自1922年開始習武,1927年從王永彬、楊庭棟、田鴻業、李義三、常秉義等名武術老師 學習北派少林拳、地功拳、孫臏拳、形意拳、中國摔跤等。1933年獲第17屆華北運動會拳術及摔跤冠軍,1935年獲第6屆全國運動會中量級摔跤冠軍。先後在青島運動會上兩次獲三項冠軍。
二次世界大戰時,山東省遭日本人攻陷,高副館長芳先於是率館成員組成大刀隊,攻襲日本軍,卓效匪淺,因功勳彪榜,一路升至為少將師長,後得國民黨徵召編為正規軍(青島保安旅),因功勳彪榜,勳績昭彰,先生被譽為《嶗山之獅》之美譽,成為抗日英雄名噪一時。服役期間獲海陸空甲種獎章及勝利寶鼎勳章等...。後因國民黨失利於中共,國軍大舉遷移來台,高芳先老師當時率領青島國術館子弟兵及青島保安旅來台,後定居於台中市區,在台中市開設武館,傳授武藝,也為著傳統武術的保存留下不可磨滅的貢獻。曾編擬「軍中戰鬥體育莒拳國術教材」先生在台中市傳授國術,長達二十年,先生有教無類,台灣弟子及來台習武者:美國人、日本人、英國人、德國人、香港人等從學者逾千人,桃李滿天下,為中華武術傳承做出偉大的貢獻。其門徒遍于社會各界,第一代其傳承表如下:高華傑、高華柱、蔡明雄、楊宗昌、謝淑英、路文彥、陳金寶、陳金山、紀三協、戴正義、林聰明、羅彩文、孫明玉、莊茂隆、黃連順、洪瑞堂、廖本龍、吳清發、賴錦廷、何獻欽、江瑞芳、唐人屏、魏仲良、李裕國、邱作典、洪淑玲、黃進財、張進興、曾桂國、徐玉梅、 張伯夷等。(備註:傳承北派少林拳一代武術宗師高芳先之弟子如有遺漏請與本會聯繫,不勝感激!)

Mr. Gao Fangxian, in May, 1914 lived, the character day assisted, the Shandong Jimo person, graduated from the Nanjing Central military academy 3rd issue. Once was appointed the blue island country technique hall associate librarian, the Chinese country technique to meet the supervisor, the Chinese Taijiquan would consultant, army 91 Division Commander Shi, Qingdao security duties and so on travel brigade commander, Qingdao Police station bureau chief, Qingdao Public Preservation Corps group commanders. Started from 1922 to practice martial art, in 1927 from Wang Yongbin, Yang Tingdong, Tian Hongye, Li Yi three, Chang Bingyi and so on famous martial arts teacher studied the north school Shaolin boxing, the merit fist, Sun Bin the fist, the Chinese boxing imitating various animals, China to trip and fall and so on. in 1933 attained the 17th session of North China games skill at martial arts and the wrestling champion, in 1935 won the 6th national athletic meet middle weight class wrestling championship. Two times wins three category of championships successively at the Qingdao games. When two world wars, Shandong Province suffers the Japanese to capture, the high associate librarian is before fragrant is leads the hall member to form the broadsword team, attacks by surprise the Japanese armed forces, the great efficacy is significant, because of the meritorious service young tiger announcement, a group climbs to is major general division commander, latter Kuomintang recruits arranges for the regular army (Qingdao security travel), because of the meritorious service young tiger announcement, the merit twists brightly displayed, gentleman is honored as "Lion of the Mt. Laoshan" the fine reputation, becomes against Japan hero to be renowned in one's time. Service period attains the land, sea and air alpha medal and wins the Bao Ding medal and so on. . Because latter Kuomintang is in unfavorable situation in the Chinese Communist Party, the national troops migrates on a large scale comes to Taiwan, Mr./Mrs. Gao Fangxian at that time led the blue island country technique hall soldiers and the Qingdao security travel comes to Taiwan, latter settles down in the Taichung urban district, opens the military hall in Taizhong, the instruction skill in wushu, is also leaving behind the indelible contribution for the traditional martial arts' preservation. Once arranged plans “in the armed forces to fight the sports ju fist country technique teaching material” gentleman in the Taizhong instruction country technique, is 20 years, gentleman teaches all comers without discrimination, Taiwan disciple and comes to Taiwan practicing martial art: The American, the Japanese, the English, the German, the Hong Kong person and so on from the scholar over thousand people, has pupils everywhere, makes the great contribution for the Chinese martial arts inheritance. Its disciple spreads in the community, the first generation of its inheritance table is as follows: Gao Huajie, Gao Huazhu, Cai Ming male, Yang Zongchang, Xie Shuying, Lu Wen Yan, Chen Jinbao, the Chen Jinshan, the discipline three cooperate, to wear the justice, Lin Congming, Luo Caiwen, Sun Mingyu, Zhuang Maolong, the Chinese goldthread rhizome along, Hong Ruitang, Liao Benlong, Wu Qing to send, Lai Jinting, He Xianqin, Jiang Ruifang, the Chinese screen, Wei Zhong to be good, Li Yuguo, Qiu Zuodian, Hong Shu Ling, Huang Jincai, Zhang Jinxing, Zeng Guiguo, Xu Yumei, Incorruptible and so on. (note: Disciple of the inheritance north school Shaolin boxing generation of martial arts master of great learning and integrity Gao Fangxian like will have the omission please with this to relate, will feel grateful extremely!)


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