
1779904_605021649571275_1709584503_n榮偉佛2014年02.15在全美國武術錦標賽贏得三枚金牌 - Rongwei Buddha in the 2014.02.15 U.S. Wushu Championship wins three gold medals
 1002645_605591829514257_1478692749_n榮偉佛入選2014美國傳統武術,國家武術代表隊~Rongwei Buddha named 2014 American Traditional Wushu team 1510805_605591786180928_494251073_n榮偉佛入選2014美國傳統武術,國家武術代表隊~Rongwei Buddha named 2014 American Traditional Wushu team ~
1795980_605591179514322_1502010708_o榮偉佛入選2014美國傳統武術,國家武術代表隊~Rongwei Buddha named 2014 American Traditional Wushu team ~
1939994_605027459570694_654789023_o榮偉佛2014年02.15在全美國武術錦標賽贏得三枚金牌 - Rongwei Buddha in the 2014.02.15 U.S. Wushu Championship wins three gold medals
578870_342217849194642_1294056408_n榮偉佛入選2014美國傳統武術國家隊:感謝~授業恩師黃連順師父的細心培養和指導。美國國家武術隊選拔賽 (2014 U.S.  Traditional WUshu Team Trials) 日前在華盛頓落下帷幕,來自美國猶他州金剛般若武術學院代表隊:榮偉佛贏得三枚金牌大獲全勝,成功入選美國國家傳統武術隊。備戰2014年第六屆世界傳統武術錦標賽,美國武術聯合會于當地時間2月14日至16日在華盛頓特區舉行國家武術隊選拔賽,來自全美各大武術院校和組織的200多名選手參加了本次比賽,比賽分內容有太極拳、八極拳、形意拳、翻子拳、八卦掌、醉拳、劍術、醉劍、槍術、刀術、三節棍、九節鞭等,選手們經過激烈角逐,來自美國猶他州金剛般若武術學院代表隊:榮偉佛贏得三枚金牌.國際武術聯合會副主席、美國武術聯合會主席吳廷貴指出,這是美國武術聯合會舉辦的一次高水準武術比賽,公平公正公開,選上的隊員幾乎是清一色華裔選手,基本代表了美國目前的競技武術水準,他本人對10月份舉行的第六屆世界傳統武術比賽充滿信心,並預祝所有參賽選手取得好成績。武術大會指出,近年來美國武術運動水準在各界努力下已取得長足的進步,個人單項也發展到能夠在世界大賽中獲得前三名的奪牌實力。The martial arts team tryout(the 2014 U.S. Traditional WUshu Team Trials) in the United States nation fell in a curtain in Washington few days ago and came from a gold in Utah, the United States just sort if representatives in the college of martial arts:glory Wei the Buddha won three gold medals to win a landslide victory and successfully selected a traditional martial arts team in the United States nation.Prepare for in 2014 a traditional martial arts championship in the sixth world, American martial arts unite the meeting hold a national martial arts team in Washington's special area on February 14-16 local time tryout, came from whole beautiful each big martial arts colleges and more than 200 contestants of the organization to take part in this game, competed the part of duty to permit Taichi, eight pole boxings and form idea boxing, turn over boxing son, gossip Zhang, inebriate boxing, swordsmanship, inebriate sword, gun Shu, knife Shu, three section stick, nine section whip etc., the contestants process vehemence contends for and come from a gold in Utah, the United States just sort if representatives in the college of martial arts:glory Wei the Buddha won three 


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