1374276_643466162351997_1430118050_n51、 靜養法:安坐(臥)在床上,把身心一齊放下,自己渾身如融化,不許用一毫氣力,好像沒有這個身子相似。 呼吸順其自然,心也不許它用一點力,一起念便是用力了。 把心安在腳底板下,此是引火向下,引水向上,自然全身氣血順暢。

52、 修行要訣:寂照照寂切忌用力成佛作祖無他秘密。
具體要求:不許任何部分用一點氣力,包括意念、呼吸、肢體,做到:眼不觀,耳不聞,鼻不嗅,舌不嘗,口不納,心不想。 此是唯一條件。 若有所思所聞所覺,即是用氣力,甚至乎使臂指即是用氣力。 呼吸稍粗亦即是用氣力。 不久那呼吸自然而平,似乎不由口鼻內出納,而渾身八萬四千毛孔中有了動作,或張或翕,此時無我無身無氣無心,天然心歸本位。 所謂引火歸元,又名水火既濟,為治療百病之總訣。

53、 為了養生而死的,佔十分之三。 到底怎麼回事? 是因為太愛惜自己的身體了。 為了這副臭皮囊,怕受辱,怕受寵,怕吃虧,怕上當,瞻前顧後,左顧右盼,擔驚受怕,患得患失……這樣,他那顆心整天縮成核桃樣,像是被狗反复啃過,怎麼能不死。 越怕死,越死得快。 你要是養生,就得不怕死。 只有不怕死,才能遠離死。 真正不怕死的人,走路不會遇上老虎,就是遇上老虎也不吃他。打仗遇不上刀槍,就是遇上,刀槍也不傷他。 為什麼? 因為他不把死當回事,不怕死,死也就沒法了。 養生,並不是修道的目的,但是修道的人已經看透了生死,所以不再怕死,既然已經不再怕死,那麼死也就不再是問題。 生死這一關過去,還有什麼過不去的? 因此,修道的人能夠長生。 沒想到長生,反倒能長生。 一心想著長生,反而死得快。 長生不是修道的目的,它只是修道的附帶現象。

54、 人有病,人還不以為有病,這就是人的最大的病。 知道自己有病的人有多少呢?

55、 天天三更半夜還在網上的人,本身就是養生的大忌。 包括一些所謂的名醫也是這樣。 還有,他們的心量也是斤斤計較,試問這樣的人連自己都保不住,還怎麼醫人呢?

56、 別貪那個小便宜,大便宜也別貪。 一個貪字就含著禍。 貪,患得患失會導致人得心髒病。 貪,患得患失是不懂道法自然的表現。

57、 不要天天想著吃什麼補陰,吃什麼壯陽。 記住了,運動就可以生陽;散步就可以生陰。 陰為陽之母,陽為陰之用。

58、 人在氣不足的時候,不能盲目補氣,否則會影響身體健康。 如果是因為血不足,就需要先補血,因為血為氣之母,否則就成了乾燒器皿,把內臟燒壞;如果是因為淤滯不通,就可以增加氣血,血氣同補。 這樣才能達到補氣的作用。

59、 環境對人養生的重要性是不言而喻的。 這就是為什麼人在空氣清新的深山老林裡,會把痼疾養好的道理。 因為深山老林中的精微物質(負離子)會通過人在放鬆情況下的深呼吸把它吸收到人體內部,從而滋潤孕養五臟六腑,使人重新煥發活力。 還有重要的一點常人並不所知,就是人不僅僅是通過口鼻來呼吸,人身體的每個汗毛孔都是可以呼吸的,而且正是它們吸取著天地的精華。

60、 人在松靜的狀態下,慢慢深呼吸就能體會到人和天地精微之氣的交換:在吸氣時,實際除了肺在吸氣,整個身體是在把體內的氣向外排,即把人的氣釋放到天地;而肺在呼氣時,實際人是在通過全身毛孔吸收天地的精微之氣。 這大概就是老子所說的“天地之間,其猶橐龠乎”。

61、 運動有兩點禁忌:一是不能在氣血不足的時候運動;二是不能在污濁的環境中運動。

62、 運動的作用有二:一是增加氣血的運行速度,促進體內的垃圾排出體外;二是打開皮膚的毛孔,吸收天地精氣。

63、 什麼是悟性? 什麼是智慧? 悟性和智慧就是用最簡單的方法來處理、看待一切事物。 但一些庸人自擾的人總是把簡單的事情看複雜了、做複雜了。 繁和簡其實是一回事,是一回事的兩個方面。 聰明的人看到的是簡單的一面,愚蠢的人看到的是複雜的一面。

64、 人治不了的病,要靠神治;神治不了的病要靠佛治。 佛是什麼? 佛是心。

65、 現代的醫院和法院差不多,動不動就給病人下了死刑判決通知書。 而好多情況下,是把不該判死刑的人判了死刑。 為什麼這麼說呢? 就以“癌症”為例,癌症現在在人們的心裡=死刑。 其實如果我們不叫它癌症,那麼對於病人來講,就等於給病人留下了希望,等於留下了生機。 所以我講,現在的癌症病人有大半是被嚇死的,是被精神壓力折磨死的。 同時也是被醫院折磨死的。 因為你一旦被診斷成了癌症,那麼他就可以肆無忌憚地處理你,治不死是你命大,治死了,因為你是癌症。 事實上講,沒有治不了的病,只是你的心能不能放下,一切病從心生,一切病從心治。 只要你還活著,你就有生機。 找到了這個生機,對症而治,你就會康復。

66、 現在是一個競爭,把所有的秩序都打亂了,把人引入了魔道。 競爭是什麼? 競爭就是把人們引入無限的貪欲世界。 你一方面提倡競爭,一方面又談什麼構建和諧社會,這不是典型的自欺欺人嗎。

67、 根據陰陽互抱的原理來看,清與濁相互吸引。 所以人食入清新之物必將與體內污濁之物相抱,從而把它們排除體外。

68、 污濁之物的產生一是因為食入不干淨食物,但更主要的是食入了過多的食物,體內不能運化造成食物堆積成垃圾。

69、 順應自 ​​然是養生的最高境界。 一個人生下來,他的命運就基本上是有一定定數的。 他該干什麼,不該干什麼,該吃什麼不該吃什麼,如果能順著他的運數去做,就會平安無事。 有悟性的人會發現、知道自己的運數,知道他應該干什麼,不應該干什麼。 所以養生絕對不是簡單模仿,人云亦云。不要去羨慕別人,要從自己的心裡找到自己的悟性。 那麼人如何才能發現自己是否順其自然了呢?其實這太簡單不過了,你有病了,你不舒服了,你不自在了,那你就是違背自然了。 要做到順外面大自然的自然,還要順自己內在命運的自然,這二者是不可或缺的。

70、 很多人一聽到醫師宣布自己得了重病時,往往都會顯現出一副無辜的模樣,希望用切、割、毒、殺等外來方式去除疾病,然而,疾病真的會沒來由地產生嗎? 世上絕對沒有這種「好好的就突然生病的事情」。 以感冒為例,如果真要病人作自我反省的話,通常患者都會表示,自己在感冒之前,曾經一連熬了好幾個通宵;有些人會說,自己最近吹了冷風、淋了雨;有些人則說,工作的壓力很大,常常頭痛又失眠。 事實上,諸如此類現象,都是導致感冒的因素,接句話說,假使病人的敏感度及警覺性夠的話,自然能夠做到「防患未然」的目標。

71、 真正的科學是什麼? 就是因緣果報。 不信因果,就不是真正的科學。

72、 沒有怕吃虧的心,沒有佔別人便宜的心。 換句話說,就是你能吃虧,別人就是要你命你都捨得,你都給他,而自己在任何時候都不去貪便宜,那你的心還能不定嗎? 世人誰能做到? 但佛就做到了。

73、 當人們掌握了健康的方法之後,會真正享受到那種完全不用擔心疾病的自信,這種感覺真好,但願您也能和我們一樣擁有這份自信。

74、 學問深時意氣平,心定則氣平。 所以對於一個得道的人來說,觀察一個人,並不是一件很困難的事,這也是相隨心轉的結果。

75、 名為五欲之最難破者,色次之,財又次之,食與睡更次之。 名心不死,無以入道。

76、 百病之始,起於風邪乘入。 如體氣虛弱,營衛失調,或憂思驚恐,酒色勞力,真氣耗而外邪入矣。

77、 治五臟之病,莫先於補氣。 腎猶亟焉。 補氣在勿動心,心動則肝旺,各脈震驚,真水耗損。 心為扇,主引風。 風動則火旺,火旺則水幹,水幹則地損。

78、 對於醫生而言,心定神一,受治者信堅心專,兩心相合,可以統治百病,無不神效。

79、 從當年希特勒繞開盟軍堅固防線攻克馬其諾防線的案例中,我悟到了:對付一些頑固的病症,不能正面硬攻,要從其他的相關方面突破。 如治療腎病,肝病這些頑固之症,可通過調肺、脾等來達到效果。

80、 中庸,是養生的根本原則。 人體中的氣血也是一對陰陽,血為陰為體,氣為陽為用。 血為氣之母,氣為血之帥。 氣不足,易得淤積之病,如腫瘤、血栓等;氣太過,易得腦出血之類的病。 所以,只有氣血平衡,人才能健康。

81、 人只有悟到什麼是“自然”了,才算是得道了。 知道自然,然後能順其自然,這個人就是神人。 懂得陰陽了,懂得順其自然了,你就一定會成為良醫大德了。

82、 什麼是自然,自然就是任何事物都有陰陽兩面,任何事物都要經過生、長、收、藏的過程。 你順應這個過程,採用五行相生相剋的原理去調節病人的平衡,怎麼會治不好病呢。

83、 簡單和復雜是一對陰陽,越是複雜的事情,往往用最簡單的辦法就可以解決。 同樣,看似最簡單的問題,你往往解決起來並不容易,你付出極大的努力也不一定能解決得了。 這就和剛柔一樣,柔極能克剛,剛極柔不防。 所以,我們在解決問題的時候就要有這個思路,遇到復雜的問題要去找簡單的方法解決,遇到簡單的問題不要忽視它,要引起足夠的重視。 就和毛主席所說的那樣,戰略上藐視,戰術上重視。 就是對問題給予藐視,對過程引起重視。

84、 我們看看這個世界上是不是這個道理。 吃飯睡覺有幾個人能順其自然,有幾個人能遵守自然。 你遵守不了,為什麼? 因為它太簡單了,正因為太簡單了,所以你就不容易遵守。 這就是辯證法。

85、 什麼是平衡? 平衡就是陰陽的互相依存和互相制約,哪一方太過或不及都會失去平衡。 怎麼會傷元氣,失去平衡就是在傷元氣。 經常處於平衡的狀態,元氣就會保持得好,人就衰老的慢。

86、 陰陽之道就是矛盾對立的兩個方面互相依存、互相轉化。 任何一對矛盾,如果一方脫離了另一方,不受另一方的製約了。 那它離消失、滅亡就不遠了。 你看,當今社會,領導們都不喜歡制約,喜歡獨來獨往,我行我素,貪污受賄,其結果是什麼就可想而知了。 陰和陽就是如此。 大自然中,一個事物的出現,總有另它產生的因素,但同時總會出現另一因素來製約它。 這就是五行相生相剋的道理,也是陰陽相互依存、相互制約的道理。 所以養生的道理也是如此,你生病了,總有一個使你生病的因素存在,同時也會有一個制約它,令你疾病消失的因素存在。 正如自然界中毒蛇存在的地方,必定附近就有解蛇毒的草藥存在一樣。

87、 什麼叫人得意忘形? 他失去控制了,失去陰的製約了,所以其下場畢竟是……,同樣人也不能一味消沉下去,這就是失 ​​去陽對他的製約了。

88、 如何具有大智慧,沒有博大的胸懷,哪來的大智慧。

89、 俗語說,活到老,學到老。 學習也要應時, 到什麼年齡就要學他這個階段應該學的東西,否則就是不應時,不順其自然。 但看看我們現在的教育,從幼兒園到大學,有多少是學了應該學的東西。 小時候應該學什麼,應該學德,學孝道,接著學識字斷句,再往下學如何做事。 到青年學如何優生優育、家庭幸福。 到了中年,學習養生之道。 到了老年,學放下心態,安享晚年。 繼續教育學什麼,就是要學這些。

90、 情志跟疾病的相關性是很密切的,有些疾病就是因情志而起,你用藥物治療,治來治去都不好,對於這類疾病,解鈴還需繫鈴人。 五志能夠致病,五志亦能解病。

91、 養生有一條很重要,就是不能怕死。 怕死者陽氣不足,陽氣不足,死神就會找到你。 這就是道家所講的,修煉人要有英雄的氣質。 仁、智、勇三者缺一不可。

92、 當你把什麼學問理解到她是非常簡單樸素的時候,這時候你才是真正得到其中的三昧了。 如果你還感到她是那麼博大精深,深不可測,那是你還沒有掌握到她的精髓,是只見到茂密的樹葉,而沒看到她的根本,這時候你還是處於“有”的階段,沒有達到“無”的境界。 一切離不開陰陽,萬事萬物離不開陰陽。 這個根本就是陰陽。 知其一,萬事畢。

93、 凝神定氣,物我兩忘。 —養生的真諦。

94、 主明則下安,以此養生則壽,歿世不殆,以為天下則大昌。 主不明則十二官危,使道閉塞而不通,形乃大傷,以此養生則殃,以為天下者,其宗大危,戒之戒之!

95、 五行相生相剋的應用:凡是因五臟太過引起的疾病,都可以用五行相剋的方法對治。 同樣,凡是因為五行不足引起的疾病都可以用五行相生的方法解決。 這是運用五行的根本原則。

96、 現代人往往都在追求提高物質生活方面下工夫,這種追求的後果是很可怕的。 要知道,人們對於物質的慾望是無止境的。 一旦這種慾望得不到控制,那等待我們的就是無止境的痛苦。 其實,物質能帶來的享受,精神也能;藥物能治療疾病,心理療法也能做到。 所以,我們用一生來追求財富,不如用一生來培養出一種好的心態,讓我們的精神達到一種超凡的境界。

97、 當人們掌握了健康的理念和方法之後,會真正享受到那種完全不用擔心疾病的自信,這種感覺真好,願我們都能擁有這份自信。

98、 我們人體是一個充滿智能的機體,我們的身體有好多“哨兵”:牙齒、闌尾、扁條體等。 本來一旦我們的身體有異常時(通常是“上火”),這些哨兵會立即做出反應通知大腦。 聰明的人這時候就應該調整心態,檢討自己,讓自己平和下來。 但現在我們的西醫都做了什麼? 你疼不是嗎,我把你們通通切除掉。 現在更有甚者,發明了一種儀器,你不是得了過敏性鼻炎打噴嚏嗎? 我把你鼻子裡的敏感區神經燒毀,這樣以後你怎麼刺激它都不會打噴嚏了。 西醫這樣做的後果就是可能我們再生病後,切掉的就是我們的五臟六腑了。

99、 記住,我們偶爾拉肚子、打噴嚏、咳嗽、發燒等都是我們自己的身體修復系統在工作 ,不要一出現這些症狀就濫用藥物,否則這些藥物就會破壞你自身的修復功能,一旦你的修復功能減弱或喪失,那你就把命運交給這些藥物了。 記住,只要症狀不嚴重,最好的辦法是靜養 ,安心靜氣讓自身的修復系統來完成疾病的修復工作。 所以,我們每個人都要慎用藥物,讓我們自身的修復系統功能恢復起來,這才是真正的健康之道。

100、 很多重病或絕症,都只有一個理由:恨。 當這恨沒了,病也必一起消失。 這世間最難解的是綿延不止的恨,固有解不開的恨,才有治不好的病。51 , convalesce law: the comfort of their ( lying ) in bed , put together the body and mind , his whole body , such as melting , not allowed to use every dollar strength, this does not seem like himself . Let it breathe , the heart is also not allowed to use a little force it , read together is harder. The peace of mind in the soles of the feet , this is the fire down , water upward , natural systemic blood smoothly.

52 , practice tips : stillness and silence should not force according to Buddha for his ancestors no secret .
Specific Requirements : Do not use any part of that effort , including ideas , respiratory , physical , do: no eye view , ears do not hear , nose does not smell, no taste tongue , mouth is not satisfied , the heart did not want to . This is the only condition . Thoughtfully heard that sense, that is, with the air force, and even refers to the arm that is pneumatically . That is thicker breathing air force . Soon it breathe naturally and flat nose and mouth seem to help the cashier , and has covered eighty-four thousand pores in the action , or sheets , or flaring , this time without me no body airless mood , normalized based natural heart . The so-called Fire yuan , also known as Jiji , for the treatment of diseases of the total formula .

53 , for health and died , accounting for three tenths . In the end how is it ? Because too care of their body. To pair husk , fear humiliation , fear favored , afraid to lose , afraid fooled, indecisive, and looked around , fear , thinking ...... so, he shrunk walnut heart was like the day , such as repeatedly gnawed by dogs , how can immortality . The more afraid of death, the more die quickly . If your health , you have not afraid of death . Only fear of death , in order to stay away from death. Really afraid of dead people , walking will not encounter the tiger, the tiger is met not eat him. War is not the case of swords is met , swords and guns do not hurt him. Why ? Because he does not die seriously, not afraid of death , the dead will not be able . Health, not a religious purpose , but people have seen through the monastic life and death , so there is no fear of death , since it is no longer afraid of death , then death is no longer a problem. Life and death over that hurdle , what make life difficult ? Therefore , people can monastic longevity . I did not expect longevity , then this could longevity . Obsessed with longevity , but die quickly . Longevity is not a religious purpose , it is just a religious epiphenomenon .

54 people sick, sick people do not think that this is one of the largest disease. Know he was sick of people there?

55, the middle of the night every day, people are still online , health itself is taboo . Including some of the so-called doctors as well. Also, the amount is also preoccupied with their hearts , how can such a person can not hold even their own , but also how the medical people?

56 , do not greedy little cheap, bargain and do not greedy . A greedy curse word on his mouth . Greedy , thinking can lead people get heart disease. Greedy , thinking Imitation of Nature is to understand the performance .

57 , do not think of what to eat every day, yin , yang what to eat . Remember , the movement can be born male ; female students walking on it . Mother of yin yang , yin yang purposes.

58 , who at the time of the gas shortage , not blindly qi, otherwise it will affect their health . If it is because of lack of blood, I will need blood, because the blood is the mother of qi , otherwise it becomes dry containers, the internal organs burned ; If it is because stasis barrier, can increase blood, blood with fill. So as to achieve the effect of qi .

59 , the importance of the environment on human health is self-evident . This is why people in the fresh air and deep forests , chronic illness will keep good reason. Because the deep forests of microscopic substances ( ions ) through one deep breath in a relaxed situation it absorbed into the human body , thus nourishing pregnant and raise internal organs , makes rejuvenated. It is also important that ordinary people do not know, it is not just the person to breathe through the nose and mouth , every human body is sweat pores can breathe, and it is the essence of heaven and earth, they learned .

60 people in the state still loose , slowly take a deep breath and the world will be able to appreciate the subtle exchange of gas : When breathing, in addition to the actual lungs inhale, the entire body is the body of the outward exhaust gas, gas that is released into the human world ; while lung during exhalation , the actual people in the world by the subtle body pores to absorb the gas . This is probably the father said, " between heaven and earth , it still sack flute almost ."

61 , there are two taboos movement : one can not be lack of blood at the time of exercise ; second is not movement in dirty environments.

62, the effect of exercise is twofold: firstly, to increase the speed of blood , promote the body of waste excreted ; Second, open the pores of the skin to absorb the essence of heaven and earth .

63 , what is the perception ? What is wisdom ? Understanding and wisdom is to use the easiest way to deal with, look at everything . But some people always fuss simple things look complicated , so complicated. Fan and Jane is one thing , are two aspects of the same thing . Smart people see is the simple side, stupid people see is the complex side .

64 , not the rule of man 's disease, rely on God governance ; God can not cure the disease depends on the Buddha governance. What is Buddha ? Buddha is the heart.

65 , modern hospitals and courts almost always give the patient a notice under the death sentence . Down a lot of cases, it is the people who should not be sentenced to death a death sentence . Why? Take the "cancer " for example, cancer is now in people's hearts = death. In fact, if we do not call it cancer, then the patient is concerned, it will mean leaving the patient hope , leaving equal vigor . So I say , there are now more than half of cancer patients are scared to death , was tortured to death in mental stress . Also been tortured to death in the hospital . Because once you become a cancer was diagnosed , then he can do anything to deal with you , your life is a big rule die , put to death, because you are a cancer. Actually speaking , there can not cure the disease, but your heart can not put down , everything from heart disease , everything from heart disease treatment . As long as you are alive , you have a life. Found this life , and symptomatic treatment , you will recover.

66 , is now a competition , all the order are disrupted, the person introducing the Magic . What competition ? Competition is to introduce people to the world the infinite greed . On one hand you promote competition , on the one hand they talk about building a harmonious society, which is not typical of self-deception do .

67 , according to the principles of yin and yang, hold each view, clear and turbid attract each other. So who ingested fresh thing is bound in vivo phase hold dirty things , which put them out of the body .

68 , resulting in dirty things first, because ingestion of unclean food, but more important is the ingestion of too much food , the body can not be shipped cause food piled into trash.

69 , conform to the highest natural state of health . One is born , his fate is essentially a certain fixed number . He should do, should not do, what to eat and what not to eat , if they can do it shipped down his number , it will be well. Savvy people will find themselves transported to know the number , that he should do and should not do. So health is definitely not a simple imitation , parrot . Do not go to the envy of others , from his heart to find their perception . So how can we find out whether their own people let it out? In fact, this is too simple , however, and you are sick , you are not comfortable , you uncomfortable , then you are up against nature . To do naturally along the outside of nature, but also their inner nature along the fate of both is essential.

70 , a lot of people hear when doctors announced was very ill, often will show himself an innocent look, hope to use cut, cut , poison , and kill exotic way to remove the disease , however, the disease really gratuitous produce it? This is definitely not the world , " good things suddenly get sick ." In a cold , for example, if you really want to make the patient self-reflection , then the patient will usually expressed himself in a cold before , once boil for several consecutive night ; Some people would say that he recently blew a cold wind , the rain ; while others say , a lot of work pressure , headaches and insomnia often . In fact, like the phenomenon , are factors that lead to the common cold , then words, if the patient's sensitivity and alertness enough, naturally able to do target " precautionary measure " in .

71 , what is the real science? Karma is karma . Do not believe in cause and effect , it is not real science .

72 , there is no fear to lose heart, do not account for other people cheap heart. In other words, you can lose , others that you are willing to kill you , you gave him , while he is not going to be cheap at any time that your heart is still uncertain yet ? The world who can do that ? But the Buddha did.

73 , when people mastered the healthy way after that will really enjoy the full confidence of the disease do not worry , this feels so good , I hope you can like us have this confidence.

74 , learned the deep emotional level when the heart given the gas level. So for an enlightenment of the people, look at a person , not a very difficult task , which is the result of the phase blossoms turn .

75 , who called the five desires of the hardest to break , color , followed by Choi and second, followed by food and sleep more . Name the heart die , no to humanely .

76 , the beginning of diseases , starting in Feng Xie ride into . As the body of gas weakness, business health disorders, or Concerned panic , wine and women labor, infuriating consumption while evils into men.

77 , internal organs cure the disease , MO prior to qi. Renal still urgent Yan. Do not be tempted in qi , heart the liver Wang , each pulse shock , real water consumption. Heart for the fans, master the wind . Wind moving the Huo, Huo is water dry , dry the ground water damage .

78 , for doctors, looking hard hearts , Kennedy believed the governed exclusively heart , two hearts consistency, you can rule all diseases , all the magic .

79 , from Hitler to bypass the Maginot Line of the Allied capture of strong defense case, I realized : to deal with some stubborn illness , not hard to attack the front , from the other relevant aspects of a breakthrough. Such as treatment of kidney disease , liver disease, these stubborn disease, the effect can be achieved by adjusting the lungs and spleen .

80 , moderation is the fundamental principle of health. The body 's blood also a pair of yin and yang , yin blood for the body, for the use of gas as the sun . Blood is the mother of gas, the gas is the commander of blood . Gas shortage , easy to get siltation of the disease , such as cancer, blood clots , etc. ; gas is too easy to get diseases like cerebral hemorrhage . Therefore, only the blood balance , people can be healthy .

81 , who only realized what is " natural ", and is considered the enlightenment . Know naturally , and then be able to go with the flow , this person is a man of God . Understand the yin and yang , and know how to go with the flow , you will certainly become a good doctor Dade .

82 , what is the nature, nature is everything has yin and yang , everything must go through birth, growth , income, possession process. You follow this process , using the five elements allelopathy of principles to regulate the balance of the patient , how it will not cure the disease .

83 , are a pair of simple and complex yin and yang , the more complicated things , often in the most simple way can be resolved. Similarly, the seemingly simple question , you often will not be easy to solve , you pay a great deal of effort had not necessarily solve . This and rigid , like a very soft can overcome , not just a very soft defense . So , we will have this idea in solving problems encountered complex problems to find a simple way to solve simple problems encountered do not ignore it , to attract enough attention . Chairman Mao put it on and on strategic contempt , tactically . The problem is to give contempt for the process of attention.

84 , we look at this world is not the truth. Eat and sleep a few people can go with the flow , there are few people to comply with nature. You can not comply with , and why ? Because it is too simple , because too simple , so you can not easily observed. This is dialectics.

85 , what is the balance ? The balance of yin and yang is the interdependence and mutual restraint, which party will lose too much or less balanced . How will be debilitating , loss of balance that is debilitating. Often in a state of balance , strength will remain well, slow aging people .

86 , the yin and yang of the road are two contradictory aspects of interdependence , mutual transformation . Any contradiction, if one out of the other party , the other party is not constrained . That it is from the disappearance of the demise of far away. You see, in today's society , the leaders do not like constraints , like a loner , its own way , corruption and bribery , and the result is what can imagine. Yin and yang is the case. Nature, the emergence of a thing , there are always other factors it produces , but there will always be another factor restricting it . This is the five elements allelopathy truth is the yin and yang of interdependence and mutual restraint of truth. So the health of the truth , too, you sick, so you always have a sick factors exist , it will also have a constraint , so you factor in the presence of the disease disappear . As local snakes exist in nature , must have the solution near the venom herbs exist.

87 , what as people get carried away ? He lost control , restricting lost overcast , so its fate is ...... after all , the same person can not blindly depressed, this is the loss of positive constraints on his.

88 , how to have great wisdom , there is no broad-minded , but where's the great wisdom .

89 , the saying goes , live to old to learn . Learning also responded to what age we should learn something he should learn at this stage , otherwise it is not the time , do not go with the flow . But look at our current education , from kindergarten to university , how much is learned things should learn. What a child should learn , should learn German , learn piety , then science literacy punctuation, and then down to learn how to do things . Youth learn how to prenatal and postnatal care , family happiness. To the middle-aged , learning regimen . In old age , learning to lay down mentality , old age. Continuing Education What is to learn these .

90 , with emotion -related diseases are very close , some diseases is because of emotional sky, you use drugs , to treat to treatment is not good for these diseases , the trouble maker people . Goshi can cause disease, Goshi solution can also sick .

91 , there is a very important health is not afraid of death . Those who fear death yang , insufficient yang , death will find you. This is spoken of Taoism , practitioners have a hero who 's temperament . Benevolence, wisdom, courage three are indispensable .

92 , when you put what she learned to understand it is very simple and plain , this time you get one of the real Samadhi it. If you still feel that she is so profound, unfathomable, that is what you have not got to her essence , is the saw to the dense foliage , but simply did not see her , this time you are still in " there " stage, did not meet the "no " realm. Everything is inseparable from the yin and yang , yin and yang, everything can not be separated . This is simply yin and yang. Know one , everything is complete .

93 , your breath will air , two things I forgot . - The health of the essence.

94 , the next main Ming An, as health is longevity, died the world will not be threatened , that the world is DCH . The main unknown is the official twelve crises that road without occlusion pass, shape are major injuries , as health is calamity , that the world , their were big danger, of the precepts !

95 , the five elements allelopathy application : all diseases caused due to internal organs too , can use the five elements g approach to governance. Similarly , all five elements of the diseases caused because of lack can use the five elements of a solution . This is a fundamental principle of the use of the five elements .

96 , in the pursuit of modern people often make an effort to improve the material life , the consequences of this pursuit is very scary. You know, people for material desires are endless . Once this desire is not controlled, it is the endless wait for our suffering . In fact , the material can bring enjoyment, but also the spirit ; drugs to treat the disease , psychotherapy can do. Therefore, we use a lifetime to the pursuit of wealth , as a lifetime to cultivate a good attitude , so that our spirit to achieve a superior level.

97 , when people mastered the concepts and methods of health after 'll really enjoy the kind of confidence nothing to worry about disease , this feels so good , I hope we can have this confidence.

98, our body is full of intelligent body , our body has a lot of " sentinel" : teeth, appendix, flat strip body and so on. Once our bodies have been abnormal ( usually " angry" ) , these Sentinel will respond immediately notify the brain. Smart people should adjust their mentality this time to review yourself to calm down. But now we have done what Western medicine ? You do not hurt , I commend you all cut off . Now what is more, invented an instrument , you are not allergic rhinitis, sneezing got it? I put your nose in the sensitive area of ​​the nerve burned, so how do you stimulate it later will not sneezing . Western medicine is that the consequences of doing so could we get sick again , is that we cut off the internal organs .

99 , remember, we occasionally diarrhea, sneezing , coughing , fever and so are our own body repair system at work, these symptoms do not appear on a drug , otherwise these drugs will destroy your self- repair function , once you repair weakened or lost , then you put the fate to these drugs . Remember, as long as the symptoms are not severe , the best way is to convalesce , Xinjing gas make their own repair system to complete the repair work of the disease. Therefore , each of us must be used with caution drugs , so our own repair system functions recover , this is the real healthy way .

100 , many seriously ill or terminally ill , there is only one reason: hate. When this did not hate , it will disappear along with the disease . It is the world's most intractable stretches more than hate , hate inherent untied , only incurable disease.


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