二十四短棍(打狗棒法)黃連順演練拍攝此紀錄。. 一代武術宗師 陳泮嶺先生所創,傳遍台灣各地,招式包含棍法、劍法、刀法等動作,如改用棍、傘、拐、棒、笛、簫,甚至拂塵、刀劍,皆可隨手以之禦敵防身。 演練時隨個人所好,高架低架、大圈小圈、快打慢打都很適宜,分解動作或是連續動作都美觀,簡單實用、易學易練。 二十四短棍~1.右架打 2.左架打 3.進步掛劈 4.翻身掛劈 5.右掛劈 6.左掛劈 7.左後撩轉劈 8.右撩劈 9.上步掛打 10.護身纏打 11.背步撩打 12.順手劈打 13.左後轉滾打 14.右滾打 15.盤步攔打 16.上步架掃 17.上步右掛劈 18.原步左掛劈 19.左後轉搖打 20.右後轉搖打 21.左下掃打 22.右上掃打 23.背步纏打 24.側步反劈。Twenty-four truncheons (kind of stick method) Huang Lianshun shooting drills this record. Mr. generation of martial arts created by Grandmaster Chen Pan Ling, spread throughout Taiwan, moves include stick work, sword, knife and other actions, such as switching stick, umbrella, crutches, sticks, flute, flute, and even whisk, swords, can be readily to the self-defense against an enemy. When the exercise with personal likes, low overhead racks, large circle small circle, Fighter slow play very suitable decomposition action or continuous movements are beautiful, simple, practical, easy to learn and practice. Twenty-four truncheons to 1. 2. The left and right frame dozen planes hit 3.advanced hang hang turning hack hack 4. 5. 6. Left Right hang hanging hack hack 7. 8. split rear left and right turn tease tease hack 9. step 10. hang on to fight back to step 11. Body wrapped stitch fight fight fight hack smoothly 12. 13. 14. The left rear turn right Gunda Gunda step stopped playing disc 15. 16. 17. sweep the step frame hanging on the right step 18. The original split step left hanging split rear left turn 19. 20. The right rear turn shake shake fight fight fight 21. 22. The upper-right sweep sweep left to fight back to step 23. 24. wrapped fight side-step anti-hack.11164812_820614338021655_8197491886986417109_n10446700_820862504663505_649402569789960528_n11001887_820861861330236_4701097450070400802_n11150625_820862794663476_9173664512341040104_n


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