrace lute, relentless, 4, cover 30 steps then the sword, turned thorn rib 56, Phoenix wings 5, 31 blockbuster, co-knee bar step 57, downwind ears 6, 32 deep-rooted, Haidilaoyue 58, 7 geese, mountaineering overcast stitch 33, 59 King For tripod, Luk 8 Jinghong, turning Li split 34, cloud twist being kicked 60, Moon 9, to wait at Plaza 35, the Tigers channeling stream 61, shattering 10, such as closing like closing 36, Yasha into the sea 62, vertical split Huashan 11, peacock 37, Schlumbergera Road 63, stand 12, 38 tigers Wolong, overcast stitch vertical step 64, the Black Tiger Closer. 13, 39 sit back and relax, 65 swimming Longquan, Kuixing pen 14, 40 Yunshan cut Jiao, put the sword Frunze 66, King treat 15, the hole 41 green snake, Jiro Tam Hill 67, oolong turning 16, fairy bridge 42, 68 Buddha boy, cut grass snake dial 17, knee overcast stitch 43, Yong rush three off 69, 18 sweeping autumn leaves, tiger bashing turning 44, comity three homes 70, Tiaohulishan
 19, Sudden Impact 45, pull down weeping willow 71, Jinlong probe claw 20, the chickens 46, King Tota 72, back Mochizuki 21, yielded 47, diamond push mountain 73 climbers overcast stitch 22, flew at the head 48, bow shooting day 74, turning Li split 23, wrong neck winning 49, swallows copy water 75, kneeling collapse pick 24, back Mochizuki 50, prop jin 76, pre-empted 25, Lady shuttle 51, Mustang Pentium 77, Su-qin Beijian 26, climbing capping 52 foot stand 78, Liuhe owned by the original. Fencing essence: the more women swordfight: "within the real spirit, the outer shown Ann Lost see it like a woman, and took it like a tiger cloth shape climate gas, all living with God aspect dealings, Czech Republic, more than Teng rabbit flying vertical projection,... less than the blink, "Chuang Tzu swordfight:" open them with false, to the benefit of the hair show, after the first of the essence as well. "these are the fencing and far-reaching, but also shows the Chinese fencing full in the Spring and Autumn. period, more than developed prosperous, but also into the leading edge of the subtle. Practice fencing, you know, "Waiting for Qi-shaped cloth, all living with God." I got one sword body, intended to move to the sword. His sword in hand, sword in the wrist operation. Jie Teng rabbit over, less than blink. To achieve lighter and more agile, clever, fast, and how it can be sent to the rear, as well as the first. Fencing to have the "yin, ruthless, dangerous, extraordinary."
Weapons inch long, an inch stronger. Inch shorter, an inch clever; a point short, but also a sub-insurance. Sword structure, both sides are razor and blade sharp. So take advantage of the strengths of the sword, the move operation must Strangeness, it is unpredictable. But until then it must be a risky move, a risky move with Henzhao inevitable. To a point short, a sub-risk, dangerous and not dangerous. If the heart hesitation, although not with the eyelid hard, not hard not hurt, then people will hurt me! So learning fencing, to have shade, ruthless, dangerous, extraordinary.

Sword meaning "sword" has two meanings: one is the name of the weapon, one is the name of the martial arts. Sword weapon, now known as the "sword"; martial arts sword, can be called "fencing." Sword, seized also, so the anti-seizure very well. "Location" is anti-seizure, anti-seizure mental and physical heart, the heart in the rule is self-denial, self-defense is on the outside, so that "the sword" is a noble weapon, accessories literati, so Confucius taste saber. Sword, the prosecution also. Anti-seizure mental sword, the sword is the "road." So "the sword" is a noble, a "sword" is a profound art, if the sword is the murder weapon.
Sword tube weapons: "Shan Xi Gelu, the hair out of gold, and rule by Chi, that sword." Yellow Emperor Bank note: "Xuan Yuan Emperor's first mountain mining copper, swords." According to the above described, it is approximately five thousand years ago, it has been known to use a metal casting method of the sword. To the Spring and Autumn Period, out of several metallurgical swords Dajiang, Ouyezi, go-getters like casting a very famous sword. The Qin and Han dynasties, but rare. Birds were now cite ancient times in: Gan, Moye are go-getters who according to legend, Wu casting. Moye getters for the wives, sword to the names, number of male sword go-getters, female sword Moye number. Ryongyon, too Ah, engineering cloth and the king hire Ouyezi getters made. After Gaozu Li Yuan to avoid the taboo, change ryongyon Longquan. But Quan Longquan sword Youyi County (Zhejiang), named after the spring quenching sword, and because spring water quenching sword Longquan sword and dragon named after the legend. Zhanlu pure hook, evil wins, guts, Juque the country Ouyezi evil. Yuchang Jian, namely Zhuan Zhu assassination of Wu Wangliao of Yuchang Jian. Yuchang Jian is a small, light Wugong Zi (king lu) will Yuchang Jian hidden in the belly of the fish, fish feed end of life Zhuan Zhu Xian, impromptu ago with the assassination of Yuchang Jian Wu Wangliao through triple iron armor, is a very famous historical story.
Sword, can be divided into three parts :( a) blade, (ii) guard, (iii) the hilt.

(A) part of the blade: three sharp two-edged blade, the middle ridge. In the forward tip of the blade, called "Janus", or called "tip." Top blade in the middle of a line, called "Jianji." In the two blade knife, called "Blade." (B) Hand parts: hand pick the blade guard, even under the hilt. Hand protruding part, called "the first sword." Pommels both sides of the diamond, such as sheets, called "winged sword", also called "ear sword." (C) hilt parts: the part of the hand. In the central portion of the iron hilt, called "stem sword." On the outside wooden sword stems, called "sword sword." Fortunately, stem mounted sword sword sword in that is holding the site, called "the hilt." Hilt at the end of the dome, called "upsetting sword", known as the "sword Tan." Because at the end of more than a loop hole, it is also known as the "sword nose."

Sword specifications, very inconsistent. According to their use can be divided into two categories: one is a practical weapon, one is worn with a weapon. To take Zhou Kaogongji of clothes sword ancient system at: "La half inches wide," two and a half inches wide blade, "from two and a half." Jianji to the blade, is half the width of wax, that is a and a quarter inches. "Prince its wide girth that of" the sword of crude stem circumference, with the wide blade of. Length "of the long times." Sword of the stem, twice the width of the blade (five inches). "In its stem, provided thereafter." The stem attached to wooden folder into the hilt, larger rear end of the shank. "Reference points of its wide wax, go to a headed," Save a two-inch-fifth divided by three equals eight, the first is the length of the sword (hand set) of. "Broad and Wai." Blade width equivalent to the length of the first sword around. While the length and severity of the sword, into the middle and lower classes:

"Length of its five stem length, Chongjiu Lue, that the above system, the service of Sergeant." Stem length blade is five times that five inches multiplied by five equals two feet five inches, plus stem length, full-length three feet. A two and a half strong Lue six, nine Lue heavy sixty-two, equal to twelve pounds for two. "Its length four stem length, weighed seven Lue, that among the system, sergeant serving it." Full-length two feet five inches and weighs two pounds fourteen. "Length three stems long, weighing five Lue, under that system, the service of Corporal." Total length of two feet, weighing about twelve pounds. More than three weapons system, are the sword, with the body design, for reference. As for the sword to practical thrusts, about the more long saber, the ratio can be modeled on the system and the system is increased.01300000446515124773006556638_sKuni Kuni sword sword into the gun ~ ~ Huang Lianshun teach - inherited from the generation of the Northern School of Shaolin Grandmaster Gao Fang first general - my childhood mentor Qinshou scouring the traditional sword of the secret gun, perfect!


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