
3567978_12p118683788411 篤行漢傳佛教~禪宗,始於菩提達摩,盛於六祖惠能,中晚唐之後成為漢傳佛教的主流。漢傳佛教宗派多來自於印度,但唯獨天台宗、華嚴宗與禪宗,是由中國獨立發展出的三個本土佛教宗派。其中禪宗最具獨特的性格。禪宗祖師會運用各種教學方法引導學人,又稱作「機鋒」,為的是要讓弟子們悟入真如法性、第八識如來藏、自性清淨心,名為開悟。其核心思想為:「不立文字,教外別傳;直指人心,見性成佛」,意指透過自身修証,從日常生活中參究真理,直到最後悟道,也就是真正認識自己的本來面目。然「悟道」並非事畢,而是才剛剛踏入佛道的「無門之門」,真正懂得「空性」的真實義,由此「悟後起修」,一直到淨除二障:煩惱障與所知障後,成就佛果。481471_463375503745542_2093337871_n1238377_513828555366903_1567462268_nDusing Chinese Buddhism - Zen, Bodhidharma began, Sheng Hui Neng, after the late Tang to become the mainstream of Chinese Buddhism. Chinese Buddhist sects come from India, but there was Tiantai, Huayan and Zen, independently developed by China's three local Buddhist sects. Zen which most unique character. Zen Patriarch will use a variety of teaching methods to guide scholars, also known as "Eloquent" is to make disciples of the law really becomes aware of, the eighth consciousness Tathagatagarbha, since pure heart, called enlightenment. Its core idea is: "Do not stand writing, teaching outside Biography; Zhizhirenxin, and see the Buddha", meaning through their own revised version, from participation in daily life study of truth, until finally enlightenment, that is the real understanding of their original face. However, "enlightenment" is not something completed, but only just entered the Buddhist's "door to nowhere" really understand the true meaning of "emptiness", thus "Wu newcomer repair" until purify two barrier: with knowledge of the barrier after barrier troubles, achievement Buddhahood。


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