傳授 一.武術班 1.武術基本功 2.北派少林拳套路 3.傳統武術(應用與變化) 4.兵器(刀、槍、劍、棍) 5.傳統武術的實戰訓練 。 二.太極氣功養生班 1.太極拳基本功 2.太極拳套路、太極劍套路3.太極推手(應用與變化) 4.傳統太極拳的實戰訓練 5.氣功養生法(經絡.氣脈.修身) 上課時間:武術班 - 週六、週日:早上 10:00~12:00、太極拳氣功養生班- 週日早上8:00~10:00 。

目前分類:武術影片 (12)

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             黃連順2014.02.05拍攝此紀錄時60歲,拍照的據點:Monk Wise Martial Arts Academy http://monkwise.com/ 傳承體系:北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先將軍-前青島國術館副館長 ( 一九一四 ~ 一九八0)。黃連順傳統武術家~實戰功夫:真功夫是需要一招一式細心揣摩的,勤學苦練,在實戰中不斷增加經驗,不經過時間的磨礪不可能練出真功夫。拳的用法是拳術之根本,習武之人興趣之所在,最為寶貴、最不應丟棄、更不能忽視的東西,如沒有拳的用法,拳就沒有了靈魂。The real time is needs every gesture and motions to estimate carefully, studies diligently and pr⋯⋯actices hard, increases the experience unceasingly in the actual combat, does not whet after the time is impossible to practice the real time.Fist's usage is basis of the skill at martial arts, practices martial art the person interest to be, is most precious the thing which, most should not discard, cannot neglect, if does not have fist's usage, the fist did not have the soul.1780873_10202496505845344_1888634000_n1656270_10152204523370609_35022909_n1722922_600128510060589_754560896_n1508610_612230012193423_515053932_n     

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                                                 二十四短棍(打狗棒法)黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄。. 一代武術宗師 陳泮嶺先生所創,傳遍台灣各地,招式包含棍法、劍法、刀法等動作,如改用棍、傘、拐、棒、笛、簫,甚至拂塵、刀劍,皆可隨手以之禦敵防身。 演練時隨個人所好,高架低架、大圈小圈、快打慢打都很適宜,分解動作或是連續動作都美觀,簡單實用、易學易練。 二十四短棍~1.右架打 2.左架打 3.進步掛劈 4.翻身掛劈 5.右掛劈 6.左掛劈 7.左後撩轉劈 8.右撩劈 9.上步掛打 10.護身纏打 11.背步撩打 12.順手劈打 13.左後轉滾打 14.右滾打 15.盤步攔打 16.上步架掃 17.上步右掛劈 18.原步左掛劈 19.左後轉搖打 20.右後轉搖打 21.左下掃打 22.右上掃打 23.背步纏打 24.側步反劈。Twenty-four truncheons (kind of stick method) Huang Lianshun shooting drills this record. Mr. generation of martial arts created by Grandmaster Chen Pan Ling, spread throughout Taiwan, moves include stick work, sword, knife and other actions, such as switching stick, umbrella, crutches, sticks, flute, flute, and even whisk, swords, can be readily to the self-defense against an enemy. When the exercise with personal likes, low overhead racks, large circle small circle, Fighter slow play very suitable decomposition action or continuous movements are beautiful, simple, practical, easy to learn and practice. Twenty-four truncheons to 1. 2. The left and right frame dozen planes hit 3.advanced hang hang turning hack hack 4. 5. 6. Left Right hang hanging hack hack 7. 8. split rear left and right turn tease tease hack 9. step 10. hang on to fight back to step 11. Body wrapped stitch fight fight fight hack smoothly 12. 13. 14. The left rear turn right Gunda Gunda step stopped playing disc 15. 16. 17. sweep the step frame hanging on the right step 18. The original split step left hanging split rear left turn 19. 20. The right rear turn shake shake fight fight fight 21. 22. The upper-right sweep sweep left to fight back to step 23. 24. wrapped fight side-step anti-hack.11164812_820614338021655_8197491886986417109_n10446700_820862504663505_649402569789960528_n11001887_820861861330236_4701097450070400802_n11150625_820862794663476_9173664512341040104_n


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CIMG3879CIMG3873CIMG3882CIMG3828CIMG3891CIMG3829  太史公為孫武和孫臏立傳,為表示尊敬,合稱這兩位兵學名家為”孫子”,而不著其名,他說:”孫武既死後百餘歲,有孫臏,臏生阿、鄄之間亦孫武之後世子孫也。”由這一段記述來研究分析,可以首先確定兩點應無疑異:第一、孫武與孫臏同是山東人,而”生於阿、鄄之間”即現在的山東省西部濮縣境內之鄄城,並且是袓孫關係。第二、孫臏拳傳留的地點位置,也正在山東省西部附近一帶。在這兩點上,頗有巧合之處。但是這一套拳路的名稱,雖然為”孫臏拳”,但事經兩千餘年,在文字記載上,則毫無依據可尋,即算真是孫臏當年所傳,但是孫臏通曉拳術則極有可能。因為我國自周初起始,就講究文人可以帶兵作戰的很多,軍人可以勝任政治事務的也很多,既有事實,又有記載,所以推斷孫臏通曉拳術,是有依據的.。再就當時國家重視文武合一教育的風氣又因為孫臏原來就是學兵法,學劍是一人敵,學兵,乃是萬人敵,一人敵萬人敵,都是武事,這是推斷孫臏通曉拳術的第二因素。

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   連五掌-北派少林拳傳承自北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先,黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄時60歲,2014.08.29,拍照的據點:,奧地利薩爾斯堡 ,, 連五掌,亦稱練五掌或練武掌,傳拳者為古代武狀元,以一掌打天下亦有稱狀元拳,連五掌 為連環五掌之組合,即練五種掌式,其演武起來具羅漢之氣勢,其架式為北拳基本功架,掌 勁剛猛.身法夭矯,故亦有練武掌之名,可能歷史久遠傳述時音義之差. 中國文化有易之思想哲學,因此其拳術之基礎有很多以五行來區分,如形意拳的五行拳,鶴 拳的五行手,為此一拳法之組成基本要素.本拳套路中亦應是如此,五掌為各式掌法,將之 組合連環即成套路:
連五掌拳譜1.壓肘插掌 2.上跳下劈 3.靠肘蹬撲 4.捋手鉤踢 5.轉身擊掌 6.下摟劈掌 7.右括面腳 8.劈掌舖腿 9.插步纏掌 10.轉身擊掌 11.進步摟打 12.鉤踢躥跳 13.左右括面腿 14.劈掌舖腿 15.插步纏掌 16.轉身擊掌 17.截肘反砸 18.左旋飛腳 19.左蹬撲式 20.掃腿跪膝 21.躐跳分掌 22.上步掃腿 23.左蹬撲式 24.鉤踢蹬撲 25.上步鉤踢 26.轉身擊打Even five palm Northern School of Shaolin boxing even five palminherited from the Northern School of Shaolin boxing first generation of martial arts master Gao Fang, Huang Lianshun shooting drills this record 60 years old, 2014.08.29, photographs stronghold: Austria Salzburg, even five palm, also known as the martial arts practiced five palm or palm, pass by the ancient martial boxing champion to beat conquer the world boxing champion also said that, even five palm to palm of comic five combinations, namely practicing five kinds of palm-style, together with its YANWU Rohan the momentum, its basic frame rack for North fist, Zhang Jin Tough. Shenfa Yaojiao, it is also the name of the martial arts palm, possibly a long history of sound and meaning of the difference above pass. Chinese culture has ideological philosophy Yi, so there are a lot of the basis for its martial arts to distinguish between the five elements, such as the five elements of Xingyiquan boxing, boxing crane Five hand, for one of the components of the basic elements of boxing. The glove path should be the case, five kinds of palm for palm method, the combination of comic Serve routines:

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                          一代武術宗師高芳先在台中市傳授~北派少林拳-連 (練)步拳,黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄時60歲,2014.08.29,拍照的據點:,奧地利薩爾斯堡 ,連 (練)步拳之來源說法多種,為廣泛流傳此趟拳原為中央國術館編訂的基礎拳術,為初學者必修的教材,練習者可從演練中練習招式的轉換,以及手、眼、身、法、步的配合,對於習者本身之手腳協調及步伐轉換有相當功效。Gao Fang first generation martial arts master to teach in Taichung City - Northern School of Shaolin boxing - even (practice) step boxing, shooting drills Huang Lianshun this record 60 years old, 2014.08.29, photographs stronghold: Austria Salzburg, and even (practice) step sources say many boxing, boxing is widespread this trip based on original boxing central National Museum compiled for beginners compulsory textbooks, practitioners can practice moves conversion, as well as the hands, eyes, body, France from drill, step with, for learners of their hands and feet coordination and pace of converting a considerable effect.未命名

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10449172_902818806456560_2907238437593981380_n1904049_698493446900412_1775636211786337635_n一代武術宗師高芳先在台中市傳授~中興拳一路黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄時60歲,2014.08.29, 拍照的據點:奧地利薩爾斯堡 ,第一段;第二段 1 頂膝進步拳 1 鑽擊退步拳 2 進步左格打 2 左退右劈掌 3 進步右格打 3 右退左劈掌 4 右刺右砍掌 4 右托左掛掌 5 虛步左掛掌 5 弓步右砍掌 6 抱肘迎面踢 6 左退右砍掌 7 雙貫雙砸拳 7 雙掛雙劈掌 8 左踹右棚手肘 8 右擊左撐掌 9 弓步左立拳 9 虛步左掛掌 10 摟格勾踢腳 10 閃步右劈掌 11 纏肘鑽擊拳 11 採捋蹬撲腿 12 併步右立拳 12 右撥右擺肘. Gao Fang first generation martial arts master to teach in Taichung City - ZTE fist all the way Huang Lianshun shooting drills this record 60 years old, 2014.08.29, photographs strongholds: Salzburg, Austria, in the first paragraph; second one knee and punches a drilling progress hit regress left fist two progressive left back and right frame to play two Pizhang three progressive right format to play three right back left Pizhang four stab right right right prop cut palm 4 5 left hanging empty step left hanging palm palm palm cut 5 lunge right 6 hold head kicked six left elbow cut back right palm seven pairs of intersecting pairs smashing fist seven pairs of linked pairs Pizhang 8 left kick right elbow 8 right-click on the left shelf support palm 9 lunge left standing fist nine virtual hug step left hanging palm 10 grid hook kick 10 flash step right elbow wrapped Pizhang 11 drill hit boxing 11 mining stroked flutter kicking legs 12 and 12 right fist step right legislation put aside right elbow.     


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                                                                                                黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄時55歲,傳承自北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先將軍。埋伏拳- 身法吞、吐、升、降的順暢俐落。拳路特性,少林拳法中所強調的「拳打一條線」另外套路本身所重視的開展、順暢,在拳路中暗藏著「埋伏」的玄機,這些所有的特質,便構成了這一套套路的特色。埋伏拳的動作,手腳常是同時張開施展,而且攻擊多過於防守,長橋大馬、大開大合。其中像是騰躍、迴旋、閃奔、踢打等等,所有的動作必須要快速靈活、節奏分明。這一套拳裡面,有許多是屬於北少林長拳特有的動作,比如像行步、仆腿、蹬腿、踢腿、二起腿等動作,有比較多屬於騰躍、起伏轉折的身法。
299747_161559603927135_100002192905605_330232_5745746_n.jpg台灣精武體育會Taiwan Jing Wu Physical Association.會長:黃連順Huang Lien-Shun .

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傳授套路—北派少林拳〈連五掌 〉
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WuGwrYVpcCQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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         <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/l73ll134PNs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>                                                                                                          二十四短棍(打狗棒法)黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄時57歲, 拍照的據點:,埃及 紅海渡假勝地 虎加達。. 一代武術宗師陳泮嶺先生所創,傳遍台灣各地(尤其臺灣精武體育會弟子精練此棍法亦會對打),招式包含棍法、劍法、刀法等動作,如改用棍、傘、拐、棒、笛、簫,甚至拂塵、刀劍,皆可隨手以之禦敵防身。演練時隨個人所好,高架低架、大圈小圈、快打慢打都很適宜,分解動作或是連續動作都美觀,簡單實用、易學易練.。二十四短棍~1.右架打 2.左架打 3.進步掛劈 4.翻身掛劈 5.右掛劈 6.左掛劈 7.左後撩轉劈 8.右撩劈 9.上步掛打 10.護身纏打 11.背步撩打 12.順手劈打 13.左後轉滾打 14.右滾打 15.盤步攔打 16.上步架掃 17.上步右掛劈 18.原步左掛劈 19.左後轉搖打 20.右後轉搖打 21.左下掃打 22.右上掃打 23.背步纏打 24.側步反劈。24 short clubs (beat a dog good law) the Chinese goldthread rhizome photographs when this record along the drilling 57 years old, the photograph foothold: , Egyptian Red Sea vacation resort tiger Canada reaches. A generation of martial arts master of great learning and integrity Mr. Chen Panling will create, spreads over Taiwan each region (Taiwan fine military sports club disciple concise this stick law also to fight especially), the style will contain movements and so on stick law, swordsmanship, knife skill, like will change to the stick, the umbrella, to turn, the stick, the flute, the Xiao, will whisk, the knife sword, all may defend self conveniently by it imperial enemy. When drilling along with individual good, the high structure low frame, the great-circle small circle, hits quickly hits slowly very much is suitable, the decomposition movement perhaps the consecutive action are artistic, simple practical, easy to study easily to practice. . After after 24 short club ~1. right trail fights 2. left to hit 3. progress to hang divides 4. turning over to hang divides 5. to hang right divides 6. hangs left divides 7. left, pulls up the extension to divide 8. to pull up right divides 9. on step hangs hits 10. to protect oneself to entangle hits 11. back step to pull up hits 12. to divide conveniently hits 13. left, extension to roll hits 14. to roll right hits 15. step to block fights 16. on step to sweep 17. on step hangs right divides 18. original step hangs left divides 19. left, extension to swing hits 20. right, extension to swing hits 21. left under to sweep hits 22. on right to sweep hits 23. back step to entangle hits 24. side step instead to divide


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羅漢拳-傳承自北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先將軍,黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄時55歲 羅漢拳,中國武林名拳之一,在少林派中地位極高,一直被視為少林寺的鎮寺之寶,羅漢拳到了近代才被解秘外傳,影響最大的是少林寺。羅漢拳的要訣是:頭如波浪,手似流星,身如楊柳,腳似醉漢。出於心靈,發于性能。似剛非剛,似實而虛。久練自化,熟極自神。                                                                                                                                                                                                                      《北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先傳承篇【愛國武術宗師抗戰英雄—高芳先將軍】

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