
  yoga-meditation.jpg                                                                                                                                                  即將來臨的21世紀,我們會比較快樂嗎?很遺憾,答案恐怕是否定的。依據世界衛生組織(WHO)統計,到下一個世紀,威脅人類健康最甚的殺手中,憂鬱症將居第二位,僅次於心臟血管疾病。世界衛生組織 (WHO)目前將憂鬱症 (Depression)、癌症及AIDS並列為廿一世紀的三大疾病及衛教預防重點工作。

2003年八月份的美國時代週刊(TIME)上,封面出現了靜坐冥想的畫面,再加上斗大的The Science of Meditation標題,靜坐冥想,登上美國重要雜誌的探討議題,內頁於健康專欄(Health)以極大的篇幅報導美國今日的靜坐冥想Just Say Om。並引起了許多報紙如華爾街日報等的後續報導。誠如封面的標題「The Science of Meditation」,不難猜到此篇文章所強調的重點,是在為靜坐冥想找到科學根據、健康論點。 


作者Joel Stein提到,如今在美國不相信靜坐冥想效果的人屬於少數(minority),而定期靜坐冥想的人更是超過千萬,是十年前的兩倍。政治人物如前副總統高爾、參議員希拉蕊、明星李察‧基爾、歌蒂韓、海德‧格萊姆,歌星香妮亞‧吐溫等等知名人士,皆奉行靜坐冥想。 










引用自作者Joel Stein

Coming soon the 21st century, we will be quite joyful? Very regrettable, perhaps the answer is negative. (WHO) counts based on the World Health Organization, to the next century, will threaten in the human health most murderer really, the melancholia will occupy second, will be only inferior to the heart blood vessel disease. Therefore World Health Organization (WHO) present melancholia (Depression), cancer and AIDS compound is 21 century three big diseases and the health teaches to prevent the key work. In August's, on 2003 American time weekly (TIME), the title page presented the picture which sits in meditation contemplates, in addition very large The Science of the Meditation title, sits in meditation contemplates, mounts the American important magazine the discussion subject, in the page in the healthy column (Health) by the enormous length reported that American today sits in meditation contemplates Just Say Om. And has caused many newspaper like Wall Street Journal and so on following report. Like the title page title “The Science of Meditation”, is not difficult to guess correctly this article emphasized the key point, was to sit in meditation contemplates finds the science to act according to, the healthy argument.  Author Joel Stein mentioned that now in the US did not believe sits in meditation the human who contemplates the effect to belong to minority (minority), but sits in meditation the human who contemplates is regularly surpasses surely, is ten year ago two times. Political figure like former Vice President Gore, senator Hillary, star Li Cha‧ Kiel, song peduncle Han, Hyde ‧ standard lai, singing star fragrant ni Asia ‧ Twain and so on celebrity, all carries out sits in meditation contemplates.    American more and more doctors suggest the people, must put aside the religious culture the standpoint, but from the medicine health care's angle looked that sits in meditation contemplates. The medicines very definitely sit in meditation the effect which contemplates, for example the enhancement immunity, reduces the blood pressure, the prevention old disease, to relax the mood, the reduced oxygen consumption capacity, but may also help to lose weight, even treats sterility and so on. After more than 30 years scientific experiments, also confirmed that sits in meditation contemplates to the affable pressure has certain effect, may say that is a placard resistant to compression effective prescription. Makes the research which one jumps for joy is, sits in meditation contemplates can adjust and adapt the mood and the stimulation cerebrum. The scientist does the experiment by modern reflection science and technology, pointed out that sits in meditation contemplates to rallies the brain cell, makes a connection with the circuit which in the brain blocks to have its effect.   Harvard University Medical school's shore woods professor in 1967, started to 36 sitting in meditation meditators to do a series of experiments, including palpitation frequency, blood pressure, body temperature and so on. He discovered sat in meditation contemplates when the oxygen consumption to decrease 17%, palpitation each minute reduced three times, THETA brain wave frequency remarkable markup and so on.   Sits in meditation contemplates to the relief pressure, the stable mood function, already utilizes in the medicine in the treatment melancholia sickness, now utilizes in treatments and so on old disease, heart disease, cancer, the enhancement immunity, produces the immune body. Although sits in meditation contemplates in the human history, the religious circles line already the long time, the advantage is also relates endlessly, but always lacks the powerful scientific evidence to prove, today did obeisance the science to progress bestows, has opened the mystical color which sat in meditation contemplates, had proven, no matter in the psychological aspect or the bodily aspect, sat in meditation has the enormous influence, even might transform our cerebrum, had, the positive ponder joyfully. But elaborates by the science, the westerner creates many improvements-like to sit in meditation contemplates the way, with simpler and a convenient way, the daily several minutes may let live the large scale improvement, actually the modern people should practice health care effective prescription. Quotation original work Joel Stein

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