  8-12020613110R39 癌症從正常細胞演變到癌細胞,需要一段很長時間(需一、二十年),而從癌細胞開始分裂,到臨床能找到的癌症,也還要約五年光景。此時癌細胞的數目大概在(10億),大小約為1公分,早期診斷時還可以治療,讓病人存活更久,因此我們仍然鼓勵大家定期做健康檢查,早期發現,早期治療。
由於我們的飲食與生活環境充斥著各種致癌因素,因此幾乎每個人的身體內都含有正常細胞受傷害後所形成的癌的初期細胞(initiated cell)、癌前期細胞(preneoplastic cell)或癌細胞(neoplastic cell)。不過這些還未診斷出來的癌前細胞,不一定會進展成癌細胞或癌細胞形成後也不一定會繼續成長為癌的腫塊,這取決於個人的體質及後天的調養。
(1.)  改變細胞中鉀、鈉的比值:年輕的細胞,鉀的比值較高,鈉較低,容易防止癌化發生,當年紀超過
000010207820 (2.)  食物中新鮮蔬果富含維他命A及C及大蒜等,都具有抗氧化作用。可中和食物中致癌物及消除自由基對細胞的影響。此外,維他命A也具有誘導癌前細胞或癌細胞走向良性分化,而避免癌症的發生。
(3.)  過多脂肪及蛋白質的攝取,會造成肥胖及體重過重,也會增加內源性致癌物(endogenous arcinogens)的產生。過多脂肪攝取會增加類固醇荷爾蒙的產生,如動情激素(estrogen)、雄性激素(androgen),這些和乳癌、子宮內膜癌及攝護腺癌都有密切的關係。此外,過多脂肪攝取會增加腸道內膽酸(bile acid)的分泌,膽酸在腸道細菌的作用下,會形成催化腫瘤成長的代謝物,加速大腸直腸癌的形成。過多的蛋白質攝取,亦會增加內源性致癌物,這些蛋白質被消化成胺基酸,在腸道經細菌的催化後,也會產生致癌性的物質(N-nitrosamines)及催化腫瘤成長的物質。因此,減少脂肪及蛋白質攝取,即可避免上述癌化作用。
(4.)  經過醃漬、煙燻、燒烤的蛋白質(含防腐劑及變性的蛋白質)本身就含有不少致癌物,譬如煙燻時,食物附有碳所不完全燃燒產生的焦油及多環烴化合物(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon),或燒烤過程中因油滴被碳火蒸發所產生的淡藍色煙霧,均含有類似的致癌化合物,其粒子易附著在食物上。因此,減少肉類及燒烤物在癌症預防上是很必要的。
(5.)  纖維含量高的食物,可增加排便,減少致癌物滯留在腸道的時間;此外,纖維食物富含硒(selenium)的成分,可以延緩癌細胞的成長。
(6.)  很多菇類、豆類含多醣體(polysaccharid及lectin),可提高免疫力如提升自然殺手細胞的量。黃豆富含植物性女性類荷爾蒙(phytoestrogen),具有對抗性荷爾蒙作用,多食用可減少乳癌及攝護腺癌之發生。台灣癌症基金會提供防癌生活十二守則,以避免癌魔悄悄到來:                                                                                                  
八、保持規律的生活與運動。建議身邊的人曬曬早晨與黃昏的陽光! 或做`~中國道家養生功`~氣功打打太極拳每天45分
十二、愛惜生命,隨時警覺身體任何異常變化。Latest from the potential anti-cancer diet cancer from normal cells into cancer cells evolve , take a very long time ( need one or two years ) , and from the cancer cells begin to divide , to be able to find cancer clinical , nor even about five years before the project . At this point about the number of cancer cells in ( 1000000000 ) , the size of about 1 cm, early diagnosis , can have treatment so that patients live longer , so we still encourage everyone to have regular health checks, early detection and early treatment.
Due to our diet and living environment filled with a variety of carcinogenic factors, contain normal cells formed after injured early cancer cells (initiated cell) within almost everyone 's body , pre-cancerous cells (preneoplastic cell) or cancer ( neoplastic cell). However, these have not yet diagnosed precancerous cells, may or may not progress to cancer or cancer will not necessarily continue after the formation of cancerous tumors grow , depending on the individual's physical and acquired nursed back to health .
Due to the growth of cancer in a very long process , just to give us a good opportunity to prevent or block their growth .
Refers to the individual's physical and genetic predisposition immunity, some are innate already doomed, unable to repair or improvement is acquired , the only we can improve , and proceed only from the adjustment of diet and life.
In fact, improper diet and life , causes 70% of cancer could explain , therefore , do adjust your diet and life, about 70% to avoid the occurrence of cancer . This includes improper habits, such as smoking, betel nuts , overwork , stress, lack of exercise , etc. should be adjusted , in addition, to improve the improper eating habits , including alcohol consumption , however , is not Pinjiu not obese.
Reduced fat ( especially animal fat ) intake, eat more fiber content of cereals and vegetables, especially dark green cruciferous vegetables such as olives , cauliflower and orange vegetables such as pumpkin, papaya , carrots, sweet potatoes , etc. rich in β -carotene , in addition to eating grilled , pickled or salty foods . The reason why cancer prevention diet adjustments occur , basically through the following several ways and principles :
( 1 ) changes in the cells of potassium , sodium ratio : young cells, the higher the ratio of potassium , low sodium, easy to prevent cancerous occur when older than
40 years old, began to exceed the intracellular sodium , potassium , cells begin to age, if the long-term eating salty foods and fish , meat , will accelerate the sodium-potassium ratio
Change the value of cell aging and cancer prone . So long eat plant foods , you can maintain a low level of sodium and potassium high , prevent cancerous tendencies.
U5839P18DT20110519110340 (2.) Foods fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A and C and garlic , have antioxidant effects. Can neutralize carcinogens in food and eliminate the effects of free radicals on cells. In addition, vitamin A also has a precancerous or cancerous cells to induce differentiation of benign and avoid the occurrence of cancer .
( 3 ) too much fat and protein intake can cause obesity and overweight also increases endogenous carcinogen (endogenous arcinogens) generation. Excessive fat intake can increase the generation of steroid hormones , such as estrogen (estrogen), the male hormone (androgen), these and breast cancer , endometrial cancer and prostate cancer have a close relationship. Furthermore, excessive intake of fat in the intestine will increase the secretion of acid (bile acid) , the acid under the action of intestinal bacteria , tumor growth in the catalytic formation of metabolites to accelerate the formation of colorectal cancer . Excessive protein intake will also increase endogenous carcinogens , these proteins are digested into amino acids in the intestinal tract by bacterial catalysis , also produce carcinogenic substances (N-nitrosamines) , and a catalytic substance tumor growth . Therefore , to reduce the fat and protein intake , you can avoid these cancerous effect.
( 4 ) After pickled , smoked, grilled protein ( containing preservative and denatured proteins ) itself contains a number of carcinogens, such as when smoked food with the carbon produced by the incomplete combustion of tar and polycyclic hydrocarbons compounds (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon), or barbecue process due to the oil droplets are generated by evaporation of carbon fire light blue smoke , contain similar carcinogenic compounds, particles easily attached to the food. Therefore , reducing meat and barbecue matter is essential in cancer prevention.
( 5 ) foods high in fiber , increase bowel movements , reduce carcinogens in the intestinal tract of residence ; addition, fiber foods rich in selenium (selenium) ingredients, can delay the growth of cancer cells .
( 6 ) a lot of mushrooms , beans containing polysaccharides (polysaccharid and lectin), can improve the immune system such as raising the amount of natural killer cells. Soybeans are rich in vegetable class female hormones (phytoestrogen), confrontational hormonal effects , and more consumption can reduce the incidence of breast and prostate cancer . Taiwan Cancer Foundation provides anti-cancer life twelve Code , in order to avoid the cancer come quietly : First, do not smoke , secondhand smoking .
Second, moderate drinking, not Pinjiu , not drunk .
Third, reduce the consumption of salted, smoked , grilled food.
Fourth, the intake of fresh vegetables and fruit every day .
Fifth, the daily intake of grains and cereals and legumes are high in fiber .
Sixth, the daily intake of a balanced diet , but the amount .
Seven, maintaining ideal body weight , but fat.
Eight, to keep the law of life and movement. Recommend people around the sun in the morning and evening sun sun ! Or doing `~ ` ~ Chinese Taoist Qigong Tai Chi Qigong playing 45 minutes a day
Nine, maintain a pleasant mood.
Ten, try to keep quiet , pollution-free air and living environment.
XI, regular health checks.
Twelve , cherish life , always alert to any unusual changes in the body

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